How to impress your friends

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to impress your friends.
Video: How to impress your friends.


Do any of your friends think that you are a little over the top or weird as well? Here's our guide to impress them while staying within budget! Take advantage of some helpful tips!


  1. 1 Don't neglect your friends! Always take time for them. Even if you are really busy, try changing your schedule. Your friends need you and will always turn to you for help, because they will know that you have a gentle character, and you will not refuse to help them.
  2. 2 Wear trendy clothes. Your friends will be pleasantly surprised by the look of your fashionable pink T-shirt or your leather jacket. Remember: dress to look cool and successful! If your style of clothing wants the best, then use the advice from the Internet and buy this style of clothing!
  3. 3 Try to keep your hair looking well-groomed. If your hair is messy, you will look like a clown and even your friends will make fun of you. Remember to keep your hair clean. Wash them three times a week or, if your hair is dry, once a week, because washing every day will only dry out your hair, removing all natural oils from it. Believe me, hair like this is a disaster.
  4. 4 Make a show! Buy cool items like an MP3 player, iPod, cell phone, wristband or twist bag and watch your friends reach out to you!
  5. 5 Be cool! Listen to good music and come up with something interesting! Your friends won't want to hang out with you if you are lazy and hard to climb.
  6. 6 If you see someone being rude to your friend, stand up for her! Talk to the brute and teach him a lesson! Your friend will be so grateful to you!
  7. 7 Always try to stand out from the crowd! Study great, wear the coolest clothes and look your best! If you are falling behind (even if you are number two!) Then this is a little weird. With all your might, try to be on top!
  8. 8 Just be yourself! If your friend says she's in love with a celebrity, like Brad Pitt, and if she asks if you like him, just say no! You don't have to pretend that idolizing an idol is just cool! Remember: you are a celebrity and be yourself.

Method 1 of 1: Give good advice

  1. 1 Be tactful and know when to give advice. Sometimes, your friends come to you with a problem and whatever they want for a while, so that someone will listen to their angry tirade. They don't necessarily need advice or a quick fix.You will make a good impression on your friends by showing that you understand them well and know the nature of their problem.
    • If they tell you the same thing over and over again, tell them that you not only want to support and listen to them, but you also want to help them find a way to resolve the problem that is causing them concern.
    • Ask if they need your advice. When they tell you about the problem, ask something like "Do you need my advice on what to do in this situation?" If they say no, then let everything stay where it is.
  2. 2 Be sincere. If you honestly state your point of view, it is possible that your friends may get a little angry, but often they will understand that your wisdom is that you have to tell them the truth, and they will appreciate the maturity of your ideas. Don't be rude, and of course, when you realize that you need to say something, don't keep it to yourself, afraid to speak out because of the feeling of fear.
    • If you can't give advice, be honest with them! Say, "I would like to help you, but I do not know what to do in this situation."
    • In your urge to be honest to the end, don't judge your friends. Don't say things like “You should have listened to my advice” or phrases of this type, because that will only make things worse and your friend won't want to follow your advice. impress them, and your labors will be in vain.
    • Don't try to make sense of the situation for them. It can be super tempting to show how wonderful and kind friend you are by trying to solve all the problems, but it won't do any good. You don't want your friends to be unable to rely on their own wisdom and to make their own decisions.
    • After you've shared with them some of your ideas on how to improve the situation and what to do, ask them how they feel about your advice and what might be the best solution to find a way out of the situation.
  3. 3 Don't promise them concrete results. While you may have a pretty good idea of ​​how the situation will turn out, do not promise them that this is the way to find a way out of the situation. You simply cannot know the actual outcome of this or that, and you do not want to unnecessarily reassure or, on the contrary, scare your friends with what may never happen. They may even judge you!
    • Do not let your hopes go beyond reasonable limits. If you're giving your girlfriend advice to ask a boyfriend she likes on a date, make sure she knows that asking a boyfriend out on a date is a rather risky endeavor. Just let her know that it's up to you to try something other than just sit around and yearn at home wondering about his feelings.


  • Please! Criticizing others, being rude and thinking that you are the best will only make things worse. Remember: everyone is equal! Do not think that royal blood flows in your veins, and others are just fools.
  • If you make a mistake, don't take it personally. Only joke about it if you think it might make a good joke.
  • Be yourself. Your friends will love you whether you're dressed in the latest fashions or have one of the coolest phones around.
  • Do not skimp on compliments, tell them that you are glad that you have such great friends.
  • Find friends who will come to your aid and spend a lot of time with them! Other acquaintances will think that you are so irresistible that everyone wants to be friends with you!
  • Organize parties or celebrations! Your friends will think that you can't live without partying, and they will reach out to you!
  • Learn to play a musical instrument and show your talent to your friends!
  • Don't be mean and vulgar! They expect only good treatment from you.Let them in first at the door, thank them, be warm and welcoming, or even say not one, but several compliments every day! You will definitely impress your friends.


  • Nobody likes braggart. Yes, there are a few things you can boast about, but don't go overboard.
  • Be careful if you have jealous friends. Out of jealousy, they may offend you or try to undermine your popularity, and even resort to tricks.
  • Some of your friends may not like your new behavior and behavior. They may want to take you back to the past, DO NOT!
  • Make sure you know what you want! Use our advice only if your friends are uncomfortable in your company.
  • Let no one feel left out in your company. Imagine you have 5 friends and they all have a cell phone except one friend. Don't tease him for not having a phone.