How to use yoga to smooth out wrinkles on the forehead

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 10 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to reduce forehead wrinkles with face yoga
Video: How to reduce forehead wrinkles with face yoga


We all age, but many of us would like to minimize the visual signs of our age. Knowing how to reduce forehead wrinkles with yoga offers a healthy alternative to botox, facelifts, and other invasive beauty treatments. Facial yoga includes exercises for the scalp, neck and facial muscles, which make the muscles tighter and the skin smoother. Plus, doing facial exercises regularly and gently can help improve circulation, relax muscles, and reduce stress. The following steps will walk you through four yoga poses for the face to help smooth out wrinkles.


Method 1 of 4: Lion Pose

  1. 1 Sit up straight and take a deep breath. While the lion pose is a great workout for your face, it also helps the rest of your body relax. Be sure to sit up straight in advance and take a deep breath to get the guaranteed effect of the exercise.
  2. 2 Tighten your body fully. As you inhale, try to tense every muscle in your body.
  3. 3 Draw the grimace of a lion. As you exhale, slowly relax your muscles, stick out your tongue, open your eyes wide and spread your fingers.
    • It is not enough just to stick out your tongue. Try touching the tip of your chin while smiling or opening your mouth wide.
  4. 4 Freeze with the grimace of a lion. Hold it for five to ten seconds.
    • To get the most out of your forehead wrinkles, be sure to open your eyes wide.
  5. 5 Relax and repeat. Relax your whole body for a few seconds, and then repeat this exercise at least three times.
    • On the last rep, try to hold the grimace for a full minute.
    • This is a great stress relief exercise that also fully stretches the face and improves blood circulation in that part of the head.

Method 2 of 4: Try the V trick

  1. 1 Draw a Latin letter V with both hands. Imagine that you are showing the symbol of peace or the Latin letter V with the index and middle fingers of both hands.
  2. 2 Use the letter V or the peace symbol to frame the eyes. Place your fingers so that your eye is in the middle of each V, with your middle fingers just below the bridge of your nose near the inner corner of your eye. At the same time, position your index fingers so that they touch the outer corner of your upper eyelid.
    • It will look like you are keeping your eyes open with your middle and index fingers.
    • If you look in the mirror, it should look like your fingers are forming a V under each eye.
  3. 3 Squinting at the ceiling. Keep your eyes on the ceiling, squinting hard.
  4. 4 Pull up with your fingers. Pull your fingers (in the V shape you formed) upward while squinting. This will train the muscles of the eyebrows and forehead as they must resist the fingers.
  5. 5 Close your eyes. Remove your fingers and close your eyes tightly. Stay in this position for ten seconds and then relax.
  6. 6 Relax and repeat. After you complete the exercise once, relax your facial muscles for a few seconds, and then repeat the technique six more times, remembering to close your eyes and relax between repetitions.
    • In addition to reducing forehead wrinkles, this exercise prevents puffiness and bags under the eyes. It can also be helpful if you have drooping eyelids and crow's feet under your eyes, so use it in conjunction with other exercises and make it part of your anti-aging skincare ritual.

Method 3 of 4: Owl Pose

  1. 1 Draw the letter C with each hand. Imagine holding binoculars to your eyes.
    • The thumbs should be under the eyes, and the index fingers should be just above the eyebrows.
  2. 2 Use your index fingers to pull the skin of your forehead down. Press firmly on your forehead with your index fingers.
  3. 3 Try raising your eyebrows and opening your eyes wide. To complete this task, you will have to resist your fingers.
  4. 4 Hold this position for two seconds. Press down for two seconds.
  5. 5 Relax and repeat. Relax your arms and eyebrows. Repeat this exercise 3 more times.
  6. 6 Hold this position for ten seconds on the last rep. On the last repetition, hold the position for ten seconds - this will strengthen the muscles in the forehead and make it elastic.
  7. 7 Repeat daily. Do this exercise every day, along with the other yoga poses for the face described in the article, to help keep your forehead smooth and even.

Method 4 of 4: Smoothing wrinkles between the eyebrows

  1. 1 Place your hands gently on your forehead. Make sure your fingers are pointing inward and facing each other.
  2. 2 Swipe your fingers across your forehead to your temples. As you move your fingers from the middle of your forehead to your temples, apply pressure to smooth the skin on your forehead.
    • Imagine you are rubbing wrinkles from your forehead.
    • Don't be afraid to push hard. When doing this exercise, you should feel the skin resisting slightly.
  3. 3 Relax your facial muscles. Now that you have completed one repetition, allow your facial muscles to rest a little.
  4. 4 Do 10 reps every day. Instead of resorting to Botox, repeat this exercise ten times a day to reduce horizontal forehead wrinkles.
    • This is a good recovery exercise at the end of your workout.
  5. 5 Use this technique in conjunction with other exercises. Combine it with the other exercises in this article to fight wrinkles on your forehead more effectively.


  • Try doing these exercises in front of a mirror to make sure you are doing everything right.
  • Repeat these exercises daily to more effectively smooth out wrinkles on your forehead.
  • Do not touch your face with dirty hands.