How to work more efficiently

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
15 Ways To Improve Productivity
Video: 15 Ways To Improve Productivity


Everyone who works all day knows that very often there is not enough working time to do all the work. However, you can significantly improve your productivity by adopting habits that are designed to make you more efficient at work. A productive worker uses every minute of his working time, giving most of his attention first and foremost to the most important tasks. Being effective in the workplace will not only improve your productivity and win over your boss, but it will also make you feel like you completed your task for today and had a productive day at work.


Method 1 of 3: How to stay focused on work

  1. 1 Maintain a clean and tidy workplace. Sometimes, in order to work more efficiently, it is enough just to remove unnecessary things from the workplace. Clutter interferes with productive work. If you are constantly rummaging through a pile of trash to find the necessary tools or documents, you are wasting a decent portion of your work time. Let with you have only those things that you need every day. Store the rest in a different place, but so that if necessary, you can quickly get them.
    • If you work in an office, tidy up your office and desk so that you can find everything you need to work quickly and easily. Even if you don't work in an office, stick to these principles anyway. For example, if your workplace is a bicycle repair shop, keep your tools clean and tidy so that you can quickly access them when needed. Almost every workplace loves cleanliness and order.
    • Office workers and other people who work with a large number of documents must create a logical and orderly filing and filing system for documents. Keep frequently used papers handy. Put the rest of the documents in alphabetical (or other logical) order.
  2. 2 Make sure that your workplace is equipped with everything you need. Make sure you have all the materials and tools you need to get the job done. In the office, for example, such things as hole punches, staple removers, calculators, etc. should be ready. If your activity is not going on in the office, and you use other tools, the basic principle remains the same - you must prepare everything you need before starting the working day. Scientists who use sophisticated equipment and mechanics who work with socket wrenches will be better off if their tools and fixtures are prepared in advance.
    • This also means that you must make sure you have the required materials. For example, staples for staplers, nails (if you are a carpenter), chalk (if you are a teacher), etc.
    • Make sure your tools are in good condition. One broken key tool can interfere with all other work. Save future time by periodically cleaning and, if necessary, repairing your fixtures.
  3. 3 Make a general schedule. If you have a lot of tasks, scheduling may increase your productivity. To make your schedule really effective, limit yourself to one master plan (you can add a calendar to it to plan long-term goals).You don't have to complicate your work with a few schedules or mountains of reminders that you will undoubtedly lose. You need to be guided by one single plan.
    • Organize each day by making a to-do list. Start with the tasks that need to be completed first. Place less important points at the end. At the start of your day, start at the top of your list. Move the uncompleted tasks to the list of the next day.
    • Set time frames and deadlines for the most important projects, and also realistically assess the situation, calculating the time for these tasks. You don't need to predict yourself to fail. It is better to ask for more time at the beginning of the project than in the last days before the deadline.
  4. 4 Limit yourself from things that are distracting. Every work environment has its own things that can be distracting. This can be, for example, a very talkative and intrusive colleague or too quiet an atmosphere in which the slightest rustle can be distracting. Do your best to be as focused on work as possible. If your activity allows you to listen to music, take your MP3 player with you. You can even put up a sign or post notifications so colleagues don't bother you. This may sound rude to you, but it's actually a sensible and effective way to avoid distractions while you work. Don't forget that you can chat with your coworkers to your fullest during your break.
    • One of the very common distractions is non-work sites. One study found that about two-thirds of workers spend at least a little time each day visiting such resources. Luckily, most browsers allow you to download free programs that block problematic websites. Look for a productivity or site blocking program from the company that made your browser. You will likely find at least a few of these free and effective programs.
    • Another way not to be distracted at work is to limit yourself from calls (to avoid unnecessary conversations) and ask your colleagues not to come over to chat for a minute or two.
  5. 5 Use breaks to sort out your personal affairs. Ironically, taking breaks can increase rather than decrease your productivity in the workplace. First, this is how you get the rest you need. Without it, you can get very tired and work slower and less productive. Secondly, during the break, you can do everything that usually distracts you from work. Have you ever caught yourself thinking that you need to call a certain person during working hours? Do this during your break so you don't get distracted while you work.

