How to relax your muscles

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to relax tight and sore upper back & neck muscles Physio Adelaide
Video: How to relax tight and sore upper back & neck muscles Physio Adelaide


After a long and difficult day, unpleasant tension can be felt in the muscles, which must be relieved.Muscles can also become tense after strenuous exercise in the gym. If you feel painful stiffness and muscle tension, it is important to provide your muscles with proper muscle care to keep them healthy. Meditation and yoga can help to relax the whole body. Light stretching or a friendly or professional massage of sore tight muscles may also be helpful. If these methods turn out to be ineffective, consult your doctor and, perhaps, he will prescribe medication that is suitable for you.

Attention:the information in this article is for informational purposes only. Check with your healthcare professional before using any medication.


Method 1 of 5: Applying Heat to Relieve Stiffness

  1. 1 Apply a heating pad to a sore or strained muscle. The heat from the heating pad can help dull pain and reduce inflammation in your muscles. You can buy a heating pad at the pharmacy to apply it as needed. Be sure to follow the instructions in the manual for this device.
    • In sports equipment stores, you can sometimes purchase heating pads that are designed for specific muscles.
  2. 2 Take a 15-minute Epsom salt bath. Add about 1 cup (240 ml) Epsom salt to a tub of warm water and stir thoroughly before going into the water. Soak in the bath until the muscles relax. At the end of the procedure, rinse with clean water.
    • Epsom salt dissolves in water and is absorbed into the skin, thereby reducing inflammation, helping muscles and nerves work, and nourishing the body with magnesium. Magnesium contributes to the production of serotonin in the brain. And serotonin is a chemical compound that makes a person feel calm and relaxed.
    • For some people, Epsom salt can irritate the genital area. If you feel the irritant effect of salt, wash it off thoroughly with warm water and soap and do not use this product again.
  3. 3 Sit in a sauna or steam room for 10-15 minutes. This is a great way to warm up your muscles and improve circulation. In addition, it aids in the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. Spend 10-15 minutes warming up your body, and then stretch your muscles when they are already relaxed. This method is especially effective after physical training and other physical activity.
    • Saunas and steam rooms are found in most large gyms. Many hotels also offer sauna and pool services.

Method 2 of 5: Sequential Muscle Tension and Relaxation Exercises

  1. 1 To relieve muscle stiffness, try to tense and relax them. Squeezing the muscles will increase blood circulation, which will help to further relax them. Think of this procedure as a targeted self-massage. For example, press down on the deltoid muscle of the right shoulder with your left hand. Take a slow deep breath and hold the pressure for 5 seconds. Then release your hand and exhale slowly. Do not strain your sore arm so as not to put unnecessary stress on the surrounding muscles.
    • Continue repeating these steps for 5 minutes before moving on to another sore muscle.
  2. 2 Try stretching stiff muscles to help them relax. Stretch your muscles before and after exercise to prevent stiffness and soreness. Stretch each major muscle group for 15-30 seconds to effectively combat muscle tension. Make sure that you feel a good stretch of the muscles without causing severe pain. Here are some good stretching exercises.
    • If you have calf pain, slowly rotate your ankles and feet in a circle.
    • Pull your foot towards you and then away from you, contracting the muscles to develop the calf muscle tissue.
    • Raise your shoulders to touch your ears, and then lower them down and back. This will help relieve the condition of the shoulder and upper back muscles.
    • Sequentially tilt your head to each shoulder and hold it in this position for about 15–20 seconds. Be sure to stop when stretching becomes unnecessarily intense. This will help relax tense neck muscles.
  3. 3 Do light cardio workouts to keep your muscles flexible and flexible. Light cardio exercises are great for relaxing muscles by improving blood circulation. Just walk at a brisk pace on the treadmill or jog for 15-20 minutes outside. Be sure to keep a faster pace than normal walking, but you do not need to switch to a full-fledged run. The goal of light cardio workouts is to relax the muscles, while more intense cardio workouts, on the other hand, can cause muscle tension.
    • You can also jump rope or swim for 10-15 minutes.

Method 3 of 5: Relaxing the Whole Body to Relieve Muscle Tension

  1. 1 Get yourself at least 7 hours of sleep a night. It is important for any person to sleep at night exactly as long as is recommended for his age, regardless of the intensity of his daily schedule. Adequate sleep allows your muscles to relax and recover from a long day. If that day you did physical activity, and the subsequent night's sleep was insufficient, the muscles simply cannot relax, and throughout the next day you will experience muscle tension.
    • Adolescents should sleep about 8 hours a night, and adults should sleep at least 7 hours.
  2. 2 Practice relaxing breathingto relieve tension in the muscles of the shoulders and back. Slow, deep breathing can release muscle tension by improving the oxygen supply to the body. Inhale slowly for 4 seconds and then exhale for the same duration. As you inhale, try to draw in as much air as possible. Continue breathing deeply until you have taken 15-20 breaths or until you feel relaxed.
    • Practice relaxing breathing while sitting or reclining.
  3. 3 Meditate to relax muscles and eliminate stress in the body. Meditation relieves muscle tension and stress through psychological effects on the body. Find yourself a quiet place to meditate where no one will disturb you. You can sit up straight or cross your legs, or you can lie on your back and concentrate on breathing slowly and deeply. Free your mind of stressful thoughts and try to visualize muscle tension leaving your body.
    • Although meditation can be practiced at any time of the day, evening meditation may be more effective as it prepares your body for further rest.
    • If you don't have time for full meditation, try listening to relaxing music or sounds, such as the sound of the sea or rain. This will help you relax and refresh your head even during strenuous work at the desk.
  4. 4 Try yoga for stretching and relaxing muscles. Be aware that there are intense aerobic yoga that can aggravate muscle tension. Instead, turn your attention to measured, leisurely forms of yoga that allow you to stretch painful muscles without any additional strain. Try several different types of yoga with different instructors to find the one that best suits your abilities and needs.
    • If you decide to practice in a specialized yoga studio, look for information about such organizations on the net. Search for the phrase: “Yoga Studios (name of your area)”.
    • If you don't have a yoga studio where you live, try free yoga videos on popular online platforms such as YouTube.

