How to stop loving a person you have to see every day

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Stop Loving Someone (How to Forget Someone You Love)
Video: How To Stop Loving Someone (How to Forget Someone You Love)


You knew that dating a neighbor, colleague, or classmate (classmate) is probably not the best idea. However, six months ago, you didn't want to listen to common sense. Heart matters can turn your head, but if you have to see someone every day after breaking up, you need to strategize on how to deal with such an awkward environment. For your plan to be successful, you will need to step back from the situation, develop a positive outlook on life, and just move on.


Part 1 of 3: Moving away from the situation

  1. 1 Accept the loss. Relationships are very important. They allow us to experience emotional ups and downs, to know ourselves and to know what it means to love and be loved. These are key elements on the path to a fulfilling life. It doesn't matter who initiated the breakup, you or your partner. In any case, the process of experiencing the loss was launched.
    • Tell the guy: “I just want to admit that breaking up this relationship was not easy for me. I know that for a while it will be difficult and embarrassing for us to see each other. I will try my best to respect your boundaries and I will appreciate it if you do the same. ” An introduction like this can lead to further discussion during which you can clarify your expectations.
    • You need to realize that the relationship was important to your personal development, no matter how long it lasted or how much you got carried away.
    • Denying the feelings associated with the breakup and pretending that you don't care about it, then you will gain nothing from the experience.
  2. 2 Pay the loss. Many people are taught to gain things, and few are taught to lose them. It doesn't matter what you have lost, your relationship, your loved one, your job, your physical ability or someone's trust, you need to recognize the harm and deal with it. Sadness is a complex emotion that manifests itself in different ways for everyone.
    • There are stages in experiencing grief. They can be used to learn from your own experience of going through this process. The stages are as follows: denial, shock, numbness - bargaining - depression - anger - acceptance.
    • Keep a sadness journal and describe the feelings you experience at each stage.
    • Sadness is a solitary path. And each person goes through it in their own way.
    • Perhaps you will stay longer at one of the stages than at the other.
    • Take your time to forget everything and don't let others rush you. Now you need to grieve, as this is an integral part of the recovery process.
  3. 3 Get yourself together. Parting is associated with emotional breakdown. You will need to make every effort and attention to walk this path. Find a way to pull yourself together and gain strength for the challenges ahead. It's okay to feel overwhelmed to a certain extent, and each time you pull yourself together, your confidence will only grow.
    • Tell yourself, “I can do this. I can find a way to get around this guy because I am strong and I will be fine. "
  4. 4 Consider possible scenarios for the development of events. Review or discuss with a close friend as many potential interactions as you can. Choose someone who doesn't gossip behind your back. You don't want to add fuel to the fire. Rehearse your verbal and physical reactions ahead of time so that you feel less anxious when meeting with your ex and practice the behavior you need.
    • Ask yourself, "What will I do if I run into him face to face in an elevator?" It would be wise to say, “Hello. Awkward elevator ride, huh? "
    • You can always wait and take another lift. Nobody forces you to do what you do not want.
  5. 5 Don't rush things. Emotions do not tolerate haste or withdrawal from them. It will take time to recover from the breakup; you may get bored with everything and lose patience. Redirect your energy to something that might distract you from your thoughts.
    • Doing what you love can help you pass the time and put your feelings in order.
    • Take a break from your worries with a movie or a marathon of your favorite TV show. Stay away from romantic comedies and love stories, or your suffering will only increase.
    • Play board games or join a book club to redirect your time and attention.
  6. 6 Take action to move on. The most obvious and obvious way to solve this problem is to change your job, place of residence, or class schedule. Perhaps this will be the most effective solution. However, there are people who cannot leave work, move or find another place of study. Come up with an “artificial” way to “leave” to keep your distance.
    • Move around the office in other ways.
    • Examine the person's daily schedule so that you don't overlap with them.
    • When studying, sit at the opposite end of the room or out of sight.
    • Do whatever is necessary to create space between you. This will help you feel progress as you adjust to the situation.
    • Don't expect him to disappear from your path. You need to stay away from him yourself. So do it ASAP.

