How to hitchhike

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to HITCH-HIKE without getting MURDERED (for hikers)
Video: How to HITCH-HIKE without getting MURDERED (for hikers)


Hitchhiking is suitable for adventurous people, whether it's a city trip or traveling around the world. Since you will have to travel with strangers, this method of travel can be dangerous. However, with proper preparation, developed intuition and the ability to communicate with people, you can travel safely, cheerfully, pleasantly, and you will surely remember the trip.


Method 1 of 3: How to Prepare

  1. 1 Buy a good card. A detailed map is worth the money. But if you prefer to use free maps, go to a tourist location (eg hotel, airport, bus stop, tourist stand) and grab a booklet with a good map. Free maps are available at all tourist points, both on and off the road, as well as in the offices of car rental companies.
    • It is best to take a map with road numbers, resting places and gas stations.
    • A good map will also help you look like an experienced and prepared tourist, which will please passing drivers.
  2. 2 Know how to find a good polling place. Often the car can be stopped at the entrance to the highway. Typically, such places have a constant stream of cars and ample stopping space. You can also take a seat near the STOP signs, as the driver will notice you in time and will be able to decide whether to stop.
    • It will be useful to vote in the part of the city that is closer to the direction you want. For example, if you are driving west, catch a car in the western part of the city.
    • Choose a straight section of road (700 meters in any direction) so drivers can see you longer. If the road goes downhill, so much the better for you.
    • Select a location where cars are traveling at speeds less than 80 kilometers per hour. Stand facing the direction of the traffic.
    • Choose a well-lit area. It is safer and you will be more visible.
  3. 3 Take less luggage, but remember that you should have enough luggage for a couple of days. The less things you have, the easier it will be for you to move around. Don't take a suitcase or a large bag with you - put everything you need in your backpack. Bring as many items as you would need for the three-day hike in case you can't get a ride. Take the following items with you:
    • At least two water bottles
    • Hearty snacks
    • Sunscreen and insect repellent
    • Sleeping bag or small tent
    • Change of clothes, as well as a light jacket, raincoat, spare socks, long underwear, headwear, boots
    • Phone charger if needed
    • Do not take anything that is dear to your heart with you.
    • Put some pepper spray in your bag, especially if you are a woman. Please be aware that pepper spray is prohibited in some regions.
  4. 4 Make a sign. The sign will let others know that you are serious, that you have a plan and a place to go. Write the text in black permanent marker on cardboard. Write in large letters and as short as possible. This will make your name plate easier and faster to read.
    • You can write the name of the city where you are going in capital letters, for example: MOSCOW, KRASNODAR, PARIS. Such a sign will come in handy when you are already close (30-80 kilometers to the city).
    • You can also write the distance - for example, 20 kilometers. Many drivers will be ready to give a ride to a person for 20 kilometers.
    • Funny signs can catch the attention of some drivers. If you have enough space, write something funny: "I will hug for free", "I like potatoes", "I do not bite".

    Lorenzo garriga

    Traveler Lorenzo Garriga is a seasoned traveler who has been wandering the world for almost 30 years with a tight budget and a backpack on his back. Originally from France, he traveled all over the world, worked in hostels, washed dishes and hitchhiked across countries and continents.

    Lorenzo garriga

    It is not necessary to indicate the end point on the plate. Experienced traveler Lorenzo Garriga advises: "Some people write on the sign the name of the place where they need to go. But in this case, many drivers will not stop, because they will turn off earlier."

  5. 5 Know your local laws. Hitchhiking laws vary from country to country. For example, hitchhiking is legal in all 50 states of the United States, but each has its own rules about how it can be done. Most often, you can vote on normal roads, but not on highways. SPECIALIST'S ADVICE

    "Before you go out on the road, make sure it's allowed. And even if it's allowed, talk to the locals to make sure it's safe."

    Lorenzo garriga

    Traveler Lorenzo Garriga is a seasoned traveler who has been wandering the world for almost 30 years with a tight budget and a backpack on his back. Originally from France, he traveled all over the world, worked in hostels, washed dishes and hitchhiked across countries and continents.

    Lorenzo garriga

  6. 6 Make digital copies of all your documents and important papers. Scan your passport and other documents and email them to yourself. Thanks to this, if the documents are stolen, you will have a copy of them. If your passport is stolen, go to your country's embassy with copies and do what you are asked to do to get a new passport.
    • Save your bank phone number. If you lose your bank card, immediately call the bank, block the card and ask to send you a new one at the address where you can get it (for example, to the address of the embassy).
  7. 7 Have a supply of money with you. Bring cash and insurance with you. Anything happens on the road, and you need to be prepared for this. Medical insurance will cover your medical expenses. If you have free money, you can spend the night somewhere and eat, even if you stay in some place longer than you expected.
  8. 8 Consider the weather conditions. Rain will prevent you from getting a ride, especially if you get wet. However, people are picked up in the snow more often. Drivers generally don't mind snow because it can be easily brushed off and rainwater soaks the interior.
    • If it's raining outside, an easy-to-remove raincoat or umbrella can reassure drivers that you won't get the seats wet.
    • If you have time, it is better to wait out the rain. Sit in a warm, heated place (cafe, canteen, library).

