How to clear your mind

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Clear Your Mind
Video: How to Clear Your Mind


The human mind is rarely calm.Questions, ideas and plans seem to appear in our minds without order, and sometimes without a purpose. This abundance can be helpful, but it can also be distracting or disturbing. Clearing your mind can help with anxiety, depression, and even sleep disturbances. Here are some proven techniques and methods to clear your mind.


Method 1 of 3: Seeking Clarity

  1. 1 Express your thoughts in writing. If your mind is a jumbled mess of thoughts, it would be helpful to write them down. Start writing in free form: write down how you feel, why you feel it, and what you would like to do about it. After writing this information down, you will have something specific to think about, which will give you a sense of accomplishment, even if you haven't “done” anything.
    • This really fun trick will help you literally throw your thoughts away. Write all your worries on a piece of paper, explaining why they bother you. Then, crumple up the paper and discard it. Yes, throw it away! Researchers found. That people who throw away their recorded worries are less likely to worry about them.
  2. 2 Express your thoughts in a picture. So what if you are not Van Gogh, you do not have to be one to create a work of art. All you need are pencils and a piece of paper. Enjoy the process by painting with rainbow pastels, experiment with oil painting, find the right shades using charcoal pencils. Releasing anxiety and clearing the mind through painting can be incredibly powerful.
  3. 3 Discuss with the other person. You may be one of those people who keep their thoughts and emotions to themselves. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does mean that small worries can quickly escalate into seemingly huge problems overnight. To free your mind of any kind of experience - feelings about love, stress about health, doubts about work - learn to talk to someone about it.
    • Talk to friends and family first. Your friends and your family love and understand you. They don't need rational explanations, and they won't comfort you with too sweet lies. Tell them what you are going through now and listen to their advice.
    • If your friends and family are not the ones who can offer a helping hand, consider talking to a therapist. The therapist is trained to listen to your problems and find solutions based on computational research and psychotherapeutic experience. Do not think that you are inferior if you seek advice from a therapist.
    • Have a heart-to-heart talk with someone. Easier said than done, but definitely worth it. Researchers have found that heart-to-heart talk, in which you go beyond the superficial and share something intimate or thought-provoking, actually makes people happy.
  4. 4 Spend time with your pet. While there is no scientific evidence that having a pet can directly help clear the mind, there is ample evidence that this option is worth considering. Having a pet lowers the risk of depression, lowers blood pressure, increases serotonin and dopamine levels, and reduces the risk of having to see a doctor if you are over 65. If you are happier and healthier, wouldn't it be easier for you to let go of what is bothering you and accept what you have? there is in your life?
  5. 5 Remind yourself of the really important things in life. Sometimes our minds are flooded with thoughts that are not very important in retrospect. Maybe you lost your job, or maybe your girlfriend just dumped you. While this is certainly important, it is by no means the end of the world. Remind your brain of the really important things:
    • Friends and family
    • Health and safety
    • Food and shelter
    • Opportunity and freedom

