How to overcome pride

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Six Ways to Put Away Pride
Video: Six Ways to Put Away Pride


At first glance, pride can seem like a strong character trait. But truth be told, pride is synonymous with self-praise and great self-esteem. This means that it can be difficult for proud people to look at their own shortcomings. If you are a proud person, you may think you are better than others. But in the end, pride can destroy relationships and become a stumbling block to personal growth. Overcome pride by recognizing this is not a good quality, by increasing self-awareness, replacing it with humility and getting rid of self-doubt.


Method 1 of 3: Recognize your pride

  1. 1 Admit mistakes. If you are a proud person, it may be difficult for you to admit that you are wrong. In a sense, it is not easy for all of us to do this. You may be denying responsibility because mistakes do not fit your self-image. However, admitting that you are wrong is not a weakness, it is just a part of being human.
    • Learn to admit mistakes, correct them, and apologize for what you did when you were wrong. Just say, “Sorry. I made a mistake". This will help maintain the relationship or even benefit your personal growth.
  2. 2 Stop getting into defensive posture. In a way, excessive pride puts a person in a precarious position, because he is always on guard of his status or favor with himself. For this reason, proud people are often defensive. Protection is a sign of stubbornness and self-doubt. In such situations, few people want to continue the dialogue.
    • Instead of rushing to defend yourself, pause. Don't follow instincts that tell you to defend yourself. Take a few deep breaths. Agree (to a certain extent) by saying, "Yes, and ...". This is preferable to the phrase "Yes, but ...", which looks like protection. Then, brainstorm with the other person to find an effective solution that does not jeopardize your relationship.
    • Make every effort to develop your curiosity and the ability to accept someone else's point of view.
    • Work on seeing criticism as part of the experience from which to learn. If you take everything to heart, it will be more difficult for you to analyze criticism and correct.
  3. 3 Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness allows you to slow down and experience the present moment. Self-awareness will allow you to look at things soberly and help you catch arrogant thoughts and reactions. Begin to practice self-awareness to notice and eventually accept these parts of yourself.
    • Self-awareness can be activated when pride covers you. For example, you feel threatened by a coworker who is doing a great job. You can slow down and listen to your thoughts and feelings. Remember, you don't need to view someone's success as a threat. Better think about what you can learn from this person. So you can enjoy the success of others.

Method 2 of 3: Get rid of self-doubt

  1. 1 Take risks more often. Pride makes a person insecure. As a result, people rarely do anything that can undermine their status. You may be avoiding things that people might judge you for — you don't take risks and don't try new things.
    • Highlight one thing you would like to learn or do and make a plan to get started within the next week. Don't overthink it, just do it.
    • Once you accept this challenge, listen carefully to yourself: how do you feel about going against your self-doubt? Ignore other people's opinions or judgments. If you make a mistake, accept it as part of your development. It's normal and natural to be wrong.
  2. 2 Accept constructive criticism. Proud people rarely seek feedback. Nevertheless, a different point of view is sometimes the only way to maintain an objective perception of yourself. Promise yourself that you will start not only accepting constructive criticism, but also using it to your advantage.
    • Start by asking a few friends or coworkers to honestly name three personality traits they admire, and then three traits you need to work on. Don't defend yourself. Say thank you and consider how you can use these suggestions for personal growth.
  3. 3 Stop comparing. Comparing ourselves to others, we look for something where we are better than others. If you're a proud person, chances are your self-worth is tied to what you have or what you've done. People with healthy self-esteem value who they are, regardless of their accomplishments or affiliations.
    • Acknowledge your current beliefs, but learn to question them. It will help you grow.
  4. 4 Ask questions. Pride and self-doubt often mislead a person into knowing everything there is to know. And if he does not know everything, then he does not dare to tell anyone about it. Get over your pride by admitting that you don't have all the answers. Don't be afraid to say the phrase, “I don't know,” and feel free to ask questions to expand the boundaries of your thinking.
    • For example, you are sitting in a class and the teacher asks you a question. Your typical reaction when you don't know something might be defensiveness. But instead, you might say, “I'm not sure. Can you help me figure this out? "

Method 3 of 3: Cultivate Humility

  1. 1 Expose your flaws. If you are ruled by pride, it can be difficult for you to admit your flaws. Start practicing vulnerability and showing your flaws. Most likely, you will find that others like you more. It also makes it easier for you to comment out without looking arrogant.
    • It doesn't have to be some kind of grandiose revelation. Start small. The next time you hear that someone shows weakness (for example, says: "Oh, it's so difficult for me to resist sweets!"), Which is not alien to you, tell about it. Trying to appear perfect, you hinder the development of strong bonds. Keep it simple.
    • Vulnerability takes courage, but it all comes with practice.
  2. 2 Be open to different opinions. Listen actively. You can learn something from any person, even if it seems that he is beneath your dignity. If you accept the belief that your words are more important than the words of other people, you will alienate those around you. In addition, this approach will significantly reduce the options for your personal growth.
    • Even if someone shares crazy ideas with you, show respect and listen to them. Who knows, perhaps in the middle of his speech you will begin to realize the genius of this plan.
  3. 3 Praise others. Both at work and in everyday life, it is sometimes necessary to shift the center of attention away from yourself. Sometimes proud people don't want others to shine. You may feel that this will belittle your own accomplishments. But this is not the case. Show your approval if you deserve it. And, if you see something good in a person, tell him about it.
    • For example, if you notice that your friend writes well, tell him: “Wow, I always considered myself an extraordinary writer, but you also have good skills, Timur. This is great!"
    • By elevating those around you, you yourself will rise, becoming a more whole person.
  4. 4 Learn to ask for help. Humble people understand that everyone needs a helping hand at some point. However, proud people often do everything on their own, pretending that they do not need others. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. In fact, it eases suffering and promotes mutual aid and cooperation. This is very far-sighted.
    • Gradually learn to ask for help from others. Start simple: ask the person in front to hold the door, or tell a friend that you need to talk. Pay attention to how responsive people will be to your requests. People love to help!
  5. 5 Try to give more than take. Being humble does not mean putting others ahead of yourself by sacrificing your own needs. This means not being absorbed in yourself, missing out on the opportunity to be useful to someone. Shift your focus to the outside world and determine how you can help and connect with others on an equal footing.
    • The next time you see someone in a difficult situation, lend a helping hand. Ask a colleague, partner, or friend, "Is there anything I can do to brighten up your day?"
    • You can also sign up for volunteers in your city.