How to get the most out of your last school year

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Back To School Planner Tips // 8 Ways To Get THE MOST Out Of Your Planner As A Student Or Teacher
Video: Back To School Planner Tips // 8 Ways To Get THE MOST Out Of Your Planner As A Student Or Teacher


The last year of study is already very close. It will mark the completion of eleven years of schooling. How quickly time flies! Maybe this will be the last year spent with the people you grew up with and you will never see each other again. To live this last year brightly, take advantage of our tips. You may be able to apply them both as a student and later in life.


  1. 1 Study hard and try to get the best grades, but don't forget the fun too! Of course, in high school you will have a lot of reasons to party, but don't lose your head! Your grades this year may determine whether you go to college for free, or, if your goals are not so ambitious, whether you get a passing grade. However, do not burden yourself with grades so much that you completely forget about rest. This will be one of the funniest and brightest years of your life. The purpose of the school is to educate, but there is time for fun while studying.
  2. 2 Reduce the choice of universities to two or three. Choose the universities that you like, find out what the conditions of admission are, visit the campus.
  3. 3 Meet people. Do not limit yourself in communication. Chat with different people, not just classmates. Sometimes you need to leave your comfort zone.
  4. 4 Prepare for exams and tests. Expand your vocabulary. Check with the teachers and the library if they have materials to prepare for tests and exams.
  5. 5 Keep fit. Try new sports. This will come in handy when you become a student.
  6. 6 Get involved in volunteer work. Do it sincerely and with all your heart. Help elementary school students, visit old people's shelters, organize a cleanup on your street or school. There are many possibilities. Look around, find a place where your efforts are needed and go for it!
  7. 7 Save memories! Take more photos. Collect a shared album with your best friends.
  8. 8 Be organized. Start a day planner. Try to stick to your daily routine. It will benefit you.
  9. 9 Don't regret anything. Use the Golden Rule. As you want others to do to you, so you do to them. Then you don't have to look back and regret your actions, especially when it comes to someone's feelings.
  10. 10 Attend clubs and courses. Acting, Arts, Powerlifting are just a few options. Your school may have different sections. Try something new or related to your chosen university discipline. Additional courses will help you prepare for university studies. Find out what extracurricular activities are available at your school.
  11. 11 Join a club and actively participate in its activities, make suggestions, have fun.
  12. 12 Be sure to attend the prom and if you go, DANCE! Have fun with your classmates. You shouldn't sit at the table all evening. You will regret the missed moment. If you're not good at dancing, search the internet for videos of dance lessons, find a partner and learn! Make your final months of school a holiday.
  13. 13 If you want to get a job, choose the one related to your future specialty. Your work schedule should be in harmony with your school schedule. If work interferes with your studies, try in the next school quarter, next year, or when your schedule becomes freer.
  14. 14 List your immediate goals for this year. Determine what needs to be done to implement them. Follow your list and celebrate your accomplishments. You are quite capable of realizing your full potential!
  15. 15 Finally, enjoy your final months at school! We hope they will be unforgettable!


  • Do not put off important things until the last moment, for example, drawing up an application for admission to a university. Prepare for them well in advance. This will save you unnecessary stress.
  • If your school does not have clubs, start a club yourself! Find a teacher who will agree to supervise it, invite members and together develop the main idea of ​​the club. Choose a topic that is important to you, relevant and relevant.
  • Don't worry about grades. If you have difficulty with a subject, ask your tutor. Talk to your teacher about how you can improve your results.Teachers want you to do well, especially in your final year. They will be happy to give you some tips.
  • This tip is for girls: don't buy an overly expensive prom dress. You will most likely never wear it again, so find something pretty for yourself at an affordable price. If you plan to wear it for other celebrations, if your parents are ready to give the required amount for it, or if you have enough money of your own, and you really want this very expensive dress, buy it. Be sure to shop and check out the assortment. You may not have thought about it, but you can find tons of dress models at online auctions, on (, on sales from previous seasons, etc.
  • Buy a scientific calculator for tests and exams. It has many more useful features than a simple calculator.
  • Don't dive deep enough into personal relationships that you forget about friends and family. This not normal. Remember that balance is essential in all areas of life.
    • Many adolescents believe that it is necessary to start having sex in high school. You DO NOT HAVE to lose your virginity at prom or high school, and there is no set deadline for that. This is a special moment and it belongs only to you. You don't have to do what you are not ready for - and if you have doubts, then you are not ready. THE BEST solution would be to WAIT. Think about the consequences of your actions. You don't want to take on parenting responsibilities at such a young age, do you? Think about your future married life. Is that how you imagine her? The choice is always yours. Make a firm decision in advance, as there will be no way back.
  • Do not be arrogant and do not mock the younger students. You were the same not so long ago, and next year you will become a newcomer to the university. Be kind to them.


  • Don't drive drunk on prom night. And don't get into a car with a drunk driver. Road accidents are the leading cause of teenage deaths in the United States. Call a taxi or hire a driver. Decide in advance how you will get home after prom.
  • Don't bully newbies. Someone might get hurt.