How to do a little banishing ritual with a pentagram

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 28 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Modify the Lesser Banishing or Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram
Video: How to Modify the Lesser Banishing or Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram


A small banishing ritual with a pentagram (or NRIP). This ritual must be memorized as quickly as possible on your magical path and practiced every day. Once the sacred names of God that correspond to each basic quarter used in the pentagram and the archangels corresponding to each quarter are invoked to watch over your home, the circle formed by these magical rituals becomes an impenetrable barrier to unwanted magical powers and allows you to continue your magical practice.

This ritual is divided into three parts for better understanding and memorization.


Method 1 of 4: The Kabbalistic Cross

  1. 1 Stand in the center of your room, facing east, and imagine that you are a towering figure with the earth as a small sphere below you. Feel like the center of the universe.
  2. 2 Look into the void and imagine a white sparkling sphere. See this light descending on your head.
  3. 3 Reach out to him with your right hand (or the ritual dagger Atam) and lower this white light on your forehead. When you do this, say the word "Ata" (a-ta).
  4. 4 Move your hand down along your body and feel the light pass through you in a thin beam. Touch your chest, lower your hand to the groin area, fingers down, and say "Malkut" (mal-kut). Imagine a ray of light running through your body, connecting the light above your head to the ground below you.
  5. 5 Touch your right shoulder and imagine that a thin ray of light has separated from the main one and through this point it goes into emptiness. Say "Ve-geburah" (vge-bu-ra).
  6. 6 Do the same with the left shoulder and say "Ve-gedula" (vge-du-la).
  7. 7 Bring both hands to your chest and fold them as in prayer and say "Lei-olam, Amen" (Lei-o-lam, a-men). You are now standing at the center of the cross of light that reaches the edges of the universe.

Method 2 of 4: 4 Pentagrams

  1. 1 Walk to the east side of your room (or just look east) and swipe your finger, wand, or Atam in the air in front of you, representing a large banishing pentagram. Imagine it emitting blue light. Walk through it and say "Yod heh vav heh" (yod-heh-vav-heh). Endure the silence ..
  2. 2 Keeping your finger or the tip of the dagger in the center of the pentagram, move it towards the southern quarter and draw a bright white line towards the center of your southern circle. These lines connect your pentagrams.
  3. 3 Draw another pentagram in the same way. Now go through it and say Adonai (a-do-nai). Maintain the silence, remembering to keep your right hand outstretched in front of you.
  4. 4 Move the white line of light to the west and repeat the previous rituals (depicting and passing through your pentagram), but this time say "Eheyey" (e-hey-yei).
  5. 5 Move the light to the north, do the same as the previous time, and say "Agla" (a-ha-la).
  6. 6 Bring the white line of light back east and connect all of your pentagrams together. You should be surrounded by four sparkling blue pentagrams at the four corners of the circle you just made.
  7. 7 Move back to the center of your circle and turn clockwise towards the east.

Method 3 of 4: Calling the Archangels

  1. 1 Imagine again the Kabbalistic cross you made earlier, reach out and take this form. Look in front of you (to the east) and say, "Before me, Raphael." Try to feel his presence and a light breath in your face.
  2. 2 Imagine being behind you and say, "Behind me, Gabriel." Try to feel the moisture on your back.
  3. 3 Look to the right and say "To the right hand, Michael." Feel the heat of the fire.
  4. 4 Look to the left and say, “To the left hand, Uriel,” try to feel the strength radiated by this quarter.
  5. 5 Face the east again and contemplate the luminous pentagrams around you, saying "Shine the pentagram around me ...". Then visualize a dazzling hexagon in your chest and say "And within me shine a six-pointed star."

Method 4 of 4: Completion

  1. 1 To end, simply repeat all the rituals of the Kabbalistic Cross one more time.


  • When making a sign of silence, simply place your left index finger to your lips as you step back after the center mark, as if you were showing someone "ts-s-s."
  • Translation of the Kabbalistic cross "For yours is the kingdom, and power, and glory forever, forever."
  • As you say these names, feel the power and energy of the sacred names that run from your fingertips into pentagrams.
  • The sign of penetration is when you put your hands on your temples, take a deep breath and step forward with your left foot and pierce the pentagram with your hands (or with one hand, with a stick or Atam). At that moment, you give them the power of a sacred name. When you step back, remember to keep your index finger, wand, or Atam in the pentagram before you draw the lines.
  • Remember to say the names of the angels.
  • You need to pronounce it loudly and clearly, in a monotonous voice, which should echo throughout the Universe.
  • If you want to add more power to this ritual, visualize the archangels when you call them.
  • Remembering the sequence of angels can be difficult, as for me in the beginning, here is the method that I used: RSMU - Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, Uriel.
  • When drawing pentagrams in quarters, move clockwise.
  • The banishing pentagram is drawn as follows: start at the lower left corner (point), then up, down, left, right, and up to the starting point.
  • Remember to exhale after each deep breath when pronouncing the names.

What do you need

  • Mantle
  • Wand (preferably crystal) or Atam
  • Your magical jewelry (if any), Solomon's ring is a great option if you can find it.
  • Your altar. This is usually the middle of the room and serves as the center of your sacred space, but again, this is not necessary.