Ways to Identify gay men

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Top 10 Ways to Identify Gay Men
Video: Top 10 Ways to Identify Gay Men


If you want to know if your friend is gay or not you should find out some information about homosexuality, that is to know what homosexuality is and what it means not to be homosexual. Notice how they talk about men and women. Notice shame, shame, physical signs, including walking and physique. Do they avoid stereotypes that are common to men. Finally consider asking them in person but with a respectful attitude.


Part 1 of 4: Information you need to know

  • Be aware that there are no obvious physical signs that a person is gay. There is no prominent sign that a person is 100% gay. No outward signs, no signs of behavior, and nothing at all. The only way for you to know for sure is to admit it yourself. Some behaviors and physical traits may be slightly more common among homosexuals, but you should not have misconceptions about them.
  • Sometimes people have many good reasons to get along with same-sex friends. You may really want to know if your friend is gay, but there are reasons why some people are attracted to same-sex friends. If you deliberately expose them, even to yourself, you could put them in danger. For example, his family will become disgusted with the homosexual and insist he is gay. You may unintentionally reveal them when you treat them differently or inadvertently, though not on purpose.
  • Being attracted to men doesn't mean they don't like women. If you try to find out if your friend is gay because they want to date you (like with a woman), it's important to remember that he likes men doesn't mean he isn't interested in women. female. That's why it's better to ask straightforwardly or continue observing the relationship between the two of you, rather than guessing for yourself.
  • Even if they are real homosexuals, you should not reveal your views about them. The second important thing to remember is that it doesn't matter whether he is gay or not. This fact should not affect the way you think or interact with them. Since it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whether you know it or not, and judging too early only causes trouble.
  • The sex of someone is their own business. After all, the most important thing to remember is that gender is theirs. Just like you don't have to sit in front of others to watch them deeply kiss their lover (even more intimate acts), so you don't have to break into that private part of the conversation. live with your friend. All you can do is ask and let him decide whether or not to let you know.

Part 2 of 4: Pay attention to social clues

  1. Notice how they talk about men. Listen as he talks about other men. Do they often say that this guy is handsome or that the other is attractive? Do they talk about their favorite male character in movies or a certain male star? Does he panic every time he stands near a muscular male colleague? Such traits could be a sign that he likes a man a little more than usual admiration.
    • For example, if they say something like "Oh man, I've been out with Tuan for a whole week. He's very kind and I feel very comfortable with him."

  2. Think about how they talk about women. You should also pay attention to language that shows a lack of interest in women, or a complete lack of interest in women. This could be an indication that they are homosexual. Men often appear shy or awkward around a woman they like. If you don't see any signs of that, then he's probably gay.
    • For example, did they become reluctant or act uncomfortable when asked to recommend a girlfriend?

  3. Watch out for sneaky, embarrassing, or shy behavior. When someone suspects that they are homosexual, they often have to hide a lot about themselves. They even show it out, just don't let you know, and that also means they have to hide another part of their lives. Look for signs they are hiding something, or are embarrassed or shy about something, as this may be a trait that is homosexual.
    • For example, if you invite him to do something like attend a gay festival and they refuse on the grounds of being busy, that could be a sign.
  4. Find physical clues. One of the theories about why a homosexual person is related to their hormones just before birth. This hormone may be high enough to show it out and is an indication that the person is homosexual. Look for characteristics of a woman's walking style, physique, or finger length. These may be signs that he has more estrogen than usual in the fetus, and this affects brain development. However, it's important to remember that this sign is not 100% true. There are many other factors that contribute to body changes, so you cannot rely on this as a pointer gun.
    • In women, the ring finger and the index finger are of equal length, while in men the ring finger is longer. These two fingers tend to be more equal in homosexual men than in normal men. However, there are also factors (such as having multiple brothers) that can make this feature completely unsuitable for homosexual discrimination.
  5. Consider other possibilities. You should also consider other possibilities indicated by these distinct markers. It is possible that the friend is not homosexual but falls into a different position on the Kinsey scale used to determine sexual orientation. They can be:
    • Bisexual, means to like both men and women.
    • Asexual, meaning that there is no sexual desire with the person they like.
    • He may not like you, if you are wondering why they haven't made any move on you.

