How to learn to cook yourself

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
COOKING BASICS | The FIRST thing you need to learn
Video: COOKING BASICS | The FIRST thing you need to learn


The prospect of cooking yourself can seem daunting. If you are not in a relationship and are living on your own, or are about to move out of your parent's home, then you should learn how to cook. Homemade meals not only save you money on eateries and restaurants, but they also help you stay in good shape, as they tend to be healthier and more satisfying than processed foods in fast food outlets. You will need simple cooking utensils, basic cooking skills, and constant practice to learn how to cook.


Part 1 of 3: Buy supplies

  1. 1 Get some cooking utensils. They can include both expensive and high-quality utensils and simple items like wooden spoons. At the very beginning, you do not need to rush and spend large sums. Buy what you need: a whisk, long-handled spoons, a metal and silicone spatula.
  2. 2 Buy pots and pans. On supermarket shelves, you can find an abundance of pots, pans and tools designed to make kitchen work easier. Ignore them and buy the basics: a saucepan, a small ladle with a handle, and a frying pan.These three fixtures can meet almost any kitchen need.
    • Change the set according to your needs. For example, if you are going to cook small amounts of food, you can buy only a tall skillet instead of a saucepan and frying pan.
  3. 3 Buy measuring cups and spoons. As a rule, recipes indicate the exact amount of ingredients, so you cannot do without measuring cups and spoons. Each element is required in a single quantity, as the dishes can always be washed, but be sure to buy a full set of spoons and cups. For convenience, a glass measuring container, which holds at least two glasses, does not interfere.
    • Some recipes require non-aluminum cooking utensils. When choosing measuring cups and spoons, look for high quality plastic or stainless steel.
  4. 4 Buy at least one quality paring knife. Poor quality or dull knives turn the cooking process into hard labor. First of all, make sure you have at least one good quality sharp knife to prepare the recipe. A sharp knife will allow you to get diced tomatoes, not tomato puree.
  5. 5 Buy at least one simple cookbook. You will need at least one simple recipe book. Buy the beginner's edition to find not only a variety of simple recipes, but also to get acquainted with the terminology and basic tools.
    • Choose a book for beginners with recipes for specific dishes. For example, buy an Italian cooking guide if you want to focus on pasta and sauces.
    • Before buying a book, you should read the reviews and reviews.
    • If you don't have a book, use one of the many cooking beginner apps.

Part 2 of 3: Learn the highlights

  1. 1 Review the safety rules. It is not necessary to use a protective suit and gloves in the kitchen, but general safety rules must be followed. For example, never allow raw meat to come into contact with other foods, and always wash your work surface after cooking to prevent bacteria growth and cross-contamination.
    • Cook meat separately from other foods. Use a separate knife, cutting board, or even a different work surface.
    • Vegetables and fruits are not particularly dangerous, but always disinfect the surfaces on which they are located. Food particles can become a source of mold and bacteria.
  2. 2 Follow the recipes exactly. Often there is a desire to change a recipe or replace products, but try to follow the directions exactly. During the cooking process, chemical reactions occur and aromas combine, which give the dish an unrivaled taste. Strictly follow recipes until you have a comprehensive understanding of the chemical processes and it is easy to combine different flavors.
    • After a while, you will start to improvise and supplement (or simplify) recipes, but first you need to master the basics in order to gain the necessary experience and culinary flair.

    Alex hong

    Chef Alex Hon is the chef and co-owner of Sorrel, a New American Cuisine restaurant in San Francisco. Has been working in restaurants for over 10 years. Graduated from the American Culinary Institute and worked in the kitchen of Michelin-starred restaurants Jean-Georges and Quince.

