Ways to cure liver pain

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Powerful Natural Home Remedies for Liver Disease - Dr. Prashanth S Acharya
Video: Powerful Natural Home Remedies for Liver Disease - Dr. Prashanth S Acharya


Liver pain can have many causes, from as simple as drinking too much alcohol to serious illnesses like liver cancer. Based on this, you should try using these simple solutions at home first. If the pain does not go away or worsens, seek medical treatment. The right care methods will help relieve liver pain.


Method 1 of 3: Treat mild liver pain at home

  1. Drink plenty of warm water. In some cases, you can reduce liver pain by keeping your body hydrated. Warm water can help the liver to function better as it removes toxins more effectively. Drinking plenty of fluids is especially helpful in the case of alcoholic liver pain, as drinking liver pain is often caused by dehydration.
    • You should drink 2-3 liters of water a day to stay healthy. If you have liver pain without the habit of drinking lots of fluids, make this level a goal.

  2. Reduce pressure on the liver. If you feel pain in your liver, it is usually possible to relieve it slightly by changing positions. Lying down or stretching your body can help relieve the pressure on your liver, which in turn helps relieve pain.
    • This is only temporary therapy for pain.
  3. Avoid greasy, fried, and greasy foods. These foods can make the liver more painful because they force the liver to work harder than usual. One of the liver's functions is to process fat, so getting more of it can cause it to become more inflamed.
    • On the other hand, some foods that are great for liver function include citrus fruits and cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts. While you may not be able to relieve pain immediately from eating these foods, they are beneficial for liver health in the long term.
  4. Reduce your sugar intake. Excess sugar intake can affect the liver or worsen liver problems, such as fatty liver. During liver treatment or liver pain relief, you should avoid foods with sugar or refined carbohydrates. These foods include soft drinks, cakes, ice cream and bottled sauces.

  5. Do not take over-the-counter pain relievers. Your first reflex may be to take pain relievers for pain, but it's not a good idea to have liver pain. Over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen and ibuprofen can harm the liver, not support it, as it increases the burden on the liver.
    • Acetaminophen is known to cause liver damage when taken in excess. If you do need to drink, be sure to take the recommended dosage or take less.

  6. Reduce alcoholic beverages. If you have liver pain from drinking too much alcohol, then stopping may help relieve the pain. This will allow the liver to recover from overwork and restore its normal function.
    • You are at risk of developing alcoholic liver disease if you drink more than 44 ml of alcohol per day.
    • Some alcohol-induced liver problems can be cured just by stopping drinking.For example, fatty and inflamed liver can go away within 6 weeks of not drinking. However, more serious liver diseases caused by alcohol, such as cirrhosis, will not go away simply by abstaining from alcohol.
  7. Try natural remedies at home. There are a number of remedies for liver pain that have not been scientifically proven to be effective. These remedies may not cause harm if taken as directed, but they are not guaranteed to work.
    • You can try natural supplements that are said to be good for liver health. These products contain a combination of milk thistle, dandelion root and schizandra, along with vitamins B, C, and E.
    • If you have a diagnosed liver disease or other liver problem, don't use any natural remedies without first consulting your doctor.

Method 2 of 3: Find medical treatments to cure liver pain

  1. Seek medical attention if pain persists. Even if there is only mild liver pain, you should still consult your doctor if the pain persists. Your doctor will talk to you about your symptoms and do a physical exam, often including checking for vital signs and touching your liver to check for inflammation.
    • Women over 40 should have their gallbladder checked by a doctor. Overweight women have a higher risk.
    • Go to the emergency department if you experience severe pain with nausea, dizziness, or hallucinations. These signs can indicate a life-threatening danger.
  2. Liver test. If you suspect you have liver problems, your doctor may order several liver tests. These tests may combine liver function testing and liver imaging tests.
    • If preliminary tests show a problem in the liver, your doctor may order a liver biopsy to check liver cells.
  3. Discuss pain management. If you have persistent liver pain, talk to your doctor about ways to cure or reduce pain in the future. Your doctor can prescribe liver-safe pain relievers and give you advice on how to reduce pain through lifestyle changes.
    • You may need a combination of medications and lifestyle modifications, such as weight loss or a special diet to treat liver pain.
    • Your doctor may recommend an over-the-counter pain reliever. Remember to follow the recommended dosage, as overdose can be harmful to the liver.
  4. Related medical treatment. If you have liver pain due to a medical condition, effective treatment can help relieve the pain. Follow your doctor's advice for treatment and let your doctor know about any changes in your health.
    • Medical treatments will vary depending on the cause of the pain. If you have a less serious illness such as non-alcoholic fatty liver, you can treat it with a healthier diet and lower cholesterol. More serious diseases such as liver cancer require the use of more powerful and invasive treatments, such as liver transplantation.

Method 3 of 3: Determination of liver pain

  1. Be aware of pain in your upper abdomen. The liver is located in the upper abdomen, below the lungs, and on the stomach. Pain in this area may originate in the liver.
  2. Be aware of dull pain in your right abdomen. The liver is on the right side of the body, so you will have more pain on the right side. If the pain is more widespread, the cause may be from another organ.
  3. Think about the possibility of liver pain if you have a related condition. There are many diseases that often cause liver pain. If your stomach aches and you have one of the following conditions, your liver may be the cause:
    • Hepatitis
    • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
    • Gallbladder disease
    • Cirrhosis
    • Reye Syndrome
    • Excess iron
    • Liver Cancer