How to please any girl

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How To Make ANY Girl Like You | The Crush Switch
Video: How To Make ANY Girl Like You | The Crush Switch


Many of us teenagers think this or that girl is really cute, but we don't know how to make her like her. Well, the solution is here! In this article, you will learn what you need to do to please any girl, and maybe even start dating her!


  1. 1 If you are not familiar with this girl, then choose a moment when you can stand next to her, but not too close, perhaps a few steps away from her. You need to “break the ice,” and humor will help you with this. The easiest way to do this is when someone says something. If the speaker is making a statement, lean forward slightly and say something like, "No, he is not telling the truth" or "No, he is not."
    • Try to SMILE or say it in a playful tone. If in response she smiles or even laughs, know that you did everything right. If she's a more serious girl, then you might say something like, “Do I know you? You are very similar to one of my acquaintances. " Most likely, she will answer that she does not know you. In this case, we can say the following: “Wow, I was mistaken! And my name is (state your name here). " If you think you need to reach out for a handshake, do so. But try to do it gently. You don't really need to shake her hand. Just squeeze it lightly and release it after a second. Wait a bit, and then say something else, for example, "Why are you here?" or "What do you think of the person who speaks?" If she looks at you with disapproval, makes an odd expression on her face, or continues to stare at the speaker, then you've gone too far. There is one more signal - if she says in response: "Hmm, and I'm trying to listen."

    • If you managed to "melt the ice", then talk a little. However, try not to make noise so that she does not feel embarrassed by the fact that you are talking too loudly.
  2. 2 After the end of the talk or when she is already leaving, keep talking and walking next to her, and listen to what she has to say. Ask her opinion on various issues. Even if you disagree, don't interrupt her or show your disagreement. Find out what she enjoys and let her talk about it. Give her wherever possible.But don't overdo it. After a few minutes, take out your phone or look at your watch and say, “Well, it was nice to meet you. See you". If she smiles and waves goodbye to you, it means that she has become your acquaintance. If she just says goodbye to you, it probably means that you have gone too far.
  3. 3 Find an opportunity to walk past her or say hello to her. Try to date her as much as possible, but do not do it too often, otherwise she will understand everything. After a while, she will greet you herself when you walk by, and she will start a conversation. After that, you can invite her to a movie and watch the movie she wants. If she can't decide what to watch, choose something in between: a movie that has a balance between action and romance.
  4. 4 Make a good impression with tickets, soda and popcorn. If she enjoys humor and having fun, buy a soda ahead of time and bring it in secretly. Don't kiss on the first date. At the end of the evening, say that you would like to do it again someday and check her reaction. If she says, "Maybe," it probably means "no." If she says, “Yes, it was fun,” that means you did it. If she says it was fun before you can say anything, then she really wants to do it all over again.
  5. 5 This is the scariest moment:ask a girl if she likes you or not... Don't do it directly. This is best done when you walk her home. Before you take her to the door, tell her: "You know, I felt very good with you today." Pause so she can say something back. Then add: “Look, I really enjoy spending time with you, that is. I want to say that I really like you. And I would like to know if you have the same feelings for me. " If you have been doing everything right all this time, then most likely she will say yes. If she says no, back off and say, “I'm sorry. I know this will sound a little strange, but can we at least just be friends and go out together? " One way or another, you can like this girl. Just be a sweet friend if she says no, and maybe one day she will say yes.


  • Maintain basic personal hygiene, as well as brush your teeth, shower, watch your hair, and wear clean clothes.
  • Always be polite when you are around her or anyone else. You don't want her to get the impression that you are only nice to her and treat others differently.


  • Don't try too hard. Girls can feel it.
  • Don't try to argue with her. If you do, don't raise your voice and stay nice.