How to develop Zen thinking

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Practise Zen In Daily Life
Video: How To Practise Zen In Daily Life


Zen thinking allows you to ponder and become aware of the current moment in time, get rid of stress, anxiety, frustration and anger. The person can focus on positive thoughts and actions that help to relax and react in a balanced way to the events of daily life. Don't get hung up on aspects that are beyond your control, be aware of your feelings, and try to take care of yourself in order to look at life in a positive way.


Method 1 of 3: How to Achieve Peace

  1. 1 Let go of aspects that are beyond your control. Man is in charge of only his own actions. He is able to influence his thoughts, actions and feelings, while other people's actions and thoughts are completely beyond his control, regardless of the efforts being made. Learn not to think about other people's thoughts and actions. Focus only on yourself.
    • Everyone has the right to the benefit of the doubt.If you believe that you have been treated badly or unfairly, then assess the situation from a third person. Keep in mind that the person who offended you may not even be aware of what happened. Give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he is unaware of what he was doing.
    • If the person disappoints you, then evaluate your own expectations. How realistic are they? Did you report them to this person? Sometimes it is helpful to talk to him in order to eliminate the causes of misunderstandings.
  2. 2 Assess the big picture. Put everything in its place so that your attitude towards life becomes more balanced. This step is closely related to aspects that are beyond your control. Think about what events in the outside world contribute to the current situation.
    • If an aspect is out of your control, then make a list of external factors that influence that aspect. For example, if you are unable to find a job, then assess the situation in the economy and take into account the transfer of orders for your industry to executors from other countries.
    • Think about how relevant the issue will be in an hour or tomorrow to reduce your anxiety.
  3. 3 Don't let the aspects that can be influenced take their course. Feel in control of some aspects to stay in a calm frame of mind.
    • For example, if you often complain about the amount of traffic, then change your approach: leave at a different time or use public transport. Don't throw wood on the fire of your stress, anger, or frustration. Try to clear your mind to reduce the impact of negative factors.
  4. 4 Focus on the moment. Think about all the positive things in life and current events that help you move on.
    • Make a list of events that are going well. Remember to look at this list occasionally, or pin it to your refrigerator as a reminder.
  5. 5 Imagine a positive outcome. A person is not able to control the outcome of events, but he can imagine the most desirable result. Focus on the positive to drive away negative thoughts.
    • Use images to better represent what you want. If you want to buy a new or more comfortable car, then find a photo of the desired model. Attach this photo to your fridge or bathroom mirror to see your car every day.
    • Use affirmations to imagine a positive outcome. Such statements will shape in your imagination your path to the desired result. You might say, "I started my own successful firm and provide services to many satisfied clients." Repeat this thought to yourself throughout the day to help you focus and gain confidence in a positive outcome.
  6. 6 Enjoy the process. People get frustrated when they cannot achieve the desired result. Learn to find positive aspects even in negative moments. If you are fired from your job, the first emotions will be frustration and anger. Imagine new opportunities that have opened up for you, as well as free time to devote to your family.
    • Learn to enjoy spontaneity and uncertainty. Such a situation can get on your nerves, but if you are unbiased about all the possibilities, then a person will begin to notice the prospects for positive changes.
    • Keep a gratitude journal. Each day, write down several aspects of your life or current situation that bring you joy. At the end of the week, re-read your notes to realize how many good things are happening to you.

