How to achieve high results

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Achieve High Glassdoor Scores
Video: How to Achieve High Glassdoor Scores


When it comes to sports, business and study, most of the obstacles you face come from yourself. The following tips to improve your productivity will help you focus your energy and thoughts on your efficiency and success. Then, you can apply this knowledge to build a high performing team.


Method 1 of 2: Achieving Results Under Pressure

  1. 1 Learn to deal with stress. While stress can sometimes be a source of adrenaline and therefore lead to great results, in order to cope with the physical symptoms of stress, you must learn to control it so you don't break down under the pressure. Find a discharge method that's right for you. Try sports, social support groups, meditation, or even funny YouTube videos.
  2. 2 Identify the things that you cannot control in this situation. Then, devote yourself to those aspects that you can control. By eliminating the need to spend time on things that you cannot control, you will achieve greater psychological stability and, as a result, improve your productivity.
  3. 3 Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. While it may initially be difficult for you to change the way you think, try to constantly repeat an inspiring mantra to yourself, such as "Take every opportunity, reject all fear," "Be optimistic, patient and persistent," or "Concentrate on what matters most."
  4. 4 Visualize success. Imagine how you will feel when you brace yourself and surpass the next obstacle. If you can clearly visualize the benefits you will receive if you succeed, then you will be able to deal with stressful situations more easily.
  5. 5 Highlight your strengths. For example, if you are a sprinter but need to run a longer distance, then you should stay ahead for the entire run until you have the opportunity to switch from running to sprint. Hone these skills whenever possible.
  6. 6 Stay motivated. Set personal goals for yourself if your coach or company can't offer you decent incentives. Try to set both small and large, long-term goals.
  7. 7 Don't give up rituals. If you feel particularly confident in a particular suit or shoes, wear them when you need to be on top. While too much "magical thinking" can lead to superstition, taking limited amounts of it will build your self-confidence.
  8. 8 Respond to setbacks in a timely manner. This is the best way to avoid dropping your confidence. Develop emotional resilience by finding a ray of hope or learning from every failure.
  9. 9 Don't lose your commitment to your cause after failure. Repeat the previous steps to get yourself back into the right frame of mind.

Method 2 of 2: Build a High-Performance Team

  1. 1 Assemble the best team. The people on your team need to work well together and enjoy healthy competition. However, they should also always be respectful to each other.
  2. 2 Set general and individual goals. Collective goals lead to collective incentives, so make sure everyone on the team is interested in the end result and the benefits that come with it.
  3. 3 Explain to all team members how you will measure success. Targets are based on precise criteria and reporting.
  4. 4 Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses. A good team will respond to any weaknesses in individual members and act as a united front.
  5. 5 Encourage the development of close bonds between your team members. From time to time, get the whole team out to a restaurant or bar. This will stimulate the development of mutual support among all members and will strengthen the desire for common, larger goals.
  6. 6 Remove the person from the team if necessary. If someone isn't performing well or being efficient, give that person a chance to improve. However, if he doesn't work hard enough or doesn't fit into the team, tactfully reallocate him.
  7. 7 Appoint a leader or allow the team to choose a leader naturally. Ideally, this person should be willing to accept additional risks and rewards for additional work.
  8. 8 Allow the team to work independently, without much micro-level management. Once you've built a high performing team, you should reward them with some independence. If this negatively affects the productivity of the team, then you should reconsider this decision.