Method 2 of 3: Security

  1. 1 Do not get into the first car you come across. This will get you where you want to go faster. It is better to drive 80 kilometers and get off at a gas station or a truck stop than to drive 130 kilometers and find yourself in an unfortunate place on the side of the road.
    • If you are on a busy road and no one has stopped for two hours, it may mean that you are on the wrong road or on the wrong side of the road.
    • Do not get into the car with a drunk driver... Drunk driving is prohibited by law almost everywhere, but people still drive drunk.
    • Feel free to ask the driver questions to get to know him better. Ask where he is going and why. This will help you understand his intentions.
  2. 2 Know that you don't have to accept all offers to give you a ride. Even if you have been unable to stop your car for a long time, safety is more important. If a stopped car makes you suspicious, don't sit down into it. It is not worth the risk - it is better to wait for the next car. Beware of the following situations:
    • The car is dirty and smells bad. This means that a person is irresponsible, does not think about himself and, possibly, about others.
    • There are bottles or metal cans in the car, especially empty ones. If they are under alcohol, do not get into the car - the driver may be drunk.
    • Several people are sitting in the car. The likelihood that someone will try to take advantage of you will be higher.
    • The driver makes eye contact too often or does not do it at all. Such people can hide something.
    • The driver is angry, trying to control everything, or getting impatient. Such drivers make the trip unpleasant and can also drive in a dangerous way.
  3. 3 Trust your intuition and don't be afraid to refuse. If you don't trust the person who offers you a ride (or you are already sitting in the car and no longer feel safe), be firm and refuse the ride. If you are already in the car, ask to be dropped off at the nearest stop. If that didn't work, say this:
    • "I beg your pardon, I am traveling further than this place."
    • "Oh, I think I forgot something in the city, I need to go back. But thanks for the offer."
    • "Oh, I'm feeling sick ...." and you should look like you're sick. Most people don't want someone to vomit in their car.
  4. 4 Stay connected with friends and family. Before you travel, let your loved ones know where you are going, how long you will be away, and when you will return. If something goes wrong and you don't get back in time, they will contact the police and start looking for you.
    • Before getting in the car, send the car number to a friend. This will help the police find you if you go missing.
    • When you get in your car, call a friend and tell them where you are. If the driver has evil intentions, he is unlikely to decide to carry them out.
  5. 5 Don't catch your car at night. At night on the roads it is more dangerous, and you will be seen worse. You are more likely to be hit by a car than picked up. In addition, crimes are more often committed at night, because it is easier to do in the dark. Sleep at a camping or motel.
  6. 6 Keep your bag with you at all times. Do not put it in the trunk. If you put your bag in the trunk, the driver can drive away with it when you get out of the car, leaving you without your belongings for a long time.
    • Keep valuables (wallet, phone) on you. If the bag is lost, you will have money and a means of communication.
  7. 7 Take someone with you if you are a woman or if you are hitchhiking for the first time. Traveling in pairs is safer, especially if you are a woman. It will also be helpful to travel with someone who has already hitchhiked. You will be less nervous and make fewer mistakes. A friend can also help you fight boredom and frustration.
    • However, it can be more difficult for two people to catch a car.

Method 3 of 3: Introducing and Communicating with People

  1. 1 Smile and be kind. It can take a while to catch a car, so do something to keep you in a good mood: sing, listen to music, play the guitar. Don't sit with a book because this will make you look like you're bored or not interested in contacts. In addition, this will distract you from the road and searching for a car. Do not smoke, drink alcohol, do not use drugs. Not all drivers encourage these things. If you smoke, drink or take drugs, you are less likely to be picked up.
    • If someone shouts at you something harsh or makes a rude gesture, don't react. Smile and forget it.
    • If you feel irritated, take a break for 15-20 minutes, go to a cafe or take a nap. Drivers won't want to stop for someone who looks annoyed.
    • Do something while you wait: play an instrument, juggle, dance. This will make you more visible and look interesting. This can attract drivers.
    • Don't cross your arms or keep them in your pockets. This will make you look bored and inaccessible. Smile, wave your hand and say hello.
  2. 2 Keep your body and clothing clean. If you are dirty and unkempt, people will think that you are either homeless or that you have escaped from prison. Usually people don't want to give a ride to homeless people and fugitives.
    • Comb your hair and shave.
    • Clothes should be clean, intact and ironed.

    Lorenzo garriga

    Traveler Lorenzo Garriga is a seasoned traveler who has been wandering the world for almost 30 years with a tight budget and a backpack on his back. Originally from France, he traveled all over the world, worked in hostels, washed dishes and hitchhiked across countries and continents.

