How to organize a New Year's Eve party

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Aaron’s Proposal Plan | MyStreet Minecraft Roleplay | New Years Party E3 FINALE
Video: Aaron’s Proposal Plan | MyStreet Minecraft Roleplay | New Years Party E3 FINALE


For many people, New Year's Eve is considered one of the most important holidays of the year. This is a great time to get together with family and friends, say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new year. New Year's Eve party will make this holiday even more interesting. Get inspired and host a memorable party for both you and your loved ones.


Part 1 of 3: Party Planning

  1. Think about the place. Before you start planning your party, think about the venue. You need to find a place that is easy to find and has enough space for the guests you will invite. Take some time to think about the perfect venue for a New Year's Eve party.
    • If the party is at a nightclub and there is an admission fee, be sure to include that in your invitation card as well. Even without the entrance fee, some still want to donate the money from the party to a difficult friend or charity.
    • You can also host the party in your own home. This helps to reduce costs.
    • Ask a friend if you can co-host a New Year's Eve party at their house if your friend's house is large.
    • You can rent a banquet room if you need more than one room for guests.

  2. Consider the guests of the party. It is difficult to call this a proper party without guests. You should consider who to invite to the party and the number of guests. Think of the guest list for a great New Year's Eve party.
    • Make sure to balance the ratio of extroverts and introverts so that things are not broken and no one gets hurt, and everyone enjoy a memorable time. Usually, you should invite 1 introvert to 5 extroverts, but you can still adjust the ratio based on location, level of well-being, and emergency services available.
    • Consider the number of guests to suit the space you plan to have a party with.
    • Inviting fewer guests can save you the cost of the party and allow you to engage with guests more effectively.

  3. Think about when you would like your guests to come and go from the party. Once you've identified the audience and the party venue, you can start planning the party. You need to consider when the guests will arrive and the expected end of the party. This will give you more time to prepare the party and help your guests know in advance the plans.
    • Not all New Year's Eve parties have to be held late at night. You can finish the party whenever you want.
    • If your guests stay late, you should have a bed or sleeping place for them.

  4. Send an invitation. Bring these invitations to life, and remember to note essential items that guests should bring, such as swimwear, food, drinks, Christmas gifts, etc.
  5. Plan a party for everyone. Try to keep each guest in mind while you're planning a New Year's Eve party. The ideal party is one that will have something common for everyone. It is important to think about the guests' ages, tastes, and preferences when planning a party. Take a moment and review the guest list to make sure everyone will enjoy a meaningful time at the party.
    • If there are children, make sure the party has something to enjoy. You can create your own kids a video game or other fun activity.
    • Think about the foods and music that all the guests enjoy. The guests will have different preferences, so you should try to choose ones that you think are all satisfied.
  6. Choose food and drink. Before organizing a New Year's Eve party, you should consider how to serve meals. You can prepare all the dishes and drinks for your guests or ask them to bring something and share it. Whichever way you choose, knowing what to expect in advance will help your party be a success.
    • If you want to prepare all the food and drinks yourself, think about things the guest might like. Try to prepare foods that you think everyone will be satisfied with.
    • The cost of organizing a party will be reduced if you require guests to bring food / drink together.
  7. Make a plan for your party activities. It is a good idea to let your guests know what activities they will be engaged in during the party. Most New Year's Eve parties focus on the drop-off ceremony and midnight countdown. However, you can plan whatever activities you want to include in the party.
    • An evening of music, food, and good conversation makes the party simple and cozy.
    • You can try preparing a board game for your guests to play.
    • The party may include an interesting contest. For example, the guest with the most impressive and beautiful fashion style will win an award.
    • Inform guests about the fun activities they will be participating in the invitation.
  8. Send an invitation. Once you have prepared the venue, guest list and itinerary, you can write invitations and send out Invitations should list all the information about the party and let the guests know that they are always welcome. Consider the following methods of sending invitation cards:
    • By mail.
    • By email.
    • Send e-card.
    • Use social media.
    • By phone.

    Stefanie Chu-Leong

    Event owner and planner, Stellify Events Stefanie Chu-Leong is the owner and event planner of Stellify Events, an event management firm in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Central Valley. California. Stefanie has over 15 years of event planning experience and specializes in the organization of large-scale events or special events. She holds a BA in marketing from San Francisco State University.

    Stefanie Chu-Leong
    Event Owner and Expert, Stellify Events

    What should I consider when planning a New Year's Eve party? The most important things are whether to organize a theme party, what the budget is, and the number of guests attending the party. You have countless ways to plan a New Year's Eve party, but when you do not know the theme, cost and guest list, you cannot decide anything.