Method 2 of 3: Developing Effective Work Strategies

  1. 1 Divide large tasks into smaller chunks. Large projects can be intimidating to you: if they are very large, it is easy to put them off and waste time on less important work until you have to start executing them before the deadline ends. To work effectively, you need to do the most important work first, even if it will be a small part of a large project. Of course, this will not give you the feeling that you have completed the entire task (as with a small project), but it is a smarter way to use your time. Going forward, you'll finish your most important tasks faster if you work on them a little every day.
    • For example, if you need to make a large presentation in one month, set each day how much of that project you will do today. It won't be time-consuming or distracting from the rest of your work, but it will be an important first step to make the rest of the process faster and easier.
  2. 2 Make your job easier by assigning tasks. If you are not in the lowest position, you may be able to distribute similar tasks among your subordinates in order to save your time. Do not give someone a piece of work that only you know how to do properly. Instead, give subordinates repetitive tasks that take a long time. So you can use your abilities in more important tasks. If you outsource a piece of work to someone, monitor progress and set a deadline. Always thank employees for their help; if they feel you appreciate them, they will work hard for you in the future.
    • If you are an intern, a new employee, or someone else in a low position in the company, you can also try to distribute especially the same type of work among employees of the same level as you (of course, with their consent and the consent of your manager). If your coworkers are helping you, remember to respond in kind.
    • If you have a good relationship with your boss, he or she may be able to outsource some of your work to someone.
  3. 3 Organize your meetings efficiently. There is a reason why no one likes them: according to a 2012 survey, almost half of all respondents think meetings are the biggest waste of time at work; more than even visiting unnecessary sites. Meetings may be needed to discuss and set goals. However, if the meetings are poorly thought out, they can often be a burdensome waste of hours (and sometimes days) without making a major decision. Here are some tips for making your meetings as effective as possible:
    • Set an agenda before each meeting to make the most of the time allotted. Allocate how much time is allocated to discuss specific issues. Try to stick to the schedule as closely as possible: if you have other questions, advise you to discuss them later in person.
    • Invite as few people as possible to meetings. Keeping the number of people attending a meeting to a minimum will reduce the possibility of deviations from the topic. Staff members who do not need to attend the meeting will continue to work in their place during this time.
    • Keep your slide presentations as short as possible. The effectiveness of slide presentations (PowerPoint, etc.) during a meeting is highly controversial. It's safe to say that if you use slides during your presentation, keep them as short and informative as possible. Place images and information that cannot be conveyed verbally on your slides, rather than the entire content of your presentation.
    • Finally, the main principle: state what question you want to solve. Do this before the meeting and make a decision as soon as possible.
  4. 4 Avoid conflicts. Unfortunately, many stressful situations can arise in the workplace. If you feel like you’re about to break down, immediately suppress the hostility. Perhaps you, the person you are fighting with, or both, should sincerely apologize. Better do it sooner rather than later. If you allow a few fights to escalate into feuds, your future performance will suffer as you will waste time trying not to bump into this person in the workplace. But more importantly, it will only make you feel worse, so don't let work conflicts take a toll on your productivity and mood!
    • Do not be afraid to contact a specialist in dispute resolution and conflict situations. Entrepreneurs know that conflicts and unpleasant situations can interfere with normal work, which is why many hire specialists who are responsible for resolving work conflicts. Check with your HR team if you are angry, nervous, or afraid of a coworker.
    • When your conflict is resolved, you do not have to be friends with the employee with whom you quarreled - you just need to continue to work with him calmly. Be polite and considerate in your workplace, even with people you dislike.

Method 3 of 3: Lifestyle changes

  1. 1 Set aside enough time to rest. Fatigue has never improved the quality of someone's work; it can slow down the pace of your work, reduce your ability to work, and if you don't get enough sleep, it can affect you during important meetings. Plus, regular lack of sleep leads to many health problems. Avoid falling asleep at your desk and then skipping work because you feel unwell. 7-8 hours of healthy sleep will be the best medicine for you.
    • At best, workplace lethargy is a minor issue. At worst, it can be very dangerous. If the safety of people is at stake in your job (for example, you work as an air traffic controller or a truck driver), healthy and adequate sleep is extremely important to you.
  2. 2 Go in for sports. Scientists have proven that exercise improves mood and productivity in the workplace. This is especially true for office workers. If you spend most of your day sitting at your computer, try to pay a little attention to physical activity every day. This will not only make it easier for you to stay at work, but you will also feel better, more energetic, and you will have more motivation to work.
    • If this is your first time starting to exercise, try combining moderate cardio with strength training.
  3. 3 Be in a good mood. If you are trying to improve your efficiency at work, you may want to take your work life seriously. In many cases, this is a bad thought: you may be able to improve efficiency in a short time, but if you always restrict yourself from pleasure at work, you will easily wear yourself out, leading to lethargy, stress and lack of motivation. Try to be in a good mood: if you feel good at work, you are more likely to have motivation and aspiration. Do the little things that will boost your mood and stay productive: listen to music on your headphones, do a warm-up, or take your laptop to your break room for peace and quiet.
    • Make the most of your break time: enjoy the opportunity to eat well, chat and laugh with your work friends.
    • Don't go overboard on coffee. It can be a fantastic remedy on days when you are feeling extremely exhausted, but if you drink it every day, you will become addicted to it, and it will not do you any good.
  4. 4 Create incentives for yourself. It's easier to work effectively when you have a good reason. If one day you find it difficult to force yourself to work, think about the main reasons that brought you to this job: your life goals, dreams, or self-realization. Try to think of your job as a means to your ultimate goal - your ideal lifestyle. If you love your job, think about what feeling the job brings you: do you have a feeling of satisfaction with your result, achievement, when you completed the task?
    • Think about the good things you have from your job. Perhaps you have a house, apartment, or car that you bought with the money you earned, or perhaps the job allows you to pay for the children’s schooling, or you have other privileges.
    • Think about the consequences if you don't work. What things will you have to give up if you lose your source of income? How will this affect your family or other loved ones?
  5. 5 Reward yourself. If you've successfully improved your productivity, celebrate: you deserve it. It's not easy to break bad habits and develop good ones, so reward yourself for the hard work.Get a drink after work on Friday, go to the club with friends, or just lie in bed with a book. Do whatever makes you happy after your work week. By rewarding yourself, you increase your sense of achievement, which is an important part of keeping you motivated.
    • The reward doesn't have to be big or grand. It also doesn't need to be expensive. Modest to moderate rewards are best. Save your Rolex for a special occasion.


  • Do more complex projects right away, rather than leaving them for later. This way, you will not try to avoid them and wait in suspense for their turn. By doing a project like this first, you will most likely be happy and will be able to end your day on a positive note by doing more enjoyable or less stressful projects.