How to make your lips look pink and healthy

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to get PLUMP + SOFT PINK LIPS (lip care routine)
Video: How to get PLUMP + SOFT PINK LIPS (lip care routine)


Cute pink lips are a very attractive facial feature, especially for girls and women. However, many of the fair sex have dry, colorless and expressionless lips that look unattractive. If this problem sounds familiar to you, don't despair! Your lips just need a little love and attention. This article will show you how to make your lips look pink and sexy!


Method 1 of 3: Lip Care

  1. 1 Rub your lips with a toothbrush. This is one of the best natural ways to give your lips a natural pink tint.
    • All you need to do is moisten a soft bristled brush and rub gently on your lips in small circular motions.
    • This way, you can exfoliate dead skin and stimulate blood circulation, which leaves your lips soft and pink.
  2. 2 Make a lip scrub. An alternative method for exfoliating your lips is using a homemade sugar scrub.
    • Just mix 2 teaspoons of sugar (both white and brown) with one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of coconut oil.
    • Apply some scrub to lips and rub gently for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Then rinse with warm water.
  3. 3 Moisturize. Constant and intense hydration is the key to soft and rosy lips. Apply lip balm throughout the day and apply petroleum jelly at night.
    • This is an especially important treatment in hot or cold weather when your lips are especially prone to dryness and chapping.
    • If you prefer natural moisturizers, try applying coconut or olive oil to your lips.
  4. 4 Rinse off makeup completely before bed. Leaving the lipstick or lip gloss overnight can lead to dry lips or even discoloration.
    • Make sure your makeup remover effectively rinses off all lipstick and lip liner. Wash off every day before bed. Without exception.
    • If you run out of makeup remover, dab some olive or coconut oil on a cotton ball to effectively remove lipstick or lip liner.
  5. 5 Use SPF lip balm. The sun's rays can dry out your lips or discolor them. To avoid this, use an SPF balm when at the beach or ski resort.
  6. 6 Stop smoking. The tobacco from cigarettes stays on the lips, making them dark and unhealthy. Therefore, one of the most significant methods to improve your appearance is to quit smoking. It can be difficult, but your lips will thank you.
  7. 7 Drink plenty of fluids. In addition to external moisturizing, the lips also need to be moisturized from the inside.
    • Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water every day.
    • Also, try to eat more high-liquid fruits such as melon, tomatoes, and cucumbers.
  8. 8 Try not to lick your lips. While lip licking may seem like a natural reaction to dry lips, it actually dries them out even more. So, try not to lick your lips. Instead, always carry lip balm with you to moisturize as needed.

Method 2 of 3: Using Natural Remedies

  1. 1 Use pomegranate seeds. One of the popular home remedies for giving your lips a beautiful pink tint is as follows:
    • Crumble pomegranate seeds, mix with cold milk to make a paste. Apply this paste to your lips.
    • If you repeat this procedure several times a week, your lips will become fuller each time.
  2. 2 Make a paste with turmeric and milk. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder (a popular Indian spice) with a drop of cold milk. It is believed that the paste helps to deal with discoloration of the lips, returning them to a healthy look and color.
    • Just apply the paste to your lips, hold for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water.
    • Repeat the procedure once a week and you will notice a significant difference between what was and what is.
  3. 3 Use beet juice. Beetroot juice acts as a natural color that temporarily turns your lips into a bright cherry color.
    • Some people also claim that beet juice can help lighten dark lips gradually when applied regularly.
    • You can use either fresh or pickled beets. You don't care about taste.
  4. 4 Make a raspberry lip mask. You can make a moisturizing mask that will give your lips a pink tint by mixing two crushed raspberries with a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of aloe vera gel.
    • Apply the mask to lips, hold for 5 minutes, and then rinse off with warm water.
    • You can also apply lip balm.
  5. 5 Try crushed rose petals. They will give your lips a natural pink tint. Just rub the rose petals on your lips.
  6. 6 Lubricate the navel with mustard oil. It sounds strange, but one of the oldest home remedies says that a little mustard oil left in your belly button overnight will leave your lips soft and pink as a result.

Method 3 of 3: Using Makeup

  1. 1 Choose the same shades of lipstick and lip liner. You can choose any shade of pink for your lipstick, and then try to find a matching pencil.
  2. 2 Apply lip liner. Outline the contours of the lips with a pencil, use your fingers to blend the line towards the center of the lips. Pay special attention to the corners of the lips.
  3. 3 Apply lipstick. Make sure you don't run over the edge of your lips. If your hands are shaking, use a special brush.
  4. 4 Blot your lips with a tissue. Take a clean tissue, place it between your lips and purse your lips. This will remove excess lipstick.
  5. 5 Add gloss or lip balm. This will set the lipstick, keep your lips hydrated and give them a radiant shine.