How to get your body muscled

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 3 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What makes muscles grow? - Jeffrey Siegel
Video: What makes muscles grow? - Jeffrey Siegel


So, you like a superhero or some other person with a muscular and strong body. It doesn't matter who your idol is, you too can have such a strong and muscular body. Just follow the instructions in this article and in 1–2 weeks you should be able to notice the difference. Are you ready?


  1. 1 Prepare your mind for exercise. Mind is the key to success in any endeavor, and even in order to make your body muscular and strong, you need to be internally ready, because with an effort of will and mind, you can force yourself to do more reps and approaches.
  2. 2 Trust that you will have a strong body.
  3. 3 Get up early.
  4. 4 Try to break up your daily diet so that you eat 4-5 times a day. This will help speed up your metabolism, which will make you lose fat faster.
  5. 5 Stretch before and after your workout.
  6. 6 Start by warming up, do not make sudden movements.
  7. 7 Run 20 minutes a day at an average pace, do bodyweight squats, Indian squats can be done, which will strengthen healthy knee joints and hip muscles. Do 3-10 sets, starting with 20 squats in one set, and gradually you can increase the number of repetitions to 1000.
  8. 8 Do 10 sets of 10 push-ups. In the early days of training, don't force yourself to do too much, but once your body gets used to it, start doing the exact opposite.
  9. 9 Do exercises (crunches) on the press, start with three sets (repeat as many times as possible). Please start a little at a time, as your body needs to get used to so that you can endure more challenging workouts later.
  10. 10 If you have a horizontal bar, do pull-ups 3-5 approaches every other day as many times as possible.
  11. 11 Buy a gym membership or dumbbells that fit your weight and do 3-5 sets of exercises with them.
  12. 12 Remember to relax after your workout. This will calm your body after training and return to your normal rhythm. Plus, relaxing after an intense workout will make you feel happy as hormones that affect your mood are involved.
  13. 13 Try to eat protein-rich foods after your workout. Protein supplements for athletes work well. So your muscles will recover faster and you will be able to see the muscular body you are striving for faster in the mirror.


  • Drink plenty of water
  • Try to eat at least 3 different fruits a day
  • Try to eat a balanced diet rich in protein (preferably a 40:60 ratio with carbohydrates)
  • Try to get protein from plant-based foods (nuts, soybeans, wheat, and quinoa are rich sources of protein)
  • If you don't like vegetables very much, go for eggs, beef, and chicken. Eggs contain a lot of protein, which is more suitable for a set of relief muscle mass. Beef has one drawback: it will add muscle mass to you, and therefore you will gain weight.
  • Include spinach in your diet as it is a good source of vitamins and minerals that are important for your bone health.


  • Exercise regularly.
  • Don't give up if you don't see any changes right away. As with everything, it takes time. If you are willing to work hard and hard, there is no one to stop you from getting the results you want.
  • Just be patient and start increasing the load as soon as you feel that your body is used to the same.
  • You have all the energy and strength you need in your body. It depends only on you how much of this energy you can use.
  • The more disciplined you are, the faster you will reach your goal.
  • Don't use steroids! They have many negative side effects in the long run, and it doesn't really matter who produces them. Eat plenty of natural protein instead.