How to make your relationship last

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 27 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make Your Relationship Last | Cody & Lexy
Video: How To Make Your Relationship Last | Cody & Lexy


Starting a relationship is always fun and exciting, but maintaining it for a long time is hard work. Once your relationship has become permanent, you need to cultivate honest, open communication and continue to value time with your loved one. Working on relationships doesn't always feel like an exciting adventure, but the benefits of maintaining a serious, long-term relationship far outweigh the challenges you may face. If you want to know how to make your relationship lasting, just follow these tips.


Part 1 of 4: Make Time for Each Other

  1. 1 Take time for romance. While “date night” may sound far-fetched, the two of you should try to do it at least once a week, if not more often. You don't have to call it “date night” if it sounds too mundane or corny to you, but you need to make it a goal to spend time together - just the two of you! - at least one evening a week.
    • On the evening of a date, you can do the same thing, for example, cook dinner together and go to the movies afterwards, or you can diversify it and do something new every time. If you are staying at home, create a romantic atmosphere by lighting candles and playing quiet music.
    • Whatever you do when you spend an evening together, you should definitely have time to talk properly. You won't be able to have a good conversation if you just go to a noisy concert.
    • Learn to say no to others on a date night. Your girlfriends may ask you to go out to a cafe together, but if you have a date scheduled, tell them that you cannot join them and offer to meet next week. You will not succeed if you are ready to give up the date night at any time.
    • On a “date night” Try to look good, tell each other about your love and compliment each other.
  2. 2 Make love at least once a week. You don't have to put this in your planner, and hopefully you don't, but you should make a conscious effort to make love at least once a week, no matter how tired you are at work or how many times you do. it's last week.
    • Making love is a way to maintain and strengthen your intimacy with your partner.
    • You should also just hug and kiss for a while so that you don't feel like you're just doing the “sex” item on your to-do list.
  3. 3 Take time to talk. While both of you may have over-stressful schedules, you need to make a mutual effort to talk to each other every day, no matter how busy you are. You can set aside time to talk at dinner, or to talk on the phone if your loved one is far away.
    • Get in the habit of checking out how your loved one’s day went. While there is no need to bore each other with every little detail, you should be aware of each other's daily life.
    • If you are spending a week apart, set aside at least fifteen minutes a day to share how it went and remind your loved one how much you love and miss them.
    • Don't be distracted by anything during the conversation. If you watch TV or check social networks on your phone at the same time, this is not a real conversation.

Part 2 of 4: Maintain a Strong Connection

  1. 1 Be honest with each other. Honesty is the key to any lasting relationship. To maintain a strong relationship, you must be open and honest with your loved one. You must be able to share your innermost thoughts and feelings, otherwise you are not really communicating.
    • Don't be afraid to tell your loved one if they disappoint you in some way.Honesty will help you solve the problem, and it is much better than passive aggression if you are upset about something.
    • Share your feelings with your loved one. If you're really upset about something at work or what your mom said, don't keep it all inside.
    • Know when to keep quiet. Although honesty almost is always the best policy, you don't have to tell the person every little thing. For example, if you don't like his new shirt or find one of his new friends a little annoying, it's probably best to keep it to yourself.
    • Consider timeliness. If you want to open up about something important, do it only when your loved one has time to talk and is more or less under pressure. Your news will be better received if he has time to listen to you.
  2. 2 Learn to compromise. In any lasting relationship, happiness should be more important than pushing your way. If you want your relationship to be long lasting, you must learn to make joint decisions and make both of you happy with these decisions, or take turns to give in to each other. Here are some tips:
    • When you make a decision, have your loved one rate the importance of this decision to him from 1 to 10, and then you say how important it is to you. Then talk about why it matters to both of you and what you can do to make it mean less to you.
    • Act deliberately. When you make a decision together, discuss the pros and cons and what can be done to reach a compromise.
    • Take turns to concede to each other on small decisions. If you've chosen a restaurant for a date, then have your girlfriend choose a movie to watch.
    • Make sure you both compromise. If your girlfriend consistently gives in to you because you are more assertive, then this is ultimately not a compromise.
  3. 3 Learn to apologize. This is a very important point. If you want a long-term relationship, you just need to be able to admit that you were wrong and ask for forgiveness from time to time. When it comes to relationships, admitting that you are sorry is much more important than being stubborn.
    • Learn to apologize if you are at fault. You may not immediately realize that you made a mistake, but when you do, ask for forgiveness for what you did.
    • Apologize from the bottom of your heart. Be honest and make eye contact. If you apologize simply because you have to, it doesn't mean anything.
    • Learn to accept your partner's apology. If he really regrets what he did or said, stop getting angry, accept the apology, and move on.
  4. 4 Tell your loved one how much he means to you. Never forget to say "I love you" and do not think that it goes without saying. You should tell your loved one every day that you love him - if possible, even several times a day. Remember that there is a difference between "love" and "I love you" - you have to say it consciously.
    • Always compliment your significant other. Tell her how great she looks in her new dress, or how you love it when she smiles.
    • Always thank your partner or partner. Don't take their help and good deeds for granted.
    • Always tell your loved one how special they are. Never miss an opportunity to make him feel unique.