Part 3 of 4: Avoid common misconceptions

  1. No judging on the basis of a feminine tone or rhetoric. In the homosexual culture some people intentionally adjust their voices in a certain way, but this is not a good way to judge this friend if he has a similar or "fluff" speech. Some people who speak softly or naturally have the same way of talking as women.
    • For example, they are shy or grow up in an environment where people have such a way of talking.
  2. Don't judge based on what they enjoy doing. A guy's preference is also not the basis for judging him as gay or not. Everyone has different preferences, some women like to watch soccer, but there are men who like to do things that are usually related to women or homosexuality.
    • Examples of activities a man likes to do but is still completely straight man: figure skating, dancing and singing.
  3. Don't judge based on movies or music. The movie or music he likes is also not a valid basis for judging whether or not they are gay. You will have to look for other markers in addition to their mp3 collection.
    • Examples of good movies or music they like but are still completely straight men: Lady Gaga's music, musicals, and flirtatious movies.
  4. Don't judge on appearance, dress, or grooming. There are men who are very good at showcasing or spend a lot of time grooming their hair, and can be said to be gay. However, nowadays more and more men invest a lot of time in appearances, so this judgment is no longer appropriate.
    • Likewise, you shouldn't assume that just because a person has a strong masculinity and doesn't even know how to hold a comb, you can be sure he is a straight man.
  5. Don't judge based on friends his. Sometimes you claim a person is gay because he hangs out with girls a lot or because their best friend seems gay. This is not a fair judgment. Each person has different goals for making friends, and he probably only feels better around his existing friends. advertisement

Part 4 of 4: Speak respectfully

  1. Find an opportunity to have a private conversation. Find a good time for the two of you to talk. This is a very personal matter and of course you should not put them in an awkward position in front of many people. First you should find ways to bring up this sensitive topic by talking about other intimate matters. It's important to help them feel comfortable and set a goal that you can share your feelings privately with each other.
    • For example, talk about family or political affairs and your concerns for the future.
  2. Show support if you have friends who are gay. Gently mention topics that help them see you are supportive of homosexuals, and that he doesn't necessarily have to hide his identity when he meets you. You can talk about someone else being gay, or if you don't know someone like that, then you assume there is someone who dares to claim to be gay.
    • For example, you can say, "I admire people like Mr. Long. He has succeeded in convincing conservatives to believe that homosexuals have many other advantages beyond being annoying. Now he is very happy. I wish everyone could live true to who they are and be proud of themselves.
  3. Talk about other friends who have confessed to homosexuality. You can talk about the experiences other people have gone through when you confess to homosexuality. Show them that you worry that negative experiences might hurt them, but that will help them understand that you are ready to be a support if they need it.
    • You can say, "Before Phuong decided to live true to her friend's gender, I was very worried. She didn't seem happy, like she was unhappy with herself. Then everyone was too selfish to her later. when she confessed homosexual. I don't want anyone to have that experience. "
  4. Give them a chance to speak out. Now that you have created a favorable premise and shown you are safe to reveal, give them time and the opportunity to tell the truth. He can speak in this conversation, otherwise he may not speak for a few days. But if they are truly homosexual, they will probably let you know when they feel comfortable and truly trust you.
    • It is important to maintain a trustworthy environment if you want them to speak. Don't talk about anyone because exposing someone else's secrets also means you can reveal him.
  5. Ask directly. Of course if they say nothing or if you don't want to speculate on outside behavior, do asked him directly. This is completely normal. This is the best way to find out if someone is gay, and to limit the risk of insulting them with this or that speculation. This is a bit embarrassing, but they are more likely to tell the truth if they trust you.
    • You try to say, "You know we will always be friends anyway, but I have to ask because I do not want to speculate and possibly make the wrong conclusion: are you gay?"
    • Use crouching and jerking. This move in the movie The blonde female lawyer can solve many problems if the right situation is applied.


  • Don't ask rudely like "Are you gay?? ", this sentence sounds very impulsive and disrespectful to their sexual orientation (use it was instead be Because homosexuality is not a disease!)
  • If he says yes, then you should not have judgmental thoughts. Never think like that.
  • When you get to know them, you do not just research with the purpose of knowing this problem in them. Only do this if you really care about them and want to be their friend.
  • If he doesn't want the information to go viral, there's a reason for it. Whatever you do can not tell others unless they let them know.