Method 4 of 5: Seeking Professional Muscle Therapy

  1. 1 Find a professional massage therapist. Massage salons often offer deep massage services that have an intense effect on muscle tissue that is unable to relax on its own. Explain to the massage therapist which muscle or muscle group is bothering you and let the specialist massage the area for at least 30 minutes.
    • Look for a professional massage parlor near you. For example, search for the phrase: “Professional massage parlor (name of your area)”.
  2. 2 Visit a chiropractor and ask them to fix your tight muscle problems. Chiropractors correct the position of bones and joints, which in turn helps relieve muscle inflammation and pain. Chiropractors can also use electrical stimulation and massage techniques. If you have a tense muscle that needs to be relaxed, a chiropractor can give you immediate relief. The treatment session will take 15-30 minutes, however, you will most likely need to sign up for it several days in advance.
    • Depending on the severity of the muscle pain, your chiropractor may prescribe up to 2-3 sessions per week for several weeks to help control your pain.
    • It is not always possible to contact a chiropractor for a compulsory health insurance policy. But if you have a voluntary health insurance policy, it may include chiropractic services. To find out everything, you need to carefully read the insurance contract or call the insurance company.
  3. 3 Try acupuncture (acupuncture) to relieve muscle tension from certain muscle groups. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine in which special thin needles are inserted into specific points of the body to fight a wide variety of diseases. Among other things, acupuncture relieves muscle tension, inflammation and relieves stress. Acupuncture sessions usually last about 20-30 minutes.
    • Look for information on certified acupuncturists near you. Try searching for the phrase: "Acupuncture (name of your area)".
  4. 4 If you are afraid of needles, resort to a massage of biologically active points. Specialists in such massage use fingers, palms, elbows and special instruments to influence certain biologically active points of your body. The healing session itself may also include stretching or classical massage. At the same time, the massage of biologically active points helps to relieve muscle tension and improves blood circulation, which promotes relaxation. Try searching online for local professional acupressure therapists.
    • The essence of acupressure is similar in principle to acupuncture, but only without the use of needles.

Method 5 of 5: Treating Muscle Pain with Medication

  1. 1 For mild muscle pain, try NSAIDs. These drugs are designed to relieve pain and reduce swelling and inflammation. They can be dispensed both without a prescription and with a prescription. Be sure to follow the instructions for the drug used. Most NSAIDs recommend not taking more than 1200 mg per day.
    • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Nurofen (ibuprofen) and Motrin (naproxen) are well known.
  2. 2 Take magnesium and zinc to relieve muscle pain. Magnesium and zinc are substances that promote muscle relaxation.These substances are found in foods such as spinach, peanuts, brown rice, and almonds. Also, these substances can be taken in the form of nutritional supplements.
    • Talk to your doctor for more information about taking magnesium as a dietary supplement. Magnesium supplements are available over the counter and are available over the counter.
  3. 3 Ask your healthcare provider about central muscle relaxants (muscle relaxants) to combat muscle tension. Muscle relaxants block pain signals from nerve endings to the brain. They are often prescribed in combination with rest and physical therapy to effectively combat pain and tension. Muscle relaxants usually require a prescription and are prescribed for a limited period of time, as many of them can be addictive.
    • Talk to your doctor about using these products. They are sometimes prescribed in combination with other drugs, such as aspirin.
  4. 4 Talk to your doctor about prescribing Baklosan (baclofen) for muscle cramps. This drug can be used for a longer time without addiction. Often, this drug is prescribed to combat back pain and muscle spasms caused by osteochondrosis.
    • The drug can only be prescribed by prescription and under the strict supervision of a physician. It should be taken with caution in cerebrovascular insufficiency, cerebral atherosclerosis, chronic renal failure, in elderly patients and children under the age of 3 years.
    • It should also be noted that the drug has a fairly wide list of contraindications, which include psychoses, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, convulsions, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, and so on.
  5. 5 Consider taking Sibazone (Diazepam) if you have severe muscle pain or cramps. This medication is used to relieve pain in the lower back caused by muscle spasms. It effectively fights stress and severe pain. So if you are experiencing severe muscle aches and cramps, talk to your doctor about taking diazepam.
    • This medication is very effective but can be easily addictive. It cannot be taken for a long time. Your doctor will probably prescribe diazepam for you only for 1 to 2 weeks.
    • In most cases, doctors only prescribe these drugs for severe or chronic muscle pain.
    • While taking diazepam, stop drinking alcohol, driving a car, and operating complex machinery.


  • Never take prescription drugs without first consulting your doctor.
  • If you are over 65 years old or have previously experienced heart problems, be sure to consult with your doctor before going to the steam room or sauna, as this may not be safe for your health.
  • Never go to bed with a heating pad on in bed. This can lead to skin irritation and even burns. In addition, it is quite fire hazardous if there are flammable materials nearby.