How to create your own happiness

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 26 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
You Don’t Find Happiness, You Create It | Katarina Blom | TEDxGöteborg
Video: You Don’t Find Happiness, You Create It | Katarina Blom | TEDxGöteborg


Tolstoy concisely expressed his thoughts on this issue with the following phrase: “If you want to be happy - be happy!”. Fortunately, many others can offer you more comprehensive and actionable advice. Nevertheless, Tolstoy's advice remains valid: do not seek happiness, create it! To do this, you need to develop and maintain a positive mindset, set goals and achieve them, connect and communicate with people. It is worth paying a little attention to your mentality, a practical assessment of what you want to achieve, and forging a sincere heart connection with those with whom you share your life, and then you can create a state of true happiness and live in it constantly.


Method 1 of 4: Develop a Positive Mindset

  1. 1 Understand that happiness comes from your relationship. Work to change your thinking patterns. You cannot control all the events in your life, but you can control your reaction to them.Remind yourself, perhaps even out loud, that your behavior and your attitude are under your control. Focus your mind on what's good in your life, not fixing what's bad. In practice, do what makes you happy.
    • Don't get hung up on the negative, especially about how you see yourself. Many people feel that it is more important to work on their weaknesses than to improve their strengths. This is simply not true.
    • Accept that happiness is something you can provide for yourself.
  2. 2 Express your gratitude. While this may seem forced, focus on what you are grateful for. Then you will experience more positive emotions, livelier social relationships, reduce depression, improve your health and your self-image.
    • To start a new gratitude-based attitude towards life, simply pause to show your appreciation, even for everyday courtesies. This emphasizes the moments of human interaction.
    • Write about what you are grateful for. Write in a journal or write a letter - when you write down the positive aspects of your day, you instantly become happier. It also improves your ability to feel grateful in general.
  3. 3 Take immediate steps to improve your mood. Your actions also greatly determine your happiness. If you are aware of the fact that your mood is dropping, try one of the following:
    • Smile. You've heard this advice before. The theory that the physical expression of an emotion actually triggers these emotions in the body and mind has been around for over 200 years and is supported by billions of smiles every day.
    • Jump. Better yet, dance. You will feel stupid, but if it keeps you positive, it will certainly be worth the moment of awkwardness. You can even laugh at yourself, and then you will start smiling without making any effort.
    • Fool yourself with voice manipulation. Listen to a recording of your own voice, modified to sound more joyful. Download free voice processing software from the internet.
  4. 4 Understand that you are not your own thoughts. We all have thoughts that bother or scare us. Immediately give up thoughts that upset or depress you, they will only be useful if you and your friend or therapist are actively trying to figure out how you feel about a particular occasion.
  5. 5 Don't judge yourself. Stop talking or thinking about what you “should” or what you “should”. Phrases like these, spoken out loud or just in your mind, increase anxiety and actually decrease your motivation to do what you thought you would do. Rather tell yourself that you “would like” or “hope” to do this and that. It will give you a frame of mind that motivates you to follow through with a positive attitude.

Method 2 of 4: Practice Mindfulness

  1. 1 Be conscientious. Pay attention to the present moment without analysis, judgment, or judgment. Connect with yourself - just sit in silence and actively push away any thoughts you have, without defining them as good or bad, important or unimportant. Breathe. Even one deep breath can immediately improve your mood. Focus on breathing to improve your ability for active awareness:
    • Pay attention to the physical sensations as air enters and exits your body.
    • After a few deep breaths, your body will become noticeably calmer.
    • Embrace this peace of mind. The cognitive dialogue in your head will automatically slow down.
    • The more conscious you become, the more contemplative reverie will prevail in your emotions and dictate your mood. You will become calmer, more resilient and happier in your daily life.
  2. 2 Experiment with different mindfulness exercises. Consider the practice of mindfulness and meditation as exercises for your brain. There are several types of meditation you can try right now:
    • Conduct a mental body scan. Focus on specific parts of your body, starting at the very tips of your toes. Move your attention very slowly to the next part of the body until you reach the very top of the head. Do not tense your muscles in any way, just concentrate on the sensations in each separate part of the body, and push away the thoughts that characterize these sensations.
    • Meditate while walking. If you can't meditate when you just sit and focus on your breathing, try walking meditation. Focus on the physical aspects of each step, including the sensation of contact with the ground, the rhythm and movement of your breath as you walk, and the wind touching your skin.
    • Eat mindfully. At your next meal, sit down at the table and concentrate all your attention on the food. Move the phone out of sight, do not read or watch anything. Eat slowly. Focus on the feel and taste of each bite.
  3. 3 Practice instant awareness. Incorporate mindfulness into your way of thinking and you will notice subtle positive changes in your overall state of mind. You can enhance the effect of this positive influence by noticing when it occurs. Be careful when doing the following:
    • Enjoy your daily rituals. Moments of enjoyment can be easily obtained from ritual behavior. Stop for a moment as you sip your morning coffee, take an afternoon stroll around the area, or play with your pet as soon as you get home. Such actions may seem insignificant, but when repeated systematically, they become a source of calm and stability.
    • Complete one task at a time. Modern lifestyles can easily lead to a state of continuous multitasking. This makes it almost impossible to fully focus on something. Focus on one task at a time to maximize your concentration, productivity, and enjoyment, even in your daily tasks.
    • Breathe in the scent of roses. Literally. When the beauty or charm of something strikes you, stop for a moment and fully enjoy the experience. If you are with another person, tell them what you find enjoyable. Share your pleasure, it will enhance the psychological and physical effects of a positive, mindful moment.
    • Enjoy positive memories. When a positive memory arises in your head, pause and dwell on that thought. You can literally experience positive emotions in the present by bringing up memories of them from the past.

