How to make an herbal flea remedy for your cat

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Cat Flea Treatment (10 Natural Ways!)
Video: Cat Flea Treatment (10 Natural Ways!)


Does your cat have fleas but don't want to use harsh chemicals or just can't afford the medication? Here are some natural remedies for getting rid of cat fleas.


  1. 1 Make sure the cat has fleas. Does your cat scratch from having fleas? The cat may also itch because it has dandruff or allergies. Make sure you actually find fleas in your cat's fur before proceeding to step 2.
  2. 2 Buy a flea comb. These are usually sold at your local pet store. You can also use a lice comb if you already have one.
  3. 3 Buy fresh lavender. It may be tricky to find, but you can ask around at stores that sell herbs and herbal supplements. Lavender is a natural flea repellent that smells good for you and your cat. You can also buy the seeds or the plant itself and grow lavender in your garden.
  4. 4 Take a spray bottle. You can use an empty spray bottle that you find at home, but be careful not to use bottles that have previously contained harsh chemicals. If you do not want any undesirable reactions to appear on the cat's skin, then thoroughly clean the bottle.
  5. 5 Soak the lavender overnight. Take enough fresh lavender and place it in a clean container - let it sit overnight.
  6. 6 Strain and pour lavender water into a clean spray bottle. Use a small tea strainer to strain lavender from the water overnight.
  7. 7 Pour lavender water into a clean spray bottle.
  8. 8 Comb the cat with a flea comb. Be careful when brushing around the face and ears. Pay special attention to the face, withers, neck under the chin, armpits and abdomen.
  9. 9 Spray lavender water all over the cat's body. The lavender mixture must be absorbed into the skin. It may be worth asking someone to hold the cat to prevent it from running away or scratching you, as the cat is unlikely to enjoy the noise of the spray or the feeling of being wet. Avoid getting into the area of ​​the eyes, mouth and nose. Concentrate on the areas listed in step 8 and be careful around the muzzle.
  10. 10 Disinfect your home. Fleas are difficult to get rid of, so it is very important to THOROUGHLY disinfect your home. This means any clothing, bedding, soft material, carpets and furniture must be sanitized. Buy only those household chemicals that are safe for animals. Vacuum thoroughly!
  11. 11 Use a lavender spray as needed and brush your cat frequently. It would be good to treat the cat with lavender water and brush the flea comb once a day. Look for fleas periodically and count the number of fleas found to determine how many there are.


  • Brush your cat frequently with a flea comb.
  • Treat your cat with lavender water evenly.
  • If your cat is outdoors, spray the area around the house with a pesticide to kill fleas that live outdoors.
  • Have a friend or family member hold your cat while you spray it with lavender water.


  • NEVER use essential oils! This is very cruel to the cat, and if they are absorbed into the skin, it can cause a rash or in extreme cases cause liver damage and death!
  • Stay away from used bottles and household cleaners that contain limonene, citric acid, or any citrus ingredient. Citrus plants and supplements are extremely toxic to cats. Because of them, the cat can get sick or even die!