How to maintain a healthy mind

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Wellness 101 - How to Keep Your Brain Healthy - Presented by St. Luke’s University Health Network
Video: Wellness 101 - How to Keep Your Brain Healthy - Presented by St. Luke’s University Health Network


In this article, you will find tips to help you maintain a healthy mind. Learn to praise God for everything you have in life. Avoid complaining about others and learn to rely on faith in all areas of your life.


  1. 1 Try to achieve harmony with yourself. The only person who knows what is best for you is yourself. Try to keep a personal journal in which you will write down your feelings, poems, stories, criticism, compliments, and whatever you want.
  2. 2 Pray and talk to the Lord or whoever you worship. Before going to bed, take a few minutes to pray. Try to regularly attend church and prove your love for people and God, accept God into your soul.
  3. 3 Read a lot. Try to learn something new, so you not only find something to do, but you can also broaden your horizons.
  4. 4 Reflection and meditation are important points in maintaining a healthy mind and calmness. Most people prefer to meditate in the morning, immediately after waking up. Some meditate before bed and after returning from school or work.
  5. 5 Breathe deeply. Spend at least one day alone with yourself. Turn off all TVs, players, computers. Just do something and remember to breathe deeply. This is the best way to understand yourself and your thoughts.
  6. 6 Listen to your inner voice and follow your intuition. What does your inner voice tell you? This is usually the best solution. Think about the consequences, don't do what you might regret later.
  7. 7 Laugh a lot, sing your favorite songs - these little things can really improve your condition and give you strength. Do whatever helps you feel the beauty of life.
  8. 8 Don't take anything for granted. Pretend you are seeing the world for the first time, try to explore all natural phenomena. Try to sense the world with your eyes closed: listen to what is being said in the movies, talk to a friend with your eyes closed, play with pets. This will help you better adjust to your environment.
  9. 9 Do a good deed every day. Whether it's just a compliment, a small donation to charity, or an offer to help bring bags home. This will not only improve your spiritual health, but it will also serve other people well!
  10. 10 Watch or read something inspiring, something that motivates and energizes you. Depending on your preference.


  • Warm up your relationships with other people.
  • Be kind to people.
  • Develop self-confidence.
  • Smile and laugh - let God in and feel the beauty of life.
  • Always be considerate of your loved ones, especially if you feel they need your support.