How to do dr. Pepper

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Can We Clone The Doctor? Dr Pepper Recipe Hack Episode #1
Video: Can We Clone The Doctor? Dr Pepper Recipe Hack Episode #1


Is Dr. Pepper's formula a real mystery? - Rumor has it that the company even stores the recipe in a restricted access store in Plano, Texas. For years, however, curious fans have tried to replicate the taste of this popular soda at home. Some attempts are more similar than others.


Old fashioned dr. Pepper

Comes out 7 ounces (210 ml) of beverage

  • 7 oz (210 ml) cold soda water
  • 0.1 oz (3 ml) raspberry vinegar
  • 1 minim (0.06 ml) vanilla extract
  • 1-1 / 2 grains (65 mg) citric acid, food grade
  • 1/2 minim (0.03 ml) almond extract
  • 3/8 grain (24.375 mg) phosphoric acid, food grade
  • 10 min (650 mg) caramelized or caramelized sugar
  • 1 oz (30 ml) simple syrup

Simplified dr. Pepper

Comes out 20 oz (600 ml) beverage

  • Cola bottle 20 oz (600 ml)
  • 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) almond extract
  • 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) vanilla extract

Diet Dr. Pepper

Comes out 1 glass (250 ml) of drink

  • 8 oz. (250 ml) cold soda water
  • 40 drops of cold stevia
  • 1-1 / 2 teaspoon (7.5 ml) cherry flavor

Natural Dr. Pepper

Produces 1 quart (1 L) of beverage

  • 8 oz (225 g) cinnamon sticks
  • 2 tablespoons (30 ml) barley
  • 1/8 teaspoon (0.625 ml) lemon seasoning
  • 4 large chunks of refined sugar
  • 3 ripe red bell peppers, coarsely chopped
  • 1 quart (1 L) cold soda water

The simplest dr pepper

Comes out 1 quart of drink

  • 2 cups cherry juice (400 ml)
  • 4 tsp Sahara
  • 2 glasses of sparkling water (400 ml)
  • Coca Cola (12 oz / 330 ml)


Method 1 of 4: Old Fashioned Dr. Pepper

  1. 1 Make a simple syrup. A simple syrup should be made up of two parts sugar and one part water. Heat both ingredients together until the sugar is completely dissolved. However, it should be noted that the amount of simple syrup provided in this recipe is too small to get the volume you want, so you may need to do more than you need to.
    • To make a simple syrup, start by boiling 1/4 cup (60 ml) water in a small saucepan on the stove over high heat.
      • Once the water has boiled, add 1/2 cup (120 ml) sugar to the saucepan. Mix well.
      • Stir the mixture constantly as it continues to simmer and simmer. When everything is ready, there should be no lumps of sugar and the liquid should be clear.
    • Set aside 2 tablespoons. (30 ml) of this simple syrup for your recipe by Dr. Pepper. Store the remainder in an airtight plastic or glass container in the refrigerator.
  2. 2 Caramelize the sugar. Caramelize the sugar by heating until it melts and turns brown. As with simple syrup, the amount named in this recipe is too small to make enough volume that you will need to cook more than required.
    • To caramelize sugar, start by sprinkling 1/4 cup (60 ml) white granulated sugar in the bottom of a small, heavy saucepan. Spread the granules so that they form an even layer.
      • Place the saucepan on the stove and heat over medium heat.
      • When the sugar starts to turn brown around the edges, stir it with a wooden spoon or silicone spatula to distribute the heat more evenly. If you don't stir the sugar, some of it may burn off before the rest of the sugar caramelizes.
      • Remove the pan from the heat as soon as the sugar has melted and is dark amber in color. The caramel sugar should begin to smoke slightly immediately before removing it from the heat.
    • When done, immediately set aside 10 min (650 mg) caramel sugar for use in your drink. You can save the leftover, if desired, by placing it in a neutral lidded container and placing it in the refrigerator.
  3. 3 Mix the ingredients. Place all ingredients except soda in the bottom of the glass. Stir well with a stirrer or spoon until the mixture is smooth.
    • Let the caramelized sugar and simple syrup cool to room temperature before mixing the ingredients.
    • Buy only food grade citric acid and phosphoric acid.
    • Note that this formula was printed in 1912, back when Dr. Pepper was being used as a pharmaceutical for digestive problems.So this recipe won't taste like a modern store-bought Dr. Pepper. If you want to know what the original drink tasted like, this recipe will give you a good idea.
    • The original recipe contained hydrocyanic acid, which is not readily available commercially. Since this component tastes like almonds, it has been replaced with almond extract.
  4. 4 Add cold soda water. Slowly pour the water directly onto the ingredients at the bottom of the glass. The soda bubbles should mix the flavors, but to get all the flavors to mix into the drink, slowly stir the glass with a stirrer or spoon several times.
    • Do not stir the drink too quickly, as this will remove most of the bubbles, which can make the drink completely normal before you have time to drink it.
    • Use cold soda water if possible. If you chill the sparkling water before adding the flavoring ingredients, you don't have to chill the finished drink before drinking it.
  5. 5 Chill and enjoy. If the drink is already cold enough, you don't need to refrigerate it. Otherwise, refrigerate the drink for 15 minutes or so and then enjoy.
    • Dr. Pepper is originally caffeine-free, so this supposedly original recipe is caffeine-free.