Part 2 of 3: Developing a Positive Lifestyle

  1. 1 Make the most of this situation. Changes can be for the better. Perhaps the relationship was an emotional burden for you and brought more stress than joy. Understand that newfound freedom will bring you many new opportunities.
    • Feel the relief of not having to worry about the other person or worry about the scandals they've brought into your life.
    • Spend time outside of work developing healthy relationships with friends or other guys, one of whom could be your new lover.
  2. 2 Keep a positive attitude when you come into contact with this guy. Be “calm and at ease” - stay away from serious thoughts, discussions, problems, or complaints. Play with equanimity and optimism that will not be weakened by the negativity or awkwardness of the situation.
    • When a person is optimistic, it is difficult to get him into negative conversation.
    • When you are optimistic, you are strong. By reacting to stinging remarks, you are only showing your weakness in front of another person. Remember, you and only you - this is very important - are responsible for your feelings.
  3. 3 Don't be categorical. Accept yourself. If you feel guilty or regretful for being in a relationship with a colleague, classmate (classmate), or neighbor, you need to forgive yourself. It doesn't mean to forgive and “forget” what you did and then do it again. Forgive me with the intention of learning from your mistakes and preventing any future self-flagellation attempts.
  4. 4 Pretend until you can handle everything. Actors are paid to pretend. You may not be an actress, but for a while you will need to pretend that you are doing well and continue until it really is. This is a way to save yourself from further pain. Try to cope with awkward interactions by all means.
    • Discuss this later with a close friend or family member. This will help you get over the agitated feelings.
    • Letting your emotions out is a smart way to work through your feelings and possibly feel better.
  5. 5 Use silence to your advantage. Many people are embarrassed by silence. It seems to them that they simply have to fill the silence, thereby defusing the situation. Learn to feel comfortable in silence. If you don't know what to say in a situation, don't say anything. Be content with the silence, and you will not experience any inconvenience when you meet.
    • Being silent doesn't mean looking rude.
    • Remember, a lot of people feel uncomfortable during silence, and the guy might say or ask you something. Answer in the manner that seems appropriate to you.

Part 3 of 3: Moving On

  1. 1 Learn from your mistakes. If you feel like you've made a painful mistake in entering this relationship, let the pain keep you from making the same mistake in the future. There are reasons for certain rules of life. By following them, you will move forward, towards pleasure and away from suffering. Stick to this simple yet wise principle to ensure your future is bright.
  2. 2 Rely on yourself for coping methods. It will help you deal with the breakup. Only you know what will make you happy, so do what will bring you more positive emotions.
  3. 3 If you find it difficult to cope with the situation on your own, seek professional help to understand what changes you need to make in your behavior. Consult with loved ones and look on the Internet for contacts of good psychologists and psychotherapists.
  4. 4 Fight for yourself and the life you want to have. You are here to live and enjoy life. Stand up for yourself to remind yourself that you deserve to be happy and the world will notice. When you reach the stage of recovery from a bad experience, those around you will notice positive changes in you. Consider that you have fired a signal flare to alert you that you are ready for good things to happen in your life.
    • Others may say: “Have you changed something in yourself? You look amazing". And the answer might be: “Thank you. Yes, I decided to be happy and it worked. ”


  • It is sometimes difficult to explain human behavior. You make mistakes, but you don't have to repeat them.
  • If you see him with another girl, don't show jealousy, even if you do.
  • Show your ex that you are happy and are doing great without him.
  • Take your time to start new relationships.
  • Don't try to make him jealous by starting a relationship with someone you don't really like. Don't play with other people's feelings.
  • He may try to get you back. Make the right and well-considered decision by carefully considering all the options available.
  • Find something to do. A new hobby or activity can help you distract yourself.
  • Ask your supportive friends to just call him someone you know, not an ex-boyfriend.
  • Live with a firm and confident attitude and this will help you attract a healthy attitude.
  • Be kind to your ex-boyfriend's relationships.


  • If you've tried to be friendly to the person, and he continues to avoid you, so be it. Not everyone has to be your friend. You would not tolerate this behavior on the part of a friend.
  • Do not try to be overly polite or flirt with him as he may think you want to be together again. Do not lure the person with evil intentions.
  • Remember that alcohol liberates and increases the likelihood of doing bad things that you will later regret.
  • You can have setbacks and misses. And people can become terribly intolerant of your behavior.
  • Continuing relationships in the workplace will create a reputation for being fired or accused of sexual harassment.