How to make a Youtube channel

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 14 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Create A YouTube Channel! (2020 Beginner’s Guide)
Video: How To Create A YouTube Channel! (2020 Beginner’s Guide)


If you have something to share with the world, a Youtube channel is what you need. Creating a channel is not difficult in itself, the main thing here is to attract the audience. So, let's begin!


Method 1 of 5: Create a Channel

  1. 1 Google account. Now Google has combined many resources under one common account. You can log in with it in mail, on Youtube, on Google+ and dozens of other services. If you have such an account, log in to Youtube, otherwise register for yourself such an account first.
  2. 2 Click on your name in the upper left corner. You will be taken to your channel settings.
  3. 3 Add decoration for the channel. This picture will be the screensaver of your channel.
    • Use an image that grabs people's attention. This is an important step in engaging your audience.
    • In accordance with the style of the channel, you have 2 options - put a regular picture, a kind of branded image, or constantly change images.
  4. 4 Add a description. This is to ensure that users have an idea of ​​your channel. Try to be concise and clear about the essence of your channel. Go to Details -> Channel Description and ... go for it!

Method 2 of 5: Content

  1. 1 What's your idea? The first step is to decide what you will share with the world. People come to Youtube to listen to music, watch sketches, learn tutorials, watch reviews and much more. Think about what you can give people that others do not.
  2. 2 Use your strengths. Use your voice, diction, sense of humor and other qualities.
  3. 3 Reviews. This is a pretty popular niche. People are often too lazy to look for and read something themselves. Review:
    • Selection of jokes
    • New items in the world of technology
    • Films
    • Clips
    • Computer games
  4. 4 Invest. Record videos through a 100-ruble microphone and mix everything in a free editor? You can try, but your hands should be golden. The quality of the finished product must be at its best, since the competition is high.
  5. 5 Add effects. If you are making your own video, add various effects that will diversify the video sequence. Don't forget about humor, use funny inserts to liven up the picture.
  6. 6 They are greeted by clothes. The first seconds of the video are worth a lot - if you cannot impress the viewer, then they are unlikely to look further. If you are constantly in the frame, come up with cool situations and costumes, try to relax the viewer.
  7. 7 Duration. The most popular are videos that do not exceed 10-15 minutes. Try to break the video into parts.
  8. 8 Use annotations. These are pop-up comments during the video. Do not overdo it - intrusive inscriptions that are too distracting will only be a minus.Make links to other videos, offer a channel subscription, make funny comments.

Method 3 of 5: Fill video

  1. 1 Go to channel properties and click Video -> Add Video. Select the files you want and start downloading.
    • In the properties of the added video, you can configure access (private video), add a description, configure voting, etc.
  2. 2 Tags. Skillful use of tags will help viewers find your channel and your videos in the thick of Youtube. Do not add dozens of meaningless "labels", better less, but more precise.

Method 4 of 5: Channel Development

  1. 1 Keep adding videos. Try not to "disappear from the air" - make constantly new videos. If people get tired of waiting, they will leave the ranks of your subscribers.
  2. 2 Chat with users. Respond to requests in the comments, ban violators - show who is the owner of the channel! Ask for advice on channel development, conduct polls. Make the feed interactive.
  3. 3 Watch other channels. Be aware of what's going on with your competitors. Look for friendly channels with which you can grow faster.

Method 5 of 5: Promote your channel

  1. 1 Leave channel ads. Wherever you communicate - on social networks, forums, etc. - share a link to your channel. You can do this anonymously.
  2. 2 Make friends with other channels. Competition is competition, but if you are on the lists of recommended channels of someone popular, viewers will not keep themselves waiting.
  3. 3 Let the audience work. Do not prohibit posting your video on third-party resources. The more advertising there is, the better.


  • Don't forget about copyright. In recent years, copyright holders have been besieging resources like Youtube, putting bans on certain things. Often it is about music and soundtracks. Read the rules and try not to get caught in the distribution.