How to lose 2 kilograms in 5 days

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Detox Diet Plan In Hindi | Diet Plan To Lose 2 Kgs In 2 Days
Video: Detox Diet Plan In Hindi | Diet Plan To Lose 2 Kgs In 2 Days


Many would like to lose a couple of pounds.This is especially true before any important event, be it a reunion, a holiday party, or a wedding. Although fast weight loss is usually not recommended, you can lose a little extra weight to feel more confident or to keep your favorite clothes from being too tight for you. You may not be able to lose 2 kilograms in 5 days, but in any case, the right diet and exercise will allow you to lose a little weight and feel slimmer.


Part 1 of 2: Fast Weight Loss Diet

  1. 1 Reduce your calories. To lose weight, you need to reduce your calorie intake.
    • As a rule, reducing the daily diet by about 500 calories will allow you to lose half a kilogram-kilogram per week. However, if you want to lose 2 pounds in a week, you should cut your daily diet by more calories.
    • Most experts recommend not cutting calories below 1200 per day. With fewer calories, it will be difficult for you to get all the nutrients your body needs on a daily basis.
    • However, eating a very low-calorie diet for just a few days will likely not cause any side effects.
    • Common side effects of very low-calorie diets (around 800-1000 calories per day) include fatigue, fatigue, headache, blurred thinking, and lack of energy. Before starting a diet, be sure to consult your doctor. Do not eat a very low-calorie diet without medical supervision.
  2. 2 Limit your carbohydrate intake. Studies have shown that low-carb diets can help you lose weight faster. These diets help you burn fat and reduce unnecessary body fluids.
    • Low-carb diets reduce the intake of foods that contain significant amounts of carbohydrates. These are primarily cereals, starchy vegetables, dairy products and fruits.
    • It is unwise to avoid all carbohydrate-containing foods as they are unhealthy. In this case, you will have to give up 4 or 5 types of foods, and your body will be deprived of important nutrients it needs to function properly.
    • Limit the foods that are most carbohydrate-rich but low in other nutrients. These are grains and starchy vegetables. The nutrients they contain are also found in other foods.
    • If you decide not to give up carbohydrates completely, limit their consumption to 1 or 2 meals a day. 30 grams of grains (½ cup), ½ cup of fruit, or 1 cup of starchy vegetables daily is sufficient.
  3. 3 Try to eat low-fat foods and greens. To lose weight quickly, limit your carbohydrate intake by focusing on "lean and green" foods. This means your diet will be mostly lean proteins and green, non-starchy vegetables.
    • Include one or two small meals containing lean proteins at each meal. Usually one such dish resembles a deck of cards in size and weighs 80-110 grams.
    • Lean proteins are found in eggs, poultry, lean beef and pork, nuts, and seafood. Low-fat dairy products and legumes are also a source of these proteins, but they should be consumed in moderation as they contain carbohydrates.
    • The other half of your diet should consist of non-starchy vegetables. Eat 1-2 small vegetable dishes at each meal. One such dish is 1-2 cups of green vegetables.
    • Examples of foods that meet the criteria for a "lean and green" diet include grilled salmon with spinach salad, chicken with fried vegetables in oil, meatballs with sliced ​​zucchini.
  4. 4 Drink plenty of fluids. It is very important that your body does not lack fluid, especially if you are trying to lose weight quickly.
    • Fluid saturation is very important to overall health. The fluid helps maintain body temperature, protects internal organs, and even lubricates joints.
    • Most experts recommend drinking 8-13 glasses of water or other liquids daily. This amount may vary depending on your age, gender, and physical activity level.
    • In addition to maintaining proper fluid levels in the body, drinking plenty of fluids can help you lose weight. To reduce hunger and reduce portions, it is recommended to drink 1-2 glasses of water before meals.
    • Drink healthy, calorie-free beverages such as clear or flavored water, decaf coffee, and tea. Try not to drink juices, sports drinks, energy drinks, sodas, and alcoholic drinks.
  5. 5 Don't snack between meals. If you want to lose 2 pounds in 5 days, skip snacking or significantly limit it.
    • While light snacks between meals can be part of a healthy diet, they will not allow you to lose 2 pounds in 5 days.
    • If you do decide not to give up snacks, try to keep them “lean and green” as well. Choose foods that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates.
    • Make sure you eat no more than 150 calories for each snack. Thus, you will be able to control the number of calories and not exceed the set limit.
    • Suitable snacks include 1 hard boiled egg, 80 grams of beef jerky, 50 grams of cheese, or 1 protein bar or shake.
  6. 6 Limit gas-producing foods. Some foods are more gas and bloating than others. While this does not necessarily prevent weight loss, avoiding these foods will make you feel leaner.
    • Some foods cause a lot of gas when they are digested. This leads to bloating, making it difficult to wear tight clothing.
    • These include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, legumes (beans, lentils, peas, and the like), onions, and garlic.
    • Chewing gum and soda can also lead to unwanted gas and bloating.

