Ways to Dating Women

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dating women made me understand men
Video: Dating women made me understand men


You may also realize that there is no single solution to dating women, because every girl is different. What makes one girl so impressive can also upset the other, but these are only factors of chance you encounter while dating. In addition to each girl's personal preference, following some general rules during her appointment can also help you get on with a second, and even Tuesday, date. Keep reading below to learn how to be successful in dating.


Method 1 of 4: Always be yourself

  1. Show confidence. One of the most attractive traits a potential date has is confidence. Girls are often attracted to you when you have interesting things, such as: you do a lot of activities, have a lot of friends, you have a strong opinion and a long-term goal.
    • Confidence can be exerted in many ways. You don't have to be a basketball star to attract women; as long as you get involved in the true expression of your personality. Think what activity allows you to shine?
    • There's a big difference between confidence and arrogance. Confident people are admired by many for their talent along with their modesty and modesty. If you are confident in yourself, you won't need to brag about it.

  2. Always be honest. Don't pretend to be someone else - you'll find out the lie. There's absolutely nothing wrong with finding out about the band she likes to be able to talk about in conversation, but don't pretend to be able to play the guitar unless you intend to perform in front of her. sometime. Always be honest so you don't have to lie.

  3. Express yourself well. Each girl has different tastes, or "tastes", but don't worry too much about choosing the most trendy outfits. Dress for the situation - for example: don't wear sleeveless shirts to luxury bars and don't over-spray the perfume. If you go to a party in an outfits that show your personality and give you confidence, you'll behave that way - and maybe the girl you want to impress will forget her ideal type. . advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Get to know her better

  1. Don't talk too much about a girl's looks. Everyone loves to receive compliments, especially when they're trying to impress and look good, but that shouldn't be the main topic of conversation. Let the girl you want to date get to share with other things besides her pretty dress and shoes.
    • Avoid making a sexual comment about her looks when you are trying to date her. Only give gracious compliments about her outfit, hair, or smile.
  2. Become a sincere talker. Avoid flirting statements because they are often dishonest. When you talk to a girl, say what you really want to let her know. When she answers, don't pretend to listen, listen really, and try to give a conversation a "real" feeling.
    • Of course the conversation should be appropriate for the situation. If you're at a noisy bar, the girl you're talking to won't be in the mood to talk about a personal or philosophical topic. Even so, you can still exchange meaningful things about the music, the crowd, or how you feel about that evening to show the joy of being with her.
  3. Let her feel comfortable. When you just meet a girl and you want to date her, it's important that you let her feel comfortable about yourself. Appreciate her personality and her uniqueness, and try not to be judgmental.
    • If you criticize something, even if it's a joke, it will make her misunderstand and no longer want to open up to you.
    • Ask a lot of questions and provide reasonable feedback to let her know that you are listening and interested in what she has to say.
    • Make jokes fun to chat, but avoid making fun of her, her friends and family, or anything that hurts her feelings during the early dating phase.

Method 3 of 4: Become the ideal oven appointment subject

  1. Invest in your first date. Take her to a special place. Not necessarily a luxury place, but show that you have thoughtful investment. Take her to your favorite restaurant, or take her to a picnic area. If you know she likes a certain sports team, you should buy tickets to the match with her.
  2. Do not worry. Don't focus too much on the details of the appointment. Instead, take some time to get to know the person you just met. Think about what you want to learn about her, and what you want to share with her. If you feel comfortable with her, she probably feels the same way.
  3. Body contact. Whether it's putting your hands on her back while waiting in line for tickets, holding hands while watching a movie, or returning home after dinner, physical contact will increase intimacy with the girl you're dating. . Just make sure those actions are accepted. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Become trustworthy

  1. Call her as promised. If you end up on your first date with the promise of calling, get on with it after a few days.
    • If you reflect on the date and find that you are no longer interested, politely let her know that the date is not going to work.
    • If you want to continue your relationship, don't play unpredictable games. Please show consistency in communication.
  2. Introduce her to a friend. After a few dates, a better way to get to know each other is to introduce the girl you like to friends. If they do, you will have more motivation to take the relationship further.
  3. Create a surprise. Consistency is important when it comes to dating, but you should also create a romantic surprise. The surprise will depend on her personality - she might like it when you cook dinner, send flowers to her office, or plan a fun weekend. She will be impressed by your kindness, if you show it off in your actions from time to time. advertisement


  • Try not to be too hard on the person you're dating. See the person as you would like them to do it to you.
  • If you are having trouble finding a dating partner in a familiar place, try new activities like joining clubs, volunteering, or playing team sports. It's a great way to meet lots of people.
  • Online dating is another great way to create new relationships.