How to expand your knowledge and develop logical thinking

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 tips to improve your critical thinking - Samantha Agoos
Video: 5 tips to improve your critical thinking - Samantha Agoos


In the 21st century, there are endless ways to access information in order to expand your knowledge and logic - and it all starts with the process of cognition. The more you learn, the more you begin to understand. The more you understand, the easier it will be for you to learn something new. Through continuous learning and effective practical methods, over time, anyone will be able to acquire the required knowledge and logical thinking.


Method 1 of 4: Determining False Inferences

  1. 1 Don't get personal. Personality attacks occur when a person tries to refute an argument by pointing out the character or attribute of the person giving the argument. When this happens, he discredits the other person without providing any rationale for this. It is very important to listen to the information and turn off the feelings that you may have in relation to the second person. This will allow you to state all the facts and keep your chain of thought.
  2. 2 Don't let your emotions influence your thoughts. Emotional messages are often used to trick the reader or listener into reacting incorrectly, causing them to act contrary to their best judgment.Beware of such manipulations and refrain from rash actions.
  3. 3 You should not always be led by "fashion". Very often people agree with an idea or opinion simply because it is the most popular. When choosing an idea, point of view or opinion on any issue, decide for yourself why you think so. Disagree with something simply because everyone does it. Always back up your opinion with reasoning and research done on a topic.
  4. 4 Beware of vicious logical circles. This is a logical ploy in an argument, in which the end result becomes the starting point of the argument. Basically, the assertion for something is supported by an initial condition, and the original condition is supported by the assertion. A dispute will not have convincing evidence of a statement if there is no real fact underneath the evidence. An example of this is the following situation:
    • Person A: "Go to sleep."
    • Person B: "Why?"
    • Person A: "Because I said so."

Method 2 of 4: Influential Opinions

  1. 1 Watch TED talks. TED Talks are intellectual lectures where different people speak to discuss different ideas in science, psychology, humanities, anatomy, and other areas that make a person curious. These talks are very high quality and are sure to make you think critically and open up to new ideas.
    • TED talks can be found on their website or app, DVD or YouTube.
  2. 2 Attend seminars and conferences. Scientific symposia are led by people with extensive knowledge in a particular field, theory or idea, and who want to share this knowledge with other inquisitive minds. There are workshops that can help you grow your career or that provide you with knowledge for everyday life.
    • Search for specialized seminars online or ask around at work.
  3. 3 Take an interest in people who are leading experts in their field. Depending on your interests, find out who is or was the leader in this area and inquire about him / her. Find out about their accomplishments or watch documentaries about their lives. You will find out how these people achieved greatness and, perhaps, this will push you to do the same.
  4. 4 Take part in massive open online courses (MOOCs). MOOCs are universal free online courses that anyone can take part in. They are conducted by the best universities and organizations in order to create a society that wants to acquire knowledge. It allows you to learn from the best minds in the world. There are many free online courses and lectures that you can take part in.
    • Free online courses are also provided by universities such as Harvard and Stanford. Find out more about them by going to the website of the university you are interested in.
  5. 5 Listen to podcasts. Podcasts are audio broadcasts that can be downloaded from the Internet. Podcasts are conducted on a variety of topics and are often done by people with extensive knowledge and experience in a particular area.
    • Nerdist is a great source for podcasts that cover the latest scientific discoveries and intellectual topics that make you think.
    • On you can find many podcasts on various topics.
    • The University of Oxford has a huge collection of podcasts and online lectures.

Method 3 of 4: Examining Various Sources of Information

  1. 1 Read as much as you can. Reading is truly the gateway to knowledge, and a huge variety of different literature is available to choose from. It doesn't matter what you choose, classic literature, newspaper, online article, medical journal or illustrated edition - you will still gain new knowledge. Reading will not only help you learn more about the world, but it will also improve your vocabulary. While there are endless reading materials to choose from, you can start with the following:
    • There are many news articles on the BBC website or on The Guardian.
    • Kommersant and Komsomolskaya Pravda are good news sources.
    • Information Technology, Finance and Forbes are information magazines.
  2. 2 Increase your vocabulary by reading. Reading is the perfect way to learn new words. When you come across an unfamiliar word, look up its meaning in an explanatory dictionary. When you know what a new word means, try using it in conversation or, for example, writing in a journal.
    • If during the day you have heard a word more than once, the meaning of which you do not know, write it down so that you can later find out what it means.
  3. 3 Check with several sources. When reading about something in particular, try to consult as many sources as possible to find out about multiple points of view on what you read. Literature and new sources may be biased or show only one side of the issue. To stay open-minded and learn all about the story or idea, research the question from several different sources.
  4. 4 Read encyclopedias. This is a fairly easy way to read about something unknown that may interest you and lead to new research, discoveries and knowledge. An online encyclopedia is a direct and quick access to new knowledge, but it practically makes it impossible to learn about something new and unknown, which may arise when reading a paper encyclopedia.
  5. 5 Search the internet. The internet is full of polls, articles, and endless sources of information that can be found in a matter of seconds. If you have a computer with Internet access at home, then you have a storehouse of knowledge at your fingertips.
    • Beware of online sources that contain false information. Always check the sources that collect information sites to ensure they are reliable.

Method 4 of 4: Daily Habits

  1. 1 Write down and take notes. When you write down information, you remember it better than when you hear or say it. Reading helps you learn about new information, and writing helps you remember. The same thing happens in school - when you write down new information for the teacher, you fix it in your memory.
  2. 2 Have informal conversations and discussions. Such communication with other people is better remembered than information obtained through self-study or information that you heard somewhere. You never know how wise a person can be until you listen to him.
    • Be open to the opinions of the people around you. Everyone has a different idea or opinion on a particular issue, and in order to continue to think sanely, it is very important to listen to all of these opinions.
  3. 3 Think sensibly. It means being skeptical and doing your own research. It is not necessary to take everything you hear as the pure truth. To truly develop your logic and expand your knowledge, you need to question and challenge the veracity of everything you hear. Whether it is reading or doing research, you need to be active, willing to explore, ask questions, and reflect on your actions. Allow your mind to ponder everything you are learning and experiencing so that it can develop. This is how new information becomes knowledge.
  4. 4 Solve puzzles. Puzzles are designed to keep your mind thinking. Sudoku, logic puzzles or chess are ideal brain exercises. Solving difficult problems will help develop logical thinking. Each type of puzzle has its own set of rules, procedures and tricks that must be understood. Mastering each set of rules and tricks improves intelligence, which can then be applied to solve other intellectual problems. In other words, by solving one problem, you will learn to solve others.
    • The puzzles will be difficult at first, but with experience they will become easier and easier to solve.
  5. 5 Stay focused. Noise and other distractions can interfere with a person's concentration while reading, analyzing, or other intellectual tasks. When trying to learn something new, do it in a quiet environment and reduce the number of possible external distractions.
  6. 6 Keep trying. If a topic is hard for you, keep studying it and don't give up. As long as you remain focused, focused, and focused, you will continue to improve your knowledge of this topic. Remember that learning is an ongoing process.


  • Don't be too hard on yourself. Take some time each day to learn about something new.