How to have a great eighth grade year

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
preparing for back to school (8TH GRADE)
Video: preparing for back to school (8TH GRADE)


Excited before the start of the school year? This article will help you prepare thoroughly for the eighth grade!


  1. 1 Take care of your school uniform and other essential clothing.
  2. 2 Go to bed an hour earlier than on vacation. Did you know that a person needs at least eight hours of sleep? Rest is essential, especially before the start of the school year. He will provide you with a wonderful mood on your first day of school.You may find it difficult to fall asleep at night: to relax, listen to soft music or drink a glass of hot milk. You can go to bed 30 minutes earlier - read a book and it will be much easier to fall asleep. In the last days of summer, you can start a smooth transition to your new schedule.
  3. 3 Eat breakfast, even if it's just a cereal bar. In the morning, you need food to recharge your batteries.
  4. 4 Come up with good phrases to start a conversation with! Here are just a few of them:
    • - Hello, how was your summer? (Only ask this question when there is absolutely nothing else to say. Believe me, this person has heard it a million times today!)
    • - What items will you have this year?
    • - You've already seen ... (Name any film released this summer. After answering, express your opinion about it).
    • - And you watch ... (Name any program that went on TV during the holidays. If you also watch it, share your impressions of the last episode. If not, then ask about it yourself!).
    • - Hey, I really like your ... (name something).
  5. 5 Prepare for all subjects. You will feel much better if all school supplies are in place. Many schools prepare a list of things that students will need for the new year. Be careful not to overlook anything.
  6. 6 If you do not like physical education, heed the advice of a coach: just accept it. You will still have to attend the lesson, so have fun! Stick with your friends and find something that you really enjoy doing. If you know good games, ask the coach to introduce them into the program!
  7. 7 Don't forget about lunch! Pack nicely and take it with you. If you like the school cafeteria better, ask for the amount of money needed to buy food.
  8. 8 If your friends are in class, talk before and after class — don't chat when the teacher should be speaking. This creates a bad impression of you and leads to problems.
  9. 9 If you have no one to dine with, have the courage to join someone who is well disposed to you. Don't be discouraged if you can't find the right person - this is not the end of the world!
  10. 10 If you use public transport, arrange with friends to ride together.
  11. 11 Going to bed on time is not enough - you also need to wake up on time. Set your alarm. It's usually more enjoyable to get up to music, so you can use an alarm clock with a built-in radio.
  12. 12 Keeping a neat journal will help keep you organized.
  13. 13 If the day isn't good, talk to your parents or friends and immerse yourself in your favorite music. Listening to music is a great way to come to your senses. And shopping is good for most girls! Bachelorette and hen parties always go well - no matter how your school day went! :)
  14. 14 Sign up for a club or section, go in for sports! If you are not particularly athletic, but want to lead a more active lifestyle, try volleyball - playing it is not difficult at all. If you need more movement, sign up for soccer or basketball. Also, many schools have dance groups.
  15. 15 Focus on your lessons! Chat between classes, before and after school! Try to learn your best. Some schools have incentive programs that open up good opportunities for students, for example, free trips to sanatoriums, etc. The extra effort is worth it!
  16. 16 If you fall in love, continue to behave appropriately. Young people are better off just showing sympathy for that special girl, never joking with her or letting their friends gossip. Girls should just be themselves, communicate in a friendly way, and also ask their girlfriends not to talk too much.
  17. 17 Get ready for tests and quizzes. Take a note of all the information you receive in the lesson - use it to prepare.
  18. 18 Attend school events, go on joint excursions! If there are discos at school - do not miss the opportunity, because this is the eighth grade! Participate in all kinds of extracurricular activities!
  19. 19 Enjoy this time, because next year you will become a high school student:)


  • Try to get good grades.
  • Never forget old friends. Of course, in the new class you can find many others, but do not forget about those who have not left you in trouble many times already.
  • Do not offend elementary school students - high school students can put you in your place!
  • Be confident in yourself!
  • There will be many quarrels and scandals in eighth grade - just try to ignore them.
  • Be yourself! It sounds corny, but pretense and hypocrisy will hurt you and your friends.


  • Do not deal with drug addicts and drinkers.
  • Don't be led by other people.
  • Do not use alcohol or drugs.
  • Try to avoid fights and quarrels.
  • Be happy with yourself.