Method 2 of 4: Simplified Dr. Pepper

  1. 1 Mix all three ingredients. Open a bottle of cola and pour almond and vanilla extract directly inside. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes so the ingredients can mix on their own.
    • There is some discussion about the exact type of cola you need to use to get this recipe right. Many people think that Pepsi-Cola is better than Coca-Cola or any other unbranded cola. You can experiment with different types, however, and decide which you like best.
    • Use cold cola. This saves you the hassle of chilling your finished drink and then enjoying it.
    • If you want to drink from a glass, pour the extracts into the glass first and then the cola.
  2. 2 Take a taste test. Try a new drink. If you want a sweeter taste or stronger aroma, add an additional 1/4 tsp (1.25 ml) of both extracts to your drink.
    • Alternatively, if it is already too sweet, you can dilute with water by adding an additional 1/2 cup (125 ml) of cola to the drink. You will need to pour the drink into a separate glass, however.
  3. 3 Chill and enjoy. If your drink is already cold, you can enjoy it now. If not, close the lid and refrigerate until cold enough to enjoy as usual.

Method 3 of 4: Diet Dr. Pepper

  1. 1 Mix the flavors in a glass. Pour the cola stevia and cherry flavor into the bottom of the glass. Mix well with a spoon or stick to combine the flavors.
    • Note that stevia is a natural sweetener that grows like a plant. Cola Stevia is a liquid stevia extract flavored with an additive for cola flavor.
  2. 2 Fill a glass with soda water. Pour 8 oz (250 ml) cold soda water into a glass. Carbonation should begin to combine the flavoring ingredients.
    • Carbonation alone may not be enough to combine the ingredients evenly. To distribute the flavor more evenly, use a stirrer, spoon, or straw to gently and slowly stir the drink several times. Do this carefully so that you do not blow up too many bubbles and the drink does not become non-carbonated.
    • Use cold cola to reduce the likelihood of having to chill the drink and then enjoy it.
  3. 3 Chill and enjoy. Ideally, the drink should already be cold enough to enjoy.If you want it to be colder, however, refrigerate it for 15 minutes or so before drinking.

Method 4 of 4: Natural Doctor Pepper

  1. 1 Crush the ingredients together. Place the cinnamon sticks, barley, lemon flavor, refined sugar, and red pepper in a food processor. Knead vigorously to combine the ingredients well.
    • If you don't have a food processor, use a mortar and pestle to crush the ingredients. A blender might work as well.
    • You may need to break the cinnamon sticks into 2-inch (5-cm) pieces or less before adding them to the food processor.
    • The resulting mixture should not have a consistency like a soft paste or puree. All you need to do is crush and combine the ingredients well enough for them to release their aromas.
  2. 2 Add cold soda water. Place the flavoring ingredients in a neutral, resealable container. Pour soda water over the ingredients and mix gently with a spoon or stick to partially mix.
    • Use cold soda water to reduce the amount of time the mixture needs to cool.
    • Store this mixture in an airtight jug or other sealed container. The sealed container will inhibit the release of bubbles, thereby preventing bubbles from escaping. If you are using an open container, the drink may become non-carbonated before you drink it.
  3. 3 Insist for 3 hours. Close the container and place the mixture in the refrigerator. Let the ingredients combine with soda water for at least 3 hours.
    • You can leave the ingredients to combine for a longer period of time, but understand that the drink will continue to lose gas while it is in the refrigerator. If you leave it on for a longer time, you may get a stronger aroma, but eventually the bubbles may evaporate.
  4. 4 Strain and serve. Pour the drink through a wire sieve, removing any intact ingredients in the process. Remove solid residues and retain remaining liquid. This strained liquid is your finished Dr. Pepper.


  • Dr. Pepper contains 23 different flavors. This is a closely guarded formula, and these flavors are not definitively listed in any recipe, but flavors are commonly believed to include: amaretto, almond, blackberry, black licorice, carrot, clove, cherry, caramel, cola, ginger, juniper. lemon, molasses, nutmeg, orange, prunes, plums, peppers, barley root, rum, raspberries, tomatoes, and vanilla.
  • If none of the recipes presented here come close enough to your liking, experiment with the previously mentioned flavors until you find a combination that tastes best.


  • Try the recipes presented here at your own risk. Since no one outside the company knows the actual recipe of Dr. Pepper, no true recipe similar can be found in print or on the Internet. Any recipes you find are derived from guesswork and experimentation only.

What do you need

Old Fashioned Doctor Pepper

  • 2 small saucepans
  • 2 wooden mixing spoons
  • Cup
  • Spoon or stirrer

Simplified Dr. Pepper

  • Glass (optional)

Diet Dr. Pepper

  • Cup
  • Spoon or stirrer

Natural Doctor Pepper

  • Food processor or blender or mortar and pestle
  • Sealed pitcher or sealed container