Men understand

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dating women made me understand men
Video: Dating women made me understand men


If you want to understand how men work, you first have to know that men and women are really from the same planet. Science has shown that there are a number of differences between men and women. However, the stories circulating lead to believe that the differences between the two sexes are unbridgeable. If you really want to understand men better, you first have to look at all the differences and similarities between men and women. Don't forget that every man is an individual with his own thoughts and needs.

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Method 1 of 3: Part 1: Understanding the Differences Between Men and Women

  1. Accept that men are more competitive. Research has shown that men, more than women, feel comfortable in jobs where pay depends on their performance relative to colleagues. You probably also know that men are generally more interested in sports than women (by participating or watching). Many men enjoy competition because they enjoy being able to outdo others. If you have a man as an opponent in a game, don't be surprised if he suddenly becomes extra competitive and fanatic as soon as he threatens to lose. Don't take that too heavily; he can't help it.
    • Encourage him to pursue his competitive hobbies. Stereotypical male activities, such as online gaming, sports, or watching sports are based on competition. Because it is important for men to be successful in a competitive context, you need to give them the opportunity to be competitive in this relatively safe way.
  2. Men are more visual than women. Our eyes are one of our most important senses and we spend a lot of our time processing the things we see. Men are much more sensitive to visual stimuli than women. As a result, it may be the case, for example, that a man would rather look at the map himself than to have the route explained verbally. Some men need to see a problem first to solve it. Try not to get irritated by this, but accept it as an innate quality that he cannot help.
    • Don't get offended if he looks at other women. Because men are sensitive to visual stimuli, they tend to look - or stare - at attractive people more often. Don't worry about that; just because he looks at a woman with a beautiful plunging neckline does not automatically mean that he wants to go to bed with her. Short glances at other women are quite harmless; you can see them as a natural reflex and absolutely not as a threat to your relationship.
  3. Men and women enjoy different types of conversations. Research has shown that this difference starts during childhood: girls feel connected to each other when they have secrets and discuss personal problems together. Boys bond by doing things together and talking about their common hobbies. . If you expect your boyfriend or husband to be as good a conversation partner for you as your best friend, you will be negatively surprised. Men do not build close relationships through conversation and they change themes more often. They are also quickly distracted during the conversation by objects in their immediate vicinity.
    • Don't punish him for appearing disinterested or complain for never listening to you. Deal wisely with your differences. If you want to discuss something important with him, be clear and say, "It is important to me that we discuss this and I would really appreciate if you would listen carefully." If he really cares about you, he'll go the extra mile to make the conversation go smoothly.
    • Men focus on solutions. Another characteristic of the way men have conversations is that they like to work towards a solution. If you especially need attention and confirmation instead of practical advice, make this clear at the beginning of the conversation. Remember that he wants to come up with a solution for you because he cares about you. In his eyes, that's what you do when you love someone. He doesn't want to boss you around.

    Men cannot recognize emotions as quickly as women. Just think of the stereotypical husband who has no idea why his wife is suddenly so angry. It may well be that he really isn't doing it on purpose - he probably honestly has no idea why she's angry, or he doesn't even realize she's angry. The limbic system of women has evolved and that is why women are better at recognizing and interpreting emotions. That skill came in handy in ancient times, when women were responsible for maintaining social connections. Men are far behind in this area. So they are worse at identifying and assessing emotions.

    • Don't expect him to read your mind. If you are angry with a man, tell him in a calm and clear way. Once he understands how you feel, he can come up with measures to solve the problem. If you don't tell him, you can't expect him to pick up on your subtle hints.
    • Give him his space. Men are not used to discussing their personal issues with their friends. He may prefer to deal with his problems on his own. If a guy shuts down when you want to talk to him about his problems, back off and give him time to think about it for himself. Most men will indicate themselves if they would like to talk about their problems.
  4. It is difficult for men to be "just friends" with a woman. Research has shown that men who have a platonic friendship with a woman often still feel sexually attracted to her. They also often mistakenly believe that she is attracted to him as well. Women too are often sexually attracted to their male friends. However, women keep in the background if the boyfriend in question is in a relationship. Men often aren't put off by the fact that their platonic girlfriend is in a relationship, but will continue to see their girlfriend in a sexual way.
    • This doesn't automatically mean that all your male friends are secretly in love with you.
  5. Men and women behave very differently in the workplace. If a man and a woman were to fulfill the same position in the same office, they would each approach their duties in a completely different way. Men focus more on completing a specific task, while women focus more on the process by which they can ultimately complete the task. Women usually ask more questions, while men find it difficult to include the opinions of others. Both men and women feel that the opposite sex does not understand the other's needs in the workplace.
    • Men and women react very differently to stress. Women express their concerns when a project does not go well. Men prefer to isolate themselves and deal with their "defeat" on their own.
    • Men and women look for appreciation in a different way. Women are happy when they are successful with a group assignment, while men prefer to stand out on their own.