    Lorenzo garriga

    Think about your appearance and behavior. Experienced traveler Lorenzo Garriga advises: “If you want to catch a car, put on clean clothes, wash your hair and smile. Know what gestures are acceptable. In this case, you should just stretch out your hand or wave it. "

  3. 3 Dress for the region. People tend to be more supportive of those who dress like them. If in a work area, wear jeans and a flannel shirt, if in a white collar area, wear khaki pants and a collared shirt.
  4. 4 Know what clothes you should not wear. Do not wear dirty, torn, faded or poorly fitting clothes. You may be mistaken for a homeless person or an escaped prisoner and drive by. Do not wear sunglasses because they interfere with eye contact and can give the impression that you are hiding something.
    • Do not dress in black, as this will make you look threatening and less visible. Choose light or bright clothing. This will make you more visible and more appealing.
    • Very short hair is usually associated with prisoners or refugees. People may think you are on the run, especially if you look unkempt.
    • Long hair and beards are often seen as a sign of neglect.
  5. 5 Don't ignore other hitchhikers and behave respectfully with them. If there is another hitchhiker near you, talk to him. If he is heading in the same direction as you, offer to go together.Traveling in groups is always safer. If the person needs to go the other way, step back and wait your turn.
    • You can learn a lot from other hitchhikers. They can give you tips on how best to travel around the region.
  6. 6 Be friendly in the car. You will need to be in the car for a while, so make sure that the ride is not awkward. Many drivers don't mind talking. They can speak to you themselves and may ask questions about where you are going and why. Don't be afraid to ask the questions yourself. But don't give out too much personal information until you and your driver are comfortable with each other.
    • If you are traveling abroad, master a foreign language at least at a basic level. Many drivers take companions so that it is not boring to drive. Knowledge of the language will allow you to keep up the conversation.
    • An enjoyable conversation may give you food, a ride further than you bargained for, or important information. Do not ask to pay for your lunch, but accept it if offered to you. Rely on your intuition!
    • Don't talk about controversial topics like politics, race, and religion. These topics can ruin even the most enjoyable conversations.
  7. 7 Plan your exit location at the start of your trip. Discuss where you will need to be dropped off with the driver at the start of your trip. Ask the driver to stop in a safe, well-lit area (such as a gas station). It is best to get out before or after the city. In cities, people rarely take travel companions.
    • You can also get off at truck stops. There you can go to the store and find a passing car.


  • The hitchhiker's gesture (thumbs up) is not familiar to the local population in parts of Asia. In South Korea, you just need to extend your hand with your palm down, and then call the person towards you with gestures.
  • Many drivers are more willing to pick up the hitchhikers who are walking. But don't stray too far from a good place. You are more likely to be able to stop your car in a good place and where it can stop than in a bad place, but on the move.
  • If you live in Britain (this also works in some parts of Europe), befriend the truck driver and ask him to give you his old tachograph disc. Keep it in your hand when trying to stop the truck. This can make you mistaken for a truck driver, making you more likely to be picked up.
  • Always be polite to people who stop to give you a ride. Don't forget to thank them. Some people may even give you something. Accept your gift!
  • Bring an amateur radio transmitter with you.
  • Drivers with children and cars with caravan trailers stop less often. In places where there are a lot of tourists and vacationers, drivers also rarely pick up fellow travelers.
  • In most European countries, you can vote on normal roads, but not on high-speed highways.
  • Travel during the holidays, but be prepared for some challenges. During the holiday season, there are many drivers on the streets, so the chances of catching a ride will be higher. At the same time, cars can be crowded with passengers.
  • If the car is caught by one woman and she has no luggage, most often the drivers believe that she is running away from someone (an aggressor partner, the police, etc.), so it will be difficult for her to catch a ride.
  • In the USA there is a special map with stops for truckers (Rand McNally Map Book). In Britain it is possible to use the Ordnance Survey map (it is better than the national A5 map). These cards can be borrowed from your local library.
  • Understand road numbers. For example, in the United States, on interstate highways, even-numbered roads run from east to west. The higher the number, the farther north the track is. Odd numbers indicate roads from north to south. The higher the number, the further east the track is. Other countries may also have their own systems.
  • It can take several days to cross the entire country.


  • In some countries, including Iran, a thumbs up is an indecent gesture.
  • Be prepared to be stopped by the police. Even if it is not prohibited by law to hitchhike wherever you are, police officers may have questions for you.
  • Do not stop cars at night unless you are in a well-lit area. Also, don't do this on payday in rural areas. You can fall under the arm of a drunk person.
  • Do not vote in areas where it is important for drivers to focus on the road, especially near pedestrian crossings and where children play.
  • It can be dangerous for women to travel alone. Try to take someone with you whenever possible.
  • In some regions, hitchhiking is prohibited by law.
  • Do not vote near a car with a disabled badge or the police may be interested in you. In addition, if a stopped driver finds out that the car does not belong to you, he may refuse to take you.
  • Voting on the fast lane is dangerous. Be wise when choosing where to stop.
  • Hitchhiking takes risks because you get into a stranger's car. Be careful and assess the situation sensibly, but remember that caution and common sense will not protect you if you get into the car with someone with malicious intent.
  • Be prepared to wait a long time for someone to stop, especially if you are in the wrong place. It can take 2-3 hours or even several days to catch a car. Sometimes it is better to walk a couple of kilometers or take a taxi to a better place.