    Alex hong

    Specialist says: “I started by learning the basics and getting really good at them. These are things like how to season your food, how to make the perfect salad dressing, or how to roast chicken the right way. Basic tricks can be used to prepare many other dishes. "

  3. 3 Start with breakfast. Breakfast is usually one of the simplest, and it's hard to make a mistake in the recipe. Try different egg dishes to get started, then move on to pancakes and pancakes, and then to baked goods and more complex recipes.
    • Making your own breakfast can help you maintain a healthy weight and keep you energized throughout the day.
  4. 4 Reduce the number of simple meals gradually. After a while, try adding a twist to simple recipes like sandwiches or steamed vegetables. For example, grilled cheese is a whole field of experimentation with different types of cheese, bread, fruits and vegetables. Start by making simple meals less ordinary to feel confident in your abilities.
    • You don't have to be tricky at every opportunity, but simple helpers like ready-made pesto and salsa can help you relieve undue stress while learning culinary tricks.
    • If you like the product, then find out the recipe and cook the dish yourself.
  5. 5 Learn to cook soups and stews. Soups and stews are a great next step towards expanding your skills, as they are also difficult to spoil (with a very simple and straightforward recipe). First, prepare a decoction of vegetables and gradually move on to more complex dishes like broccoli and cheese soup.
    • Soup and stews are great options when you have little time. Place all food in a large slow cooker, set a low temperature, and leave overnight or until evening to indulge in a ready-to-eat dinner after work.
  6. 6 Go to casseroles. Once you have mastered the recipes for different types of soup and roast, it's time to move on to casseroles. Making them is no longer as easy as soup, breakfast dish and sandwiches, but mistakes are still forgivable thanks to the traditional look of the casseroles (all foods are mixed) and the variety of flavors.

Part 3 of 3: Practice Your Skills

  1. 1 Prepare at least two meals every day. You need to cook frequently to quickly learn important skills. In the first step, set a goal for yourself to cook at least two meals a day to “adjust” and gain confidence.
    • Avoid complex recipes that require 2-3 hours of time. It's best to choose recipes that take 30 minutes so you don't lose enthusiasm.
  2. 2 Make a menu. At first, you can't do without routine and simplicity. Simplify the task and create a menu for each day of the week, as well as tag every recipe that comes to life. Don't let cooking become a daily job.
    • A preliminary plan will help you feel confident and simplify the grocery shopping process for the entire week.
  3. 3 Prepare new meals at least once a week. At first, any dish will be a new dish for you. When you've gotten your first cooking experience, keep cooking at least one new meal a week to keep you feeling new and learning new skills.
    • Your goal is constant practice, so you don't have to come up with anything extravagant. So, just go from omelet to casserole if a new recipe helps you gain a new skill.
  4. 4 Cook for family and friends. Start small and organize a brunch or similar low-key event. Invite family and friends over and share your meal with them to help you feel confident. You must try not to feel awkward about the appearance of the dishes and the order in the kitchen.
    • For lunch or dinner with loved ones, choose foods that you are good at.
  5. 5 Prepare food in advance. Try to prepare food in advance when you learn the tricks of the culinary arts. One of the main problems is the preparation time of the products. After cutting vegetables, making broth and cooking rice, there is often no time left to collect all the food in one dish.
    • Chop vegetables in advance, cook chicken and beef broth (or vegetable broth) with a margin, and also do not forget about cereals for the whole week.
  6. 6 Enjoy your meals. When the meal is ready, turn the meal into a special ritual. Every meal should be special.This will keep you enthusiastic and enjoyable in your food preparation and taste.
    • In the morning, you can open the curtains, turn on the radio and make coffee or tea.
    • At lunchtime, set the table nicely and lay down napkins to enjoy your meal and socialize.
    • Light candles in the evening and dim the overhead lights.


  • Start with simple recipes and move on to more complex dishes.
  • Never change recipes for pies or baked goods. It is the exact proportions of the products that help to get a well-prepared dish.
  • On YouTube, you can find a large number of free training videos from famous chefs from all over the world.


  • Learning to cook at a run will not work, so do not despair if at first you will not succeed in everything. Take your time and don't push yourself.
  • You may spoil a lot of food at first. If you don't want to throw them away, give them to pets or compost them.
  • Take your time to cook for others. This step is indicated in the article as one of the last for a reason. If you are not confident in yourself, then it is better not to cook for others for now, otherwise, if you fail, you risk losing the desire to cook.