How to get your penis pierced

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Penis Piercing how it can change a mans sex life permanently
Video: Penis Piercing how it can change a mans sex life permanently


Attention:this article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Penis piercings can be a great way to improve your sex life and feel confident.In addition, no one will know about such a piercing (except for your partner). This piercing is not suitable for everyone, but if you are interested, then read on.


Part 1 of 4: Study the Question Carefully

  1. 1 Explore this issue a little. There are many different types of piercings, both on and around the penis. The most common are Prince Albert, Ampallang, Frenulum and others. Find their descriptions on the Internet and read them to decide what you like best. Your best bet is to search on Google images.
  2. 2 Read about blood pathogens and the potential risks of self-piercing. By getting pierced at home, you can get all sorts of medical conditions that can put your health and that of your partner at risk. If you do decide on a puncture, do it very carefully. You can't joke with things like the penis. You only have it, so take it seriously.
    • Check local laws. In most countries, piercing under the age of 18 is prohibited. Please take this seriously.
  3. 3 Decide what size or thickness you would like to make. Piercing sizes often follow the American standard, in which a larger number means a smaller gauge, but they can also be indicated in millimeters. For example, genital piercings are usually done in sizes 16 (1.3 mm) through 12 (2 mm), although there are always exceptions. The 14th size is usually around 1.6mm.
  4. 4 Order surgical steel lancing needles. Make sure they are the size you want. Most piercing and tattoo parlors will not sell you piercing needles due to liability concerns, but you can order needles online without too much trouble. Make sure you order them from a trusted source and that the bags containing the needles are completely sealed - otherwise there is a high chance of contracting serious illnesses. As we said, don't mess with your penis.
  5. 5 Buy jewelry made from titanium or surgical steel. Make sure they match the shape and size of the piercing. These can be barbells and frenum piercing rings, a curved barbell for Prince Albert, and so on. Keep in mind the length of the jewelry you need. Jewelry that is too small can cause big problems in healing, so if you are not sure, order jewelry a little larger for extra space if there is swelling (and swelling is likely).
  6. 6 Order additional tools. Depending on the type of piercing, it might be helpful to buy a pair of clips. It is very difficult to hold the glans when piercing a piercing on the scrotum or penis. The clamps allow you to pinch the skin, making it immobile, thereby preventing slipping and displacement during piercing. Piercing in the wrong place can cause severe bleeding or, worse, permanent injury, so clamps come in handy.
    • This is one of the reasons why it is best to have it done by a professional. Placement of the piercing is very important and the professional will use their experience to get you pierced in the right place.
  7. 7 Prepare gloves and other sanitation supplies. You can also order gloves online. They are very important. You must make sure it is clean to avoid contracting any blood-borne infection. Alcohol wipes are used to sterilize and cleanse the skin around the piercing site. It is also helpful to use a vitamin A and D ointment to lubricate the needle. This will make it much easier to insert the needle.
    • Remember, napkins may not work. In fact, even alcohol wipes can be non-sterile. Therefore, it is best to use professional equipment.

Part 2 of 4: Preparation

  1. 1 First, decide where you will be piercing. Choose a room with the smoothest possible surface for you to work on. A bathroom can be a good option. You will need a place that can be easily disinfected and blood-free at the end of your work.
  2. 2 Disinfect everything. First, make a 1: 4 mixture of bleach and water. Clean the bathroom thoroughly (if you decide to puncture it). Clean surfaces that you think you might touch during the procedure. Clean every inch of the area where you will be working. The cleaner it is, the better for you.
  3. 3 Don't neglect your piercing jewelry. If you bought sterile clips and jewelry, then great; if not, it is better to boil them in a pot of water, and then wipe them with a solution of water and bleach. This must be done, since it is not known what this jewelry was in contact with before you bought it.
  4. 4 Prepare all materials. After everything is sterile, put on your gloves and lay out everything you need on the table: extra gloves, sterile needles, sterile clamps, sterile jewelry, alcohol wipes, a marker and some vitamin A and D ointment. Remove these gloves and discard them.
  5. 5 Clean the skin around the future puncture. Put on new rubber gloves. Use an alcohol wipe to disinfect your skin.
  6. 6 Mark the piercing site. Use a marker to make two points: one where the needle will go in and one where the needle should exit. Make sure these points are at the right distance for your decoration. Imagine that the piece of jewelry is already inserted into the puncture. Make sure everything is done exactly and exactly as you want it - you are unlikely to want to take out the piercing and re-pierce.
    • You should understand that the dots drawn do not guarantee accurate piercing. If you jerk (for example, due to severe pain), the needle may move and the puncture will be uneven. Another reason for another person to do it.
  7. 7 If everything looks good, take off your gloves and throw them away. Put on a new pair.
  8. 8 Use a clamp. The clamp (if you have one) will allow you to secure the leather in the marked location. Make sure the dots on either side of the skin are aligned and parallel to each other, then gently pinch the skin. Marked points should be visible through each side of the clamp; they must be positioned so that a straight line (needle) can perfectly pass through them.
    • This method is only suitable for certain types of penis piercings. For a Prince Albert piercing, you will need to use a different method. It is more difficult to do and should only be done by a professional.
  9. 9 Alternatively, stretch the skin. If you didn't buy a clip, it gets a little tricky. Use one hand to stretch the skin and align it so that both points are in line. Be prepared for the fact that it will be difficult to hold the skin and pierce it with the other hand (another reason to consult a professional).

