How to react if your teen is wearing diapers

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
If Kids Never Quit Bottles/Paci/Diapers...
Video: If Kids Never Quit Bottles/Paci/Diapers...


You will surely be very confused if you find that your teen is wearing diapers. However, it is very important to remain calm and to respond correctly to what you see, as improper behavior can hurt your child a lot. The most important thing is to understand that there is nothing wrong with this, be open and study the problem before drawing any conclusions or taking any action.

Please read the entire article through to the end, including warnings and tips, before deciding what to do.


  1. 1 Ask your teen what they need diapers for. Show participation and understanding, listen to your child and do not take any action before you understand why he needs it. It is important to understand that many teens will make up reasons and lie, as this is a delicate question, so you should ask questions gently to understand what is really going on. If you scream and act hostile, he will not tell you anything.
    • Try to find out if your child urinates / defecates in bed at night or has this problem during the day. Asking directly may not be the best way to find out the truth, but you don't need to spy, just pay attention to the dirty clothes that the child folds for washing. If you search his room, he may find out about it and this can completely destroy the trust between you.
    • If it turns out that the child is suffering from urinary and fecal incontinence, gently convince him to make an appointment with the doctor and go there with him. Let him explain the problem to the doctor and if he does not want to do it in front of you, leave the office. Make sure that this is really the problem, as the doctor may advise medication, which, if the problem is not really this, can cause irreversible consequences.
  2. 2 Study what your teenager has to tell you. For a start, it's a good idea to study the articles linked at the end of this article. Do not use Google to research the issue, as you can find many articles written by opponents of diaper wear. Avoid these websites as they often do not reflect the real facts. You can look at the articles on WikiHow on how to understand diaper lovers to better understand how they feel. Be aware that the urge to use diapers has nothing to do with pedophilia.
  3. 3 Have a heart-to-heart talk with your teenage child and try to be open about what you hear. Avoid yelling and hate speech and stay calm. A heart-to-heart conversation should come from the heart. Try to keep it that way.If the conversation works out, both of you will feel better and closer to each other. If the conversation doesn't work out, you may need to see a psychologist to sort out what's going on, but be careful, as many psychologists and doctors are very negative about wearing diapers.
    • Understand that the urge to wear diapers can be among teenage babies or diaper lovers, and this desire is difficult to understand for a person who is far from it.
    • Once you understand this, establish some basic rules of conduct. For example, you and your teenage child may agree not to talk about wearing diapers in public and that you cannot buy them diapers without their permission. You, in turn, can establish a rule not to wear diapers when you have guests at home and that your child should clean up after himself. Make a compromise if necessary, because no matter how deeply you study the issue, you will not be able to fully understand what your child is experiencing.
  4. 4 Understand that if your child is actually a teenage toddler or diaper lover he / she really needs diapers. If you are understanding, it is possible that your child will tell you about other things.
  5. 5 Read the cautions on this page. They are very important.


  • It is better for both of you if mutual understanding and an open attitude to the problem reign in your home, since it will be easier for both of you to be with each other and share your experiences.
  • Remember, compared to other things your teenager might be doing, wearing diapers isn't the worst thing. A website dedicated to teenage babies and diaper lovers reads: “You can't get a diaper pregnant and a diaper won't add to your baby's addiction to alcohol or drugs.” In addition, wearing diapers and using other paraphernalia related to children usually contributes to the development of a more relaxed and friendly attitude towards life in teenagers.


  • Never spy on or search your teenager's belongings. If you do this, he will definitely notice it and his trust in you will completely evaporate. You can never get any information out of a teenager who doesn't trust you.
  • If your child asks for help (buy diapers or other baby things, change a diaper, spoon feed, give a bottle), BE OPEN and honest with him! Explain what you can and cannot do: for some parents it is already intolerable to see a diaper on the child's bed, while other parents are ready to do whatever the child asks for and are ready to bathe him, feed him, change his diapers and, in rare cases, even breastfeed ...
  • If your teen is banned from using diapers and other baby items, he will find other ways to get them, such as stealing or finding them in the trash can. He may also contact drug addicts in an attempt to fill the void caused by you forbidding him what he needs. Don't push him / her down this path.