How to wake up a deaf person

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 3 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Wake Up a Deaf Kid
Video: How to Wake Up a Deaf Kid


Many people find it very difficult to wake up in the morning. They put off the alarm several times and only after a while reluctantly get out of bed. Deafness poses additional difficulties for a person. In the absence of hearing, he has to rely on other opportunities to wake himself up in the morning. Thanks to outside help, modern technology, different senses or a specially trained dog, deaf people can also wake up on time and start a new day.


Method 1 of 3: Natural Ways

  1. 1 Use your sense of smell. The sense of smell helps a person to pick up food odors and other aromas. Prepare something aromatic in the morning to wake the person up to smell the source of the pleasant scent.
    • Brew aromatic tea or brew coffee. The fresh smell of the drink spreading throughout the apartment will convince the body to wake up and get out of bed.
    • Fill the room with the person's favorite scent. Use citrus fruits or one of the air freshening sprays.
    • Make baked goods or a pungent-smelling dish. Few can resist the smell of freshly prepared homemade food.
    • Bring breakfast in bed. This will make the person, if not get up, then at least wake up.
  2. 2 Use touch. The sense of touch is another great way to wake up someone with hearing loss or hearing loss. It is enough to gently move the bed, the person himself, the pillow, or simply open the curtains.
    • A responsible spouse, parent, child or roommate can handle this task. The main thing is that the person should take this task seriously.
    • You can turn the bedroom light on and off immediately to attract the sleeper's attention.
    • Pull back the curtains so the sun's rays illuminate the sleeper's face or body.
    • If all else fails, lightly shake the person's arm or shoulder to wake them up.
    • You are doing the person a favor, but you don’t need to be rude, impatient, or insult the sleeper. Try not to splash cold water in his face, remove the blanket, or push the person out of bed. This behavior will only cause outrage.
  3. 3 Specially trained dog. It is possible that you are extremely busy in the morning or your schedules do not match at all. In this case, you can get a specially trained dog that can wake up a sleeping person. Such dogs are trained to help deaf and hard of hearing people, waking up the owner when the alarm clock rings.
    • The ringing alarm clock makes the dog wake the owner until he wakes up and mutes the sound signal.
    • Trained dogs help deaf people who communicate in sign language or dumb people.

Method 2 of 3: Modern technology

  1. 1 Alarm clock with strong vibration. You can purchase a special vibrating device that connects to the alarm clock and vibrates during a call.
    • When the alarm goes off, the device will shake the bed and wake up the deaf person!
    • Manufacturers also offer “vibrating pads” that are triggered by a signal.
  2. 2 Alarm clock with flashing light. Give a flashing alarm beacon to someone who is deaf or hard of hearing.
    • During a call, a bright light is turned on, directed towards the bed.
    • For reliability, you can combine vibration with a light signal so that a person does not oversleep.
  3. 3 Call to a mobile phone. Before going to bed, ask the person to vibrate their mobile phone and place it under a pillow or hold it in their hands. In the morning, during your call, the phone will vibrate and wake up the sleeping person.

Method 3 of 3: How a deaf person wakes himself up

  1. 1 Get into the rhythm. You need to program your body to wake up at the same time every day, even on days when you don't need to go to work or pack your child to school.
    • First, ask your loved one to wake you up at the same time every day for one week to set up a physiological process called your circadian rhythm. The daily or circadian rhythm is a natural circadian cycle that regulates the body's work.
    • Determine enough sleep hours. This is important because you will need to go to bed and get up at the same time each day to keep your rhythm steady.
    • It is also necessary to wean yourself from the fact that someone might wake you up in the morning. Stick to a schedule and wake up at the same time. First, try to wake up on your own every other day, so that at first the assistant still monitors whether you are able to wake up on time.
  2. 2 Use your senses. The loss of one of the senses always reinforces the others, so start using the rest of your senses to your advantage. Your brain will begin to wake up naturally in response to outside influences.
    • Try sleeping near an open window so that the sun shines in your face in the morning. Position your bed so that the sun's rays wake you up at the right time. In this case, you will need to move the bed periodically throughout the year.
    • The sleeping body is sensitive to temperature changes, so you can set the timer on the thermostat so that it turns on one hour before waking up. A sudden change in morning temperature will make the body wake up. You can combine this method with the sun's rays.
    • If you drink coffee, use your sense of smell. Set a timer on the coffee maker so that it starts brewing coffee a few minutes before the desired time. The smell of strong coffee will help you wake up.
    • You can always rely on the urge to go to the toilet. Drink plenty of water before bed to ensure you always wake up at the right time.
  3. 3 Mental alarm clock. Give yourself a motivation or reason to wake up in the morning. If you know that you need to wake up by six to get ready for school, then the body will begin to release adrenocorticotropin in high concentrations to wake up the body. With patience and diligence, the internal alarm clock can operate relatively accurately.
    • Health is an important aspect of timely awakening. A healthy body responds better to mental and physical prompts, while excessive amounts of sugar and fat will make you drowsy or lethargic. Excess caffeine also affects sleep patterns.
    • The sleep cycle interval is ninety minutes. Calculate the hours you sleep and the time you need to wake up using a multiplier of ninety. It is easier for the body to wake up towards the end than in the middle of the cycle.
    • There is also an experimental method according to which you need to mentally imagine the morning awakening. Thinking to myself “I will wake up at…” really helps to wake up at about the scheduled time.