Part 3 of 4: Puncture

  1. 1 Take the needle. With the clamp in place, unpack the needle. Have you bought a sterile piercing needle of the size you need? If not, then stop the procedure. Get the right size needle... MAKE SURE THE NEEDLE IS STERILE. If the packaging is damaged, buy a new needle. This is NOT a case of being lazy.
  2. 2 Apply the ointment. After you open the needle, apply a little vitamin A and D ointment to the needle. This will make the next step easier.
  3. 3 Align the needle. Good! Now check againthat both points are still on the same line in the clamp. If they are in place, hold the clip in one hand so that the marks can be clearly seen. Now grab the needle with your other hand and place it on the same line as your mark.You can hold the needle between your thumb and middle finger, while using your index finger on the back of the needle to push it through. This is a general guideline - hold the needle in a way that is more comfortable for you.
  4. 4 Pierce the skin. Now take a few deep breaths in and out, make sure you line up correctly, and quickly pierce the skin with a needle until you see it going through the other side by at least an inch or two. Do not push the entire needle from the other side - we will use it to insert the earring into the penis.
    • It hurts to pierce the skin on your penis! Even very persistent men writhe in pain during such a piercing. You should push the needle through until it is completely pierced, despite the pain. It is very difficult to continue piercing further when the pain arises, however, it will not be worse than it was at the very beginning, so reach the end - keep piercing further. You hardly want to go through such a difficult journey and end up without piercings.
    • If it hurts, push with a little more pressure. Once you get to the other side, the pain will quickly subside.
  5. 5 Insert piercing. Excellent! Now that you have pierced the needle, the hardest part is over! Now you just need insert jewelry into the puncture... The needle still sticks out on either side of the hole, doesn't it? It sure looks pretty cool, but now it's time to insert the decoration. So, unscrew or remove the ball from one side of your jewelry. Don't waste it! Now grab the threaded, not round, side of the jewelry and set it at the back of the needle. It should fit in there easily. Now use the decoration to push the rest of the needle out and the earring will go straight into the hole.
  6. 6 Secure the decoration. If you did everything correctly, then the threaded end of the jewelry should be sticking out of the hole of the puncture. Now just screw the ball back into place. Congratulations on your new piercing! Take your time to finish - treat everything with another alcohol wipe.
  7. 7 Dispose of the used needle properly. Bring the needle to a piercing salon or hospital and they will properly dispose of it. If for some reason you cannot bring the needle to one of these places, place it in a hard plastic container, such as a pill bottle, and discard it in the trash can. Be careful, a used needle is considered bio-waste and it is unfair to endanger your waste collector.

Part 4 of 4: How to recover from your procedure

  1. 1 Take care of yourself. Congratulations, you did it! Now you just need take care of your piercing properly... You will need to soak in a solution of warm water and sea salt for the first few weeks. When showering, use antibacterial soap.
  2. 2 Be careful with water. Showers are great, but try to avoid bathing and bathing during the healing period, as sitting in water can catch infections.
  3. 3 Refrain from sex, tiger! A genital piercing should not have sex for at least four weeks or so. There is an open wound on your penis - remember this. As you heal, you are much more susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases, and unprotected sex increases your risk of infection. Use a condom for at least two months, regardless of whether you are using other contraception or not. This is for your own safety. In addition, do not forget that you now have metal jewelry on your penis, so it is better to refuse "ribbed" and "super thin" condoms - they can easily break.
  4. 4 Ask if you have any questions. Enjoy your piercing, and if you have any questions, talk to your local piercing specialist. Surely he will not refuse you advice.


  • If you are not sure about what you are doing, stop... See a specialist in this field.
  • Self-piercing is very dangerous, remember - you do it at your own peril and risk. Only you are responsible for any injury, infection or other accidents that may occur.
  • Piercing your own penis can result in irreparable harm, including erectile dysfunction, severe nerve damage, and necrosis. A puncture of the penis can cause it to stop functioning properly.
  • If you have not yet reached the age of majority, you cannot do piercing (even more so on your own).
  • Visit a piercer. Some of the advice given here is questionable, especially in terms of sterility. Alcohol swabs alone cannot avoid all bacteria and viruses.