Method 2 of 3: Part 2: Avoiding stereotypes

  1. Don't think that every man wants to sleep with every woman. You may be firmly convinced that your partner, platonic friend or male colleague would love to share a bed with every woman on the planet, but then you are wrong. Even though men like to look at all the feminine beauty around them, they are usually very selective when it comes to sex partners.
    • If you are convinced that your boyfriend wants to sleep with every woman, why are you still together? If this is really a problem in your relationship because of his behavior, that's right up there. But if you have that belief only because he is a man, you need to change your ideas about it badly.
    • Of course, everyone knows a man who constantly brags about his conquests. Remember, men might like to show off and act tough, but they might not put their tough stories into practice at all.
  2. Don't think that all men hate women's movies and girlish activities. You may think your boyfriend doesn't like it when you choose your date's location and activity, but it doesn't have to be. Of course he grumbles a bit when he goes to for the tenth time Love Actually but he probably likes doing feminine things with you for the simple reason that it makes you happy.
    • Remember if he didn't do those things, if he really didn't want to. The same is most likely true for you.
  3. Don't think men are completely numb. Just think of Tony Soprano: he looks like a tough guy, but inside he's actually a sweet teddy bear. Women are usually more open with their feelings and they like to talk about them, but that does not automatically mean that men cannot be sensitive, cannot be emotionally affected, and cannot show sympathy or empathy. Men are indeed a bit more reserved with their emotions, but that doesn't mean their feelings are any less present than yours.
    • Men are no cavemen who are concerned only with their basic needs: food, sex and sleep. Let go of that thought.
  4. Do not think men only but think about sex. Of course men think more about sex than women, especially during puberty, but that doesn't mean they can't think about anything else. Men also think about their friends, family, goals, dreams and career. They may get distracted when a beautiful, high-heeled lady passes by. However, it's not that the average man's brain looks like the 18+ section of the video store.
  5. Do not think that men are only interested in looks. When it comes to that, both men and women can be very shallow. You may think that a man only relies on a woman's body and may be extra interested if she also has a nice face, but that is not the case. When a man takes a serious interest in a woman, it's not about looks anymore. So don't think you have to impress a guy by working out your body, putting on a lot of makeup, and putting on your tightest pants. You have to pack it with your charm, intelligence and sense of humor.
    • There are, of course, men who are obsessed with looks, but so are some women.
  6. Do not think that men cheat more often than women. Men are known as cheaters. Just think of all the scandals with celebrities who had a second girlfriend. However, both men and women can cheat. In addition, it is usually the case that women look for an emotional connection with another, while men go purely for the physical. Don't automatically assume that your boyfriend is cheating on you just because he's a man. If he does, he is probably looking for a connection outside of your relationship.
    • That does not mean that there are no wrong men. There are also a lot of bad women out there, though.
  7. Don't assume that men can't commit. You may think that any man is terrified of a serious relationship and will run away like hell when you say to him, "I think it's time for you to meet my parents." In reality, men are just as likely to bond as women. There is only a percentage of about 20% who have real fear of commitment. Remember, there are just as many women who are afraid of getting into serious relationships.
    • If your current farm is afraid to commit to you, don't tell yourself that's a typical "man thing." There can be countless reasons why a man does not want to commit yet, such as lack of experience or bad memories of his previous relationship.
  8. Don't think that men feel intimidated by strong women. Of course, that can happen in extreme cases - if, for example, they suddenly face Michelle Obama or Oprah Winfrey. In general, men are attracted to assertive women who know what they want. Don't be too girly and silly just to impress a guy. If you want a guy to take you seriously, you have to show him your true, assertive self.
    • Being strong has a lot to do with being confident. Everyone is attracted to confident people.

Method 3 of 3: Part 3: Studying men more closely

  1. Understand the male ego. If you want to understand men on a deeper level, you must study the male ego.
  2. Give him his space. Learning to let go of your boyfriend every now and then and give him his space will do your relationship good in the long run.
  3. Explore the mindset of a man looking for a committed relationship. If you understand what drives men in a committed relationship, you have come a long way.
  4. Know how to help your friend when he is in a depressive episode. This is very tricky, but important if you really want to understand it.
  5. Improve the relationship with your boyfriend. When you learn to understand your boyfriend and relationship, you will eventually have a better understanding of men in general.


  • Remember that the information in this article is based on typical properties. It may well be that not all of these traits match the men you know.