Part 2 of 2: Exercise for Fast Weight Loss

  1. 1 Dedicate 150 minutes of cardio every week. In addition to reducing the number of calories, doing cardio training will help you burn even more calories.
    • It is recommended that you devote at least 150 minutes weekly to cardiovascular exercise, or exercise for 30 minutes 5 days a week.
    • Try to train at medium intensity. At the same time, during exercise, you should sweat and breathe a little faster, and feel tired after training. There are many medium intensity exercises, depending on your current fitness level.
    • You can do walking, jogging (jogging or faster), swimming, elliptical or rowing machine exercises, aerobics, or dancing.
    • Over time, you can increase the duration of your workouts to 300 minutes per week or more - there is no upper limit in this regard. However, if you are on a very strict or very low-calorie diet, you may feel tired before or shortly after training. If you find this side effect of your diet, be prudent and cautious. If you feel pain or discomfort, stop exercising and consult your doctor immediately.
  2. 2 Increase your daily physical activity. In addition to cardio training, you can be more active in your daily life. There are many simple things that you can do to increase your physical activity.
    • Normal physical activities (such as chores or walking) do not require a lot of calories. However, if you are active throughout the day, you can burn a lot of calories.
    • Think about how you can be more active and move more. For example, you can park further away from your destination, skip the elevator, exercise during TV commercials, or stand up to read.
  3. 3 Try interval training. This is a popular new exercise. These workouts allow you to burn large amounts of calories in a relatively short time and increase the metabolic rate in the body.
    • Typically, interval training takes less time than regular cardio workouts (such as jogging). Interval training consists of alternating intervals of high and medium intensity physical activity.
    • Interval training is suitable for those who exercise regularly and are physically fit to withstand short-term high loads.
    • Interval training can include many cardiovascular exercises. For example, on a treadmill, you can sequentially switch from jogging to sprint or hill running, and back again.
  4. 4 Relax in the steam room. Many gyms offer steam rooms or saunas. There you can not only relax and recuperate after training, but also lose some weight.
    • You lose weight when you sweat. This helps you lose weight faster and feel light and cheerful.
    • Relax in the steam room for 10-20 minutes. Staying longer in the steam room can dehydrate your body.
    • Be careful when using the steam room, especially if you are trying to lose weight. Trying to lose weight with the steam room is not recommended, so use it with care.
    • In addition, excessive sweating can lead to dehydration, which is unsafe. Get drunk before going to the steam room to keep yourself from feeling thirsty.


  • Get enough sleep. Your body burns calories while you sleep. Sleeping well will recharge your batteries and make things easier for you.
  • Minor things like cycling to work, walking up the stairs and high physical activity at home also contribute to the goal.
  • If you live with family or roommates, ask them to throw junk food into lockers, or at least hide it. Extra temptations are absolutely useless for you.
  • Check with your doctor before embarking on any extreme diet or exercise regimen. Your doctor will determine if this is right for you and if it poses a health hazard.