How to stop loving someone

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 13 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Stop Loving Someone (How to Forget Someone You Love)
Video: How To Stop Loving Someone (How to Forget Someone You Love)


We've all had this, falling in love with someone you shouldn't fall in love with. Sometimes for a couple of days, sometimes for a couple of months, but in any case, too long. With a little mental effort and time, you will stop thinking about him or her and even wonder what you found in him or her.


Method 1 of 3: Ending Love

  1. 1 Free up personal space. The old adage "Out of sight out of mind" is right. When you surround yourself with different people and things, that person will become part of the past.
    • If you have only friends and you cannot avoid socializing in the same company, reduce the time spent alone and hang out with other friends.
    • If you are attending the same social events, do not abandon them, it is just an escape from the problem. Chat with friends or use these activities as a reason to make new ones.
    • Avoid places where he or she walks. If you know his or her schedule and where he / she will be, think of something to do during that time. You must not collide either by accident or on purpose.
  2. 2 Time cures. Feelings won't go away overnight. Slowly but surely, they will disappear.
    • Keep a diary. Express your feelings - it will ease the soul. Suppressing feelings is not healthy and leads to frustration and stress.
    • When you start thinking about him, stop. You have the strength to do it. Switch your thoughts to something else - what was that funny anecdote that was told to you today? And who is this cute guy from the neighboring group? Will humanity die from global warming? There is always something to think about.
  3. 3 Stop tracking his or her social media activity. Constantly reminding yourself of her or him only makes things worse.
    • Unsubscribe from updates to his or her Facebook feed. He or she will be on your friends list, but their updates will not be on your friends feed. If you do this, you will avoid the classic and uncomfortable question "Hi, why did you remove me from your friends?"
    • Stop following him on Twitter. If he or she asks about it, there are many reasons one might think of “I spend too much time on the Internet” or “Yes? Weird? Friends often tell me this "
    • If you are not close friends, delete his or her phone number. This will save you from the temptation to call or write an SMS.
  4. 4 Get rid of reminders. It is more difficult to forget someone if you are surrounded by objects that constantly evoke unwanted thoughts.
    • Did you write his or her name and name on a notepad? Do you have his (her) old note? Did you usually drink Fanta together? Get rid of things that make you think about him or her. Make sure that as few things as possible remind of him (her).
    • Or if you can't get rid of something (like a piece of furniture or a textbook), try to find ways to get it out of your field of vision as far as possible. Wrap the book in a new cover or throw a blanket over the sofa you used to sit on together.
  5. 5 Think about his or her mistakes. They all have them. Perhaps you did not notice them because you idealized this person.
    • Why do you want to stop loving him?
    • Why don't others like him or her?
    • What are your differences? (and what is your resemblance to someone else?)

Method 2 of 3: Ending a suffocating friendship

  1. 1 Sorry. Sometimes people just don't fit us. If you are feeling sad or not feeling well from communicating with the person, it is most likely a suffocating friendship.
    • Do not hold a grudge against such a person. He may be so self-absorbed that he doesn't notice his influence on you.
    • Come to inner harmony. Whatever you feel - you have the right to it. You wouldn't feel it if it weren't for it.
  2. 2 Forget it. Choking friendships are worthless. Perhaps you think you can change something. But a much better way to just spend time with people you feel comfortable with.
    • Stop wasting your energy on this relationship. Be polite in your interactions, but don't look for ways to be seen or appreciated by that person. Spend your energy on maintaining relationships with people who come to meet you.
    • Concentrate on other friends, you are supported and cared for by many people: family and friends. You are not dependent on this person.
  3. 3 Take care of yourself first. You are the most important person in your life.Most of all, you should be happy. And this person does not allow you to be happy.
    • If, despite the fact that you avoid such a person, he insists on communication all the time, clarify everything. “I want to spend more time with other friends; I invest more in our relationship. ”If such a person wants to save the relationship, he will try. If he doesn’t want to, go to the tablecloth! You can leave knowing that you did everything right.

Method 3 of 3: Acquiring new habits

  1. 1 Make new friends (or remember old ones) An active social life will distract you and you will spend a lot of time socializing. Here's how you can expand your dating circle:
    • Join a new club or team. If you play sports or have a favorite hobby, look for ways to do it with other people.
    • Volunteer. Perhaps local hospitals, nursing homes, or animal shelters need help.
    • Look for a part-time job. Ask around if someone is hiring a part-time job or look at local job advertisements.
  2. 2 Take care of yourself. And you hardly have enough time to think about him or her.
    • Find a new hobby (for example: drawing, music, cooking)
    • Organize activities for yourself and your friends (even as simple as going to the movies)
    • Spend more time with your family
    • Spend time on the internet
  3. 3 Improve yourself. Take time to focus on becoming like the person who inspires you. And after a while, you will be too good for him or her.
    • Practice. Go jogging, yoga, or sports. Exercising will boost endorphins, lift your spirits and make you look better than ever.
    • Sign up for a master class. Ever wanted to do pottery or learn more about martial arts? The time has come!
    • Read about what interests you. Pick a new novel you've wanted to read for a long time. And spend more time reading the news.
  4. 4 Change your tastes. Did both love the same music? No longer.
    • Experiment with new TV shows.
    • Find promising new bands (or rummage through your parents' music tapes).
    • Follow a new fashion craze or start a new one.
  5. 5 Look at both. As they say, white light did not converge on it. Don't forget to have fun, hang out. The more new situations there are, the more you can find new (better) interests


  • Don't be ashamed. At one point or another in life, everyone finds themselves in a similar situation.
  • Do not fool him.