How to develop a customer service policy

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 5 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Create Your Own Customer Service Policy
Video: How To Create Your Own Customer Service Policy


A good customer service policy can contribute to the success of a business.By implementing and maintaining policies and procedures, you can build strong relationships with customers and protect the interests of the company. This will minimize the process of losing customers, and you will be able to expand your customer base. While the nature of customer service policies differs depending on the type of business, there are several main factors to consider in this direction.


  1. 1 Define the main objectives of your customer service policy. Along with customer retention, this policy may include goals such as providing information about new products, receiving product line reviews, and ways to attract customers based on purchasing power. The definition of these goals is the main basis of this policy and facilitates the development of strategies and procedures towards their implementation.
  2. 2 Compare customer service goals with those of major competitors. This will give you some insight into the industry's standards and help align your policy with those standards, and you will also understand non-competition aspects.
  3. 3 Link your customer service goals to your company's core mission. Creating a direct connection between the goals and mission of the company will contribute to the success of your business.
  4. 4 Define specific procedures to help you achieve each goal. For example, the goal of simplifying communication may result in a staggered structure that includes aspects such as telephone contact, email communication, and even chat. All these are ways of communicating with customers to provide certain services.
  5. 5 Determine the specific standards and guidelines that apply to each procedure. Establishing an escalation list that provides a logical chain or sequence of actions to govern every aspect of customer service is critical because it maximizes the use of existing resources and prevents repetition of one approach or another.
  6. 6 Test the policy on a specific group of staff and clients. This will make it possible to spot the blunders in the overall policy design before it becomes widespread. Make sure all clients understand this is a mock test and their feedback on the policy will influence the final list of procedures for this policy.
  7. 7 Tell your customer service staff about the specifics of the new customer service policy. This will promote consistency in how customers are treated in your company and make the procedures in this policy more effective.


  • No customer service policy will always be perfect. This means that every aspect of the policy needs to be reviewed regularly. This will make it possible to adapt the policy to changes, depending on the needs of customers, changes in industry standards and even changes in the circumstances of the provision of the company's goods.
  • Always encourage customer feedback on the nature of the service policy. Since the goal is to retain customers, it is necessary to listen to what they have to say about various aspects of service delivery, for example, delivery time or the speed of response to inquiries and even complaints; it will help you understand the flaws in the policy.