How to lose weight overnight

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Drink This Before Bedtime and Loss Weight Overnight | On Get Rid Of Belly Fat
Video: Drink This Before Bedtime and Loss Weight Overnight | On Get Rid Of Belly Fat


During the night, our body loses from 0.5 to 1 kilogram of weight. Most of the weight lost is water weight. While a “sleep diet” will not lead to incredible weight loss results, getting regular, good quality night rest will definitely help you lose weight.


Part 1 of 3: Change your daily routine

  1. 1 Start each day with natural diuretics. Caffeine drinks like coffee and tea are natural diuretics that stimulate the muscles in the colon and cause them to contract. These contractions help flush water and waste products out of the body. Drinking a cup or two of coffee or tea in the morning or throughout the day will not only help regulate your digestive system, but also help reduce bloating.
  2. 2 Healthy snack after breakfast. Some people consume sugary or fatty snacks between meals, while others choose not to snack at all. However, none of the options promote weight loss. If you're a snacker, swap out this tempting sweet, salty, or greasy snack for a healthy snack that will keep you going until lunchtime. If you prefer not to eat between meals, you are more likely to overeat during lunch. To avoid this, try adding a healthy snack after breakfast to help calm your appetite at lunchtime.
    • For such a healthy snack, you can eat a slice of whole fruit, a glass of yogurt, or a small bowl of oatmeal.
  3. 3 Take 30 minutes of cardio. Cardio is beneficial for the body in many ways. First, when we exercise, we sweat. Sweating is an easy and effective way to rid your body of excess water. Second, exercise boosts your metabolism. When your metabolic rate increases, you burn more fat and rid your body of toxins that cause water retention. Finally, physical activity is a great way to relieve stress. When you're stressed, you can overeat, retain water, and store more fat than you need to.
    • Aim to exercise for about half an hour every day. You can walk, bike, run, swim, or sign up for fitness.
    • It is better to do it 2-3 hours before bedtime. This will boost your metabolic rate and burn fat throughout the night.
  4. 4 Set aside 30 minutes each day to relieve stress. When you're stressed, your body releases the hormone cortisol. It is produced when the body is under physical or emotional stress. This hormone causes the body to store extra fat and water. By lowering your stress levels, you can reduce your body's cortisol production and start losing weight. The following steps will help you relax:
    • exercises. Go out for a walk at a brisk pace;
    • yoga and / or meditation;
    • listen to your favorite music;
    • take a bath;
    • go for a massage.
  5. 5 Have dinner earlier. After eating a food, your body must digest that food. The digestion process can lead to bloating. As a result, if you force your body to digest food while you sleep, it will be difficult for you to lose weight at night. To avoid going to bed with a bloated stomach, eat dinner a few hours before bed.

Part 2 of 3: Change Your Nightly Routine

  1. 1 Take an Epsom salt bath 2-3 times a week. Epsom salts naturally flush toxins and excess water from the body that cause bloating. Soaking in Epsom salt before bed will help you achieve your sleep-related weight loss goal. Fill the tub with warm water and add 2 cups of Epsom Salt (500 ml). Lie in such a bath for 15 minutes; repeat these procedures 2-3 times a week.
  2. 2 Drink green tea before bed. Before you go to bed, make yourself a nice cup of green tea. Green tea is a natural diuretic that will improve your metabolism. Drinking this warm, soothing drink before bed will help you burn fat more efficiently throughout the night.
  3. 3 Create a good sleeping environment. To lose water and carbon weight at night, you must rest. To help you fall asleep faster and sleep soundly, transform your bedroom into a place that promotes sleep and weight loss.
    • Adjust the temperature in the bedroom to 19 ° C. When you sleep in a cool room, your body has to burn fat stores to generate heat.
  4. 4 Limit light exposure. Exposure to light at night will not only prevent you from getting a good night's sleep, but it can also lead to weight gain. To reduce unnecessary light into the room, hang dark curtains on the windows, remove night lights from the room, turn off the TV, computer, tablet, and put your phone away.
  5. 5 Get enough sleep. Sleep regulates your body's hormones, which dictate when and how much to eat, and therefore improves your metabolic rate. When you sleep, you also lose up to 1 kg of water and carbon weight through breathing. On average, adults need 7.5 hours of sleep per night. If you don't get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night, adjust your schedule to ensure that you get that much night's rest.
    • If you already sleep at least 7 hours a day, you may not notice a big difference in weight if you increase this time by 30-60 minutes.
    • If you have a greater sleep deficit, it will be easier for you to lose weight once you sleep more.

Part 3 of 3: Change your diet

  1. 1 Drink more water. When the body is dehydrated, it is more likely to retain water. Therefore, to lose excess water weight while you sleep, drink the recommended amount of water throughout the day.
    • The average adult man needs to drink 3 liters of water per day.
    • The average adult woman needs to drink 2.2 liters of water per day.
    • Avoid large amounts of caffeine and alcohol, as both can dehydrate your body.
    • Other drinks can help keep your body hydrated, but you should avoid consuming too many sugary or other high-calorie drinks.
  2. 2 Reduce your salt intake. A diet high in salt promotes water retention in the body. Excess water in the body can lead to bloating and an increase in waist size. To reduce your salt intake, avoid:
    • foods that taste salty;
    • adding salt to food;
    • foods that taste not salty but contain hidden sodium. These include canned food, processed meats, and frozen meals.
  3. 3 Limit your sugar intake. Eating foods high in sugar increases body fat stores. Avoid sugary foods and drinks throughout the day. These include:
    • sweets, sweets and desserts;
    • fruit juices;
    • soda;
    • alcoholic drinks
  4. 4 Eat fewer carbs. When the body processes carbohydrates, each gram of carbohydrates retains approximately 4 grams of water.When the digestion process ends, the body converts carbohydrates into fats and sugar (glucose). To reduce the amount of water in the body, as well as the amount of fat and sugar, you need to reduce your carbohydrate intake. When you go on a safe, low-carb diet, you can lose 5 pounds of water.
  5. 5 Increase your intake of protein, fiber, and potassium. If you want to lose weight, replace sugary snacks or meals high in carbohydrates with foods high in protein, fiber, and potassium.
    • Protein-rich foods such as meats and legumes help build muscle and increase metabolic rate.
    • Foods high in fiber (such as greens and whole grains) and potassium (such as bananas and peanut butter) help the body burn fat and shed excess water.