Part 3 of 4: Keep Moving Forward

  1. 1 Find new interests for both of you. Relationships are a bit like a shark - if they don't move forward, they die. You need to find ways to keep the relationship fresh so that love doesn't just become part of your routine. One way to do this is to find new common interests that will both enthrall and unite you even more.
    • Sign up for weekly dance lessons. This will be a good workout for you and will further inflame your passion for each other.
    • Find a shared hobby.Try taking lessons in art, pottery, or discover your love of sailing.
    • Learn together. Try learning a foreign language together or attending history lectures.
    • Train together for the race. This is a great way to get closer, whether you're running 5K or training for a marathon.
    • Do something unusual. Try hiking, mountain biking, or ice skating. Doing something completely unfamiliar will bring you closer.
  2. 2 Maintain freshness in your intimate life. If you want to maintain a healthy relationship, you must maintain a healthy sex life. While your lovemaking after five years together may not be the same as it was in the beginning, you should still try new things so that sex with your partner will still turn you on and feel the same exciting adventure.
    • Make love in new positions. Don't do the same thing all the time, even if it works flawlessly. You can even look for new positions together, which can be a good foreplay.
    • Make love in new places. You don't always have to go to the bedroom - try the sofa, the kitchen table, or even book a hotel room in the middle of the day.
    • Try going to a sex shop and picking out something fun to try out later that evening.
  3. 3 Take a trip to a new location. While a vacation will not solve your relationship problems in the long run, traveling together can help change the way you think about things and redefine your love. Plus, with collaborative travel planning, you'll have something to look forward to.
    • Plan the trip you've always wanted to take. If you have been talking about a joint trip to Paris for the last seven years and you have enough funds for this, then it's time to turn your dreams into reality.
    • Go on a short day trip. Even a simple trip out of town to spend the day in the woods or on the beach can refresh your relationship.
    • Have a second honeymoon. If you are already married and have had your honeymoon, arrange another one to celebrate your love.

Part 4 of 4: Make Tolerance Your Second Nature

  1. 1 Understand what contextual behavior means. There is a chance that, in addition to the spark that flashed between you and your partner, your relationship began under the influence of the right moment. For example, you were both young and dreamed of sex, or you met while doing a common cause, or together experienced a strong emotional shock. These are examples of positive contextual influences that have strengthened your relationship.
  2. 2 Accept contextual behavior. Accept that negative contextual influences cannot be avoided. When a person is going through difficult times, having health problems, failing at work, or living under the influence of other sources of anxiety and stress, they may behave differently from the way someone you know and love usually does.
  3. 3 Learn to identify contextual behavior. If your partner or partner seems indifferent to you when it is difficult for them, for example, immediately after giving birth, going through a layoff from work or the death of a family member, understand that it may not be a person, but a situation. Treat contextual behavior like the weather, that is, something that you cannot influence, but only endure.
  4. 4 Goodbye contextual behavior. Learn to forget and forgive how the person behaved when they felt bad. The human mind naturally tends to focus more on negative experiences than positive ones. Latent grievances at the rash words of a partner accumulate over time and inevitably spoil the relationship. Distinguishing situational behavior from personal behavior is an art that helps you build healthy, lifelong relationships.


  • Make your loved one feel special.
  • Be yourself when you start dating someone.Don't change, don't be rude, don't be an idiot.
  • Never try to change someone, it will only make it worse.
  • Remember that both people are involved in a relationship.
  • Never rush.
  • Never try to make your partner jealous, he will leave you thinking that you no longer love him and are interested in another person.
  • Don't get too attached to other people or close friends of the opposite sex and don't talk about them all the time, this makes your partner feel insecure and ruins the relationship.


  • Attention: these steps do not provide any guarantees. However, most people would agree that they are at the heart of long-term relationships.