Method 3 of 4: Set realistic goals and achieve them

  1. 1 Set simple, attainable goals for yourself every day. Achieving goals that seem insignificant to you can make a huge difference in improving your overall mood. Set these goals based on other self-improvement and self-care practices. For example:
    • Go to bed earlier. Establish a regular sleep schedule, resist the temptation to sleep longer on days when you don't need to get up early. Getting enough rest will improve your emotional stability, allow you to make better decisions, make you more productive and less susceptible to stress. Although the amount of sleep you need varies, try to get 7.5-9 hours of sleep each night.
  2. 2 Get exercise. Engage in some kind of physical activity at least five days a week. Even moderate exercise can reduce depression and anxiety levels, and is recommended by doctors to improve overall mental health.Choose the activity you like best, as you will most likely want to devote time to it on a regular basis.
  3. 3 Learn more about the benefits of exercise. Motivate yourself to stay active by learning more about the benefits of exercise for your mental and emotional health. They are useful for the following:
    • Improving memory and mental acuity. The endorphins produced during exercise help you focus and even stimulate the growth of new brain cells.
    • Improving self-esteem. The feeling that you are getting stronger and getting your body in shape will definitely provide an increase in self-esteem and self-esteem. Plus, every new exercise goal you achieve will give you a sense of success.
    • Better relaxation and more energy. You will sleep better if you exercise during the day. Avoid doing cardio in the late afternoon and prefer more relaxing types of exercise, such as gentle yoga or stretching. Earlier times of the day are good for vigorous exercise and will help you wake up and kickstart your day, both physically and mentally.
    • Moral stability. Exercise to help you cope with the challenges you face in your daily life. This will reduce your dependence on less healthy coping methods and improve your immune system, which is extremely important when stress is taking its toll on your body.
  4. 4 Work less. If you work so hard that work literally consumes your entire life, cut back on the number of hours you work. Research shows that those who value their time more than money end up being not only happier, but also more financially successful!
    • Set work goals that are difficult but possible to achieve. It is this level of employment that makes people happy. More directly, finish all the basic tasks that need to be done before the end of the day, so you can better relax and enjoy the rest of the day.

Method 4 of 4: Connect with Others

  1. 1 Surround yourself with positive people. Understand that the people around you have a significant impact in many ways. In fact, the best predictor of your happiness is not money or even health, but the strength of your personal relationships and the amount of time you spend with loved ones.
    • Get out of the house! Know that experiences and impressions give more lasting pleasure than material possessions. Partly because we tend to share experiences with other people. Spend your time and spend your disposable income in accordance with this fact.
    • Avoid relationships with people who don't respect or support you. This is especially important in the context of romantic intimate relationships. Long-term intimacy without empathy or empathy is a recipe for unhappiness.
  2. 2 Add depth to your expressions of kindness. Be sincere in casual courtesies. You may already have a habit of holding the door open for the person walking behind. Next time, hold the door open with genuine courtesy. Research shows that you get a positive emotional boost when you do someone a favor and put in the extra effort. This will give you more sincere gratitude, as opposed to when you do something good but are not emotionally involved in your kindness. Take acts of kindness more seriously and you will bring happiness into your life and the lives of those around you.
  3. 3 Volunteer. Provide yourself with a permanent environment in which you can interact constructively with others. While you will make the day better for someone else, you will make it better for yourself.The psychological benefits of volunteering include increased self-confidence, a renewed sense of purpose in life, and a decrease in feelings of social isolation. Chances are, there are many opportunities for volunteering in your city. Animal shelters, libraries and community centers for seniors are always looking for volunteers to offer their help.
  4. 4 Chat with someone younger than you. Remember, happiness is contagious indeed. Research shows that young people are happy almost all the time, while older people find it harder to stay happy.
    • Chat with children. Oscar Wilde once said that he is not young enough to know everything. Fortunately, there are many people who are young enough. A child's sense of surprise and openness to the world, not to mention the child's creative imagination, lead to a feeling of happiness. Listen carefully to the children, and perhaps you will learn the secret of happiness. In any case, allow yourself to share the child's joy whenever the opportunity presents itself.