Method 2 of 3: Clarity in Meditation

  1. 1 Try walking meditation. This is exactly what it seems: using the openness and beauty of nature to inspire calm, positive thoughts in the mind. Be like Henry David Thoreau, who walked through the wilderness and planned the site for his future hut. Or imagine that you are Karl Linnaeus, a Swedish scientist who has classified many plants and animals. Staying outdoors on a warm, sunny day can do wonders for your mood.
  2. 2 Hold your gaze. This meditation technique helps to clarify the mind by erasing the sense of time. Here's how to do it:
    • Focus your gaze on one point slightly distant from you. Any stationary object within three meters is best. Objects that are too far away are more difficult to focus on over a long period of time. It can be a wall, a vase, a speck on the surface, anything as long as it is motionless.
    • Dim your consciousness a little and continue to concentrate on the object. All the power of your mind should be directed towards one task. Continue to focus on the object, even if your eyes get a little clouded and your mind wanders.
    • At a certain point, time will begin to slow down. You will be in the zone. Your concentration will not fluctuate. You will not worry about something that once bothered you, because your concentration will be 100% devoted to keeping your gaze on the object. When you are ready, relax your concentration. Your mind will be a little tired, as if it had just been mentally trained. You should feel better.
  3. 3 Try breathing exercises. Breathing is an essential part of meditation and can be an essential part of clearing the mind. Mastering several different breathing techniques will help you achieve the open-minded clarity that comes with transcendence. Master this quick breathing technique - full breathing - in order to better master the meditation:
    • Exhale fully while standing upright.
    • Relax your abdominal muscles and begin to inhale. Focus on filling your belly with air.
    • When your belly is completely filled with air, continue to inhale, filling your chest and expanding your chest.
    • Hold your breath for a moment, fighting the instinctive urge to exhale.
    • Exhale slowly - as slowly as possible. Feel the air coming out of your lips.
    • Relax your chest and ribcage, and pull your belly in to force any remaining air out.
    • Close your eyes, focus on your normal breathing, and clear your mind.
    • Repeat the process for 5 to 30 minutes.
  4. 4 Try different forms of meditation. There are many ways to get your way. Explore different forms of meditation, everything from mantra meditation to Zen meditation.
  5. 5 After you start meditating, learn to deepen your meditation skills. Once you have mastered the basics of meditation, learn to amplify the impact of your accomplishments. There are several ways to do this:
    • Relax your body completely. Be sure that your body is not unconsciously tense as you move into an unconscious state. Try to deliberately tense your body and then release the tension. Repeat this exercise until your body is completely relaxed.
    • Try to remain completely still during meditation. It is difficult to achieve a state of enlightened unconsciousness when your body moves, sends signals and demands a response from your brain. Make an effort to stay completely motionless.
    • Let your breath flow naturally. After some initial breathing exercises, release the conscious tension in your breathing. Let it be natural. Concentrate your consciousness on the more distant points of your body and, in doing so, eliminate this consciousness.

Method 3 of 3: Productive Distractions

  1. 1 Play sports or make a game out of something. Sometimes calming your mind is a distraction from negative thoughts that continue to seep into your mind. Nothing will be more distracting than playing a fun game or turning everyday activities into a game.
    • Exercising while playing sports is a great way to improve your well-being and distract your mind from what's bothering you. In addition, physical activity is a great way to cure physiological ailments and alleviate psychological distress.
    • Make a game out of the ordinary activities that you are currently doing. Need to clean your room? Make it a game by throwing dirty laundry in the basket. Need to go shopping? Challenge yourself, be frugal, and spend half of what you normally spend.
  2. 2 Challenge yourself to complete the task without borders. They say the hands are idle - the devil's workshop, so the best thing you can do to keep your mind clear is to keep your hands busy all the time. Your metaphorical hands. And a great way to do this is to set yourself a task without a certain framework. Here are some ideas to try to stay busy:
    • Take pictures of yourself every day throughout the year. You've probably already seen the edited videos - a sequence of images accompanied by music that chronicle a person's life in pictures. This is a great idea and anyone can try it. But it takes patience and perseverance to do it every day for a year.
    • Do what scares you every day. This is Eleanor Roosevelt's famous advice, and it resonates with a lot of people. You may be afraid to interact with other people (many share this fear). Go outside and ask a passerby for directions, and then strike up a conversation. You will gradually conquer your fear by helping your mind understand that it can let go of its other worries as well.


  • Excessive thoughts can trigger migraines. It's like a light bulb connected to a nuclear power plant. Clear your mind.
  • Relaxation of muscles, body can enhance mental clarity and stimulate sleep!
  • Have an intention. Use it to focus your mind.
  • Go for a run. Running will relax your body and mind. Listen to music while you run.
  • Don't worry about the time it takes to clear your mind. If you are too conscious all the time, it can undermine the whole process.