How to care for Tradescantia

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Tradescantia Care Tips (Light, Water, Soil, Propagation)
Video: Tradescantia Care Tips (Light, Water, Soil, Propagation)


Tradescantia (aka "wandering Jew") is a very beautiful plant. It is famous for its purple leaves and is considered a great addition to any home. He needs relatively simple care. Read on to find out exactly how to care for Tradescantia!


  1. 1 Choose the right pot for your plant. While you can use a regular pot, hanging baskets work best.
    • If you are using hanging baskets, remember to unfold them daily so that the flower receives an even amount of sunlight.
  2. 2 Give your plant enough sunlight. Tradescantia requires a lot of bright sunlight. If possible, alternate between direct and penetrating sunlight.
  3. 3 Water your plant often. Tradescantia likes to keep the soil moist, but doesn't like to drown in water!
    • Test the soil with your finger every day. If it seems too dry to you, add a little water.
    • Some people find it convenient to invest in their plants "aqua globes".
  4. 4 Prune your plant. By trimming the ends of the stems, you will help your plant grow thicker.
  5. 5 Spray your plant frequently.
  6. 6 Feed your plant's soil with strengthening fertilizers every month.
  7. 7 Pull off diseased, rotten, or withered leaves.


  • You can leave your plant both outdoors and indoors.
  • When your plant grows large, plant new seedlings from its shoots.
  • The windowsill is a great place to place your plant.


  • Be careful. Tradescantia may cause skin irritation.