Getting rid of pigeons

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 Ways To Get Rid Of Pigeons
Video: 6 Ways To Get Rid Of Pigeons


Pigeons may be fun to watch, but pigeon droppings can damage buildings and spread disease among other species and even humans. To prevent this kind of nuisance, you can use various deterrent methods, or by keeping the pigeon population under control in an animal-friendly way. Before taking certain measures, always check which laws apply in the area where you live; pigeons may be protected in certain areas or certain methods of controlling them may be prohibited.

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Method 1 of 3: Make rust spots less attractive

  1. Use sticky strips, nail mats or barbed wire to prevent rusting. You can attach these materials to just about any place where a bird might perch, such as on the roof of a house. Prikkastrips, as well as special pins to keep pigeons out, can be purchased at most hardware stores or garden centers. Attach them according to the manufacturer's instructions.
    • A gentler alternative is to use a "slinky", you know, one of those iron springs that you can crawl down the stairs. They are still available at department stores and toy stores. For example, you can spread one over the railing of the balcony, with a maximum space of 3.5 cm between the rings. Hold it in place every 1.5 cm with iron wire (or waterproof tape (duct tape). The pigeons hate this because this way the surface is no longer comfortable to land on.
  2. Install sloped roofing. Cladding made of metal, plywood or PVC provides a sloped surface that birds cannot rust on. Recognized roofing products, such as BirdSlide ™, consist of three shells that form right triangles. The base fits snugly into flat rust place. The surface forms an angle of 40 to 60 degrees that birds cannot land on. Place it on eaves, ledges, windowsills and other flat places where pigeons tend to rust.
  3. Don't feed the pigeons. Never feed pigeons or place birdhouses on your property. Pigeons have a very good memory when it comes to food sources. They will always return to places where they have human accomplices.
    • You can be more flexible on this rule if you control the pigeon population through birth control, which takes advantage of the birds' group mentality and good memory for long-term benefits.
  4. Seal off your attic. Seal any gaps between your clapboards or in your home's siding. Seal the edges of bird nests with metal mesh and silicone sealant, or plastic bird mesh. Close off the space above the rafters where the pigeons roost and build nests with special industrial bird netting.
    • You can further restrict access to your attic by cutting tree branches that grow close to your roof.
  5. Get professional help. If you notice pigeons in your attic or other places indoors, ask a professional to install a so-called one-way door. A one-way door ensures that the pigeons can leave the room, but makes it impossible for them to re-enter. You can also get professional help to remove pigeon droppings, feathers, or other debris left by the birds. Professional cleaners have the correct cleaning equipment and safety equipment; purchasing such equipment yourself is often very expensive.

Method 3 of 3: Scare off the pigeons

  1. Spray the pigeons with the garden hose. Pigeons do not like water that is sprayed on them with force or in a thick jet. Spray the pigeons immediately after they arrive. If you wait for them to settle in properly, it will be too late.
  2. Use reflective surfaces. When the sun shines on reflective objects, it creates a prism effect that reduces the bird's view. Therefore, apply reflective tape or balloons made of reflective foil to deter the pigeons. If your budget is limited, hang old CDs on strings from the branches of nearby trees or along the canopies of the house.


  • Pigeons are intelligent creatures and they have a very strong urge to return home. That's why it can be so difficult to get them away from your house. If you can catch them, they are easy to catch in the dark. They will only always come back unless you can get them to hatch their eggs elsewhere.
  • Pigeons reproduce very quickly. Unless you are dealing with a small number from the start, shooting the pigeons or setting traps is probably only a short-term solution. The remaining birds are likely to quickly replenish the missing numbers in the group through accelerated reproduction.
  • You can reduce the pigeon population in an animal-friendly way by applying birth control. Contraceptives for pigeons are available in the form of chunks that are administered with the help of a special feeder. The chunks are too big for songbirds. It can be an expensive investment, but the long-term effect pays off and can reduce the pigeon population by as much as 95 percent. Buy it online or at a garden center. This method has been approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as well as by most of the organizations that promote general animal welfare.


  • Do not cause unnecessary pigeon suffering. Pigeons are living things. Permanent eradication must always be done in a humane manner that is in accordance with the animal welfare law.
  • Do not use an adhesive gel with polybutylene. This sticky pesticide will harm any bird or other animal that comes into contact with it. It can stick to the feathers of other birds and prevent them from flying. If a smaller bird or other small animal accidentally steps on the gel, it can stick to it and die a slow, painful death.
  • Do not use ultrasonic devices, as such devices cause harm not only to pigeons, but also to other animals. They can injure harmless birds, as well as dogs and cats. Human-friendly ultrasound devices are approved for use at airports, but they are not yet available to individuals.