Part 2 of 3: Organize everything

  1. Prepare drinks. Almost all parties have some available drinks for the guests. Which drink you should prepare will depend on your guests' preferences. Think about what drinks your friends and family members like, then have these at a party. When considering which drinks would be a wise choice, keep some tips in mind:
    • Always prepare drinking water for guests.
    • Most adults will drink alcohol. Try to prepare beer or wine for guests.
    • It would be a good idea to add carbonated drinks to the party as well.
    • Some guests may enjoy coffee and tea.
    • If you have children at the party, try adding some other drinks like juice or milk.
    • You can ask friends and family members to bring some drinks to the party.
  2. Prepare the right food. Almost every party prepares some kind of food for the guests. The menu of dishes will depend on the number of guests attending the party, the cost you plan for the dishes, and how long the party will last. You can prepare a meal or simply a snack, depending on which method you think will suit the guest. When preparing food for a party, consider the following tips:
    • Many parties often have a simple and light snack tray. This snack tray will include crackers, cheese, and fruit or vegetables.
    • You could try preparing a group meal for many. This can be a large pot of soup or a pot of stew, meaning something that can accommodate more than one guest at the same time.
    • You might try asking your guests to bring food for everyone to enjoy.
  3. Prepare the tableware. While food and drinks are an important part of a party, you should also provide your guests with a tableware to enjoy the meal. Preparing things like plates, mugs, napkins and silver tableware is just as important as when preparing food and drinks. Make sure you are well prepared and prepared to make the party go smoothly.
    • You should set up enough plates and cups for everyone at the party.
    • You may want to buy paper or plastic tableware. However, these types can make the organization of the party more expensive.
    • Be sure to have a handy napkin or tissue.
    • It would be great to keep a small trash can for everyone to use.
  4. Decorate. To make the party more complete, it would be a good idea to add a little decorative vignette. You can decorate it simply or sophisticatedly, depending on your preferences. Try some of these simple decorating tips for your New Year's Eve party:
    • Decorate with Christmas objects for the holiday background.
    • DIY decorations. For example, you can make your own decorative circle with golden bow by painting pasta with yellow bow shape and thread them together.
    • Wrap glitter around the tip of a toothpick or stirring spoon.

Part 3 of 3: Reception of guests

  1. Find a way to watch the drop ceremony if appropriate. For example, most New Year's Eve parties in the United States usually watch the midnight drop-off ceremony in Times Square. This would be a great idea if you were to prepare some way for the guests to watch the ball descend in the middle of the night. You can try some of the following methods to help your guests admire this ceremony:
    • Make sure you subscribe to a TV channel that shows the event.
    • You can find a number of news channels that live the drop ceremony.
    • You can move the party to a nearby bar around midnight to count down together.
  2. Play music. The party wouldn't be perfect without music. Music can inspire a party to be more exciting and a New Year's Eve party is similar. Think about the music you and your guests both want to hear and make a good list of the music for the party.
    • Consider the guests' musical preferences. Avoid songs that are offensive to some guests.
    • Make sure you have enough music to accommodate the length of the party.
    • You can try streaming music sharing services like Pandora to play your party music.
    • Try to adjust the volume level appropriate for the party.
  3. Make sure everyone gets into the party. The main purpose of the party is to celebrate together. It would be a good idea to spend your time with your guests. This will help them feel welcome and be part of the party. Keep an eye on your guests to make sure they enjoy the most memorable and fun moment.
    • Organize some interesting group activities. For example, you could prepare a photo booth or offer some games for everyone to join.
    • If someone seems lonely or bored, engage them in a conversation or chat with them.
    • Introducing new people together.
  4. Countdown. The focus of New Year's Eve will be a countdown in the middle of the night and welcome the new year. When the clock hits 12 o'clock at night, you should gather everyone around and get ready for the countdown together. This is a great way to bring people together and end a memorable New Year's Eve party.
    • Most people will start a countdown of around 10 seconds from midnight.
    • Some people enjoy opening a bottle of champagne when it hits 12.
    • Feel free to create your own traditions during the countdown.
  5. End of the party. After the guest and you have enjoyed the New Year's Eve bell, this is also the end of the party. Make sure all guests have means of returning to their home safe or comfortable with the sleeping space you have prepared for them. You should also clean up a bit when the party is about to end.After the party is over, go to bed and enjoy the New Year moment.
    • Before you go to bed, you should make sure all leftover food and drinks are discarded.
    • You should put all your trash in the trash or trash bag.
    • You can wait until morning to dispose of your decorations, clean up, and do other cleaning tasks.
    • Never let someone drive while drunk. If the guest drives home, make sure they are alert.


  • Proper and correct planning will help the party take place successfully.
  • Make sure you have enough room for all guests.
  • Think about the foods and drinks that guests will like best.
  • Try to choose music that you think everyone will be satisfied with.
  • Countdown of the last 10 seconds of the year is considered a great tradition.
  • Always plan ahead.


  • Don't let anyone drive home while drunk.

What you need

  • Food
  • Water
  • Silver plates, mugs, and tableware
  • Recreational activities
  • Ornaments