Method 2 of 3: How to be aware of your feelings

  1. 1 Notice and find the reasons for your anger. Take 15-30 minutes to observe your anger. Make yourself comfortable in a quiet room where no one will disturb you. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Think about feelings of anger.Where does it reside in your body? Does your heart hurt? Gritted teeth? Are the muscles of the shoulder girdle tense? Do you associate your anger with a specific color or shape?
    • Now open your eyes. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
    • List the factors that might make you angry. The scale of these factors can vary, as there is nothing important or stupid enough. Remember that you need to find the causes of your anger, not hide and suppress your feelings.
    • Pick 3 main reasons for anger and write down 3 strategies for dealing with similar situations. Taking this step will help you gain control of your emotions and feel the ability to take actions that are within your power.
  2. 2 Pay attention to stress. Sit in a quiet area for 15 minutes. Breathe deeply and close your eyes. Determine where the tension is concentrated in your body. Are your shoulders tense? Neck? Legs? Fists clenched?
    • Recognize the tension by saying, "I am aware that my back is tight."
  3. 3 Monitor your reactions to unpleasant situations. If something unpleasant happens, watch your feelings. It's natural to feel angry, stressed, or sad. Don't let your feelings get the best of you. Make a conscious choice to see the positive aspects of an unpleasant situation. For example, if you miss the bus and have to wait for the next one, then take a moment and treat yourself to coffee.
  4. 4 Don't take the situation personally. People may say rude things or speak negatively about you. It is important to remember that such actions highlight not yours, but other people's problems. There is no need to be upset because of other people's hardships.
  5. 5 Smile when you are sad. It is difficult to resist negative feelings, but it is Zen thinking that allows you not to go into them headlong. Smile as you take the first step towards healing. A wide smile allows us to outsmart our brain and switch it to a positive wave, to get out of the hole.
  6. 6 Neutralize negative thoughts. If you succumb to negative emotions, then the consciousness will frantically cling to bad thoughts and accumulate negative. Use the following exercise to help your mind find positive thoughts:
    • Listen to your inner voice for 30 minutes. Consciousness will begin to wander and negative thoughts such as “I am a terrible person. How can you forget about mom's birthday ”. Neutralize such a thought: “Such self-flagellation is useless. Goodbye, bad thought! " Set yourself up in a positive mood, show compassion, and convince yourself that you deserve the best: “I'm too busy. You need to make a to-do list so you don't miss out on anything important. ”

Method 3 of 3: Taking Care of Yourself

  1. 1 Start your day right. The morning energy boost will set the mood for the whole day. Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier than usual. Spend a few minutes in bed, take a deep breath, and tell yourself that today is going to be a good day. Today everything will start all over again, so you have a great opportunity to tune in to the positive.
  2. 2 Take time for yourself. Try to take advantage of free moments during the day to get away from problems, think about possible solutions, or enjoy your favorite meal. All of these will help you develop Zen thinking.
  3. 3 Do not hurry. The constant rush creates stress and makes it difficult to stay calm. Take time to enjoy simple activities, be it chores in the kitchen, a walk, or a hobby. This approach will allow you to feel that life is in your hands.
  4. 4 Practice meditation daily. Meditation allows you to escape from the routine and “digest” everyday stress. Try to meditate at the same time to get used to a certain order. Many people find it convenient to meditate in the morning to prepare for the new day. This process does not necessarily take a long time, so take a convenient moment.At first, meditate for at least 5 minutes, gradually increasing the duration to 10 or even 25 minutes.
    • Sit quietly in a comfortable position for at least 5 minutes. Concentrate on your breathing, inhale deeply through your nose, filling your lungs and abdomen. Exhale freely and slowly. Count to four while inhaling and exhaling.
    • Keep your eyes open and focus gently on a specific point. If comfortable, you can close your eyes.
    • If thoughts begin to wander, then focus on the breath again and continue to count.
  5. 5 Plan your vacation wisely. Sleep is a natural way to stay calm and prepare for the new day. Go to bed at the same time every day. Sleep should be 7-8 hours each night.
  6. 6 Disconnect all electronic devices. Getting rid of distractions like your PC and phone can help you relax your mind. Social media encourages us to immediately answer questions and comply with other people's requests. Take a break from electronic devices to calm your thoughts.


  • Explore other Zen practices, including meditation.
  • Find out where Zen Buddhists meet in your city to participate in collective meditation.