Have a glow up

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
how glowing up CHANGED my life (and can change YOURS too): a Coachella glow up journal
Video: how glowing up CHANGED my life (and can change YOURS too): a Coachella glow up journal


A glow up is a powerful transformation of who you are. This could mean changing your appearance, drinking more water, or achieving your personal goals. Whatever your glow up means to you, it's about becoming the best version of yourself and learning to take care of and accept yourself! Take care of your body inside and out by eating a well-balanced diet, exercising regularly, and taking care of your skin. Practice being confident and surrounding yourself with positive people who help you feel good.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Changing your appearance

  1. Keep a skincare routine to help your skin glow. Your skin is one of the first things others notice about you and having glowing skin will really help your transformation shine! Wash your skin twice a day with water and use a toner, moisturizer, and exfoliation products that are appropriate for your skin type. Remember to remove your make-up every night before you go to sleep so that you wake up with fresh, smooth skin.
    • If you have any problems or concerns about your skin, see a dermatologist for professional advice. It might be as simple as using a different product or taking a particular vitamin more often to make your skin glow!
  2. Stand up straight to improve your posture. Your attitude can make a big difference in your appearance! Keep your back straight, your shoulders back, and let your arms rest naturally at your sides. When you are sitting, keep your back at a right angle to your thighs, and try to release tension so that your muscles are not strained.
    • If you experience pain or have trouble maintaining good posture, see a doctor or physical therapist for professional advice.
  3. Wear clothes that emphasize your good physical qualities. By wearing clothes that show off your best features, you can help yourself to look and feel great! Maybe you want to wear a color that makes your eyes pop, or a pair of boots that draw attention to your long legs? Try on a lot of different pieces of clothing and experiment with different outfits to find a style you love. Don't be afraid to try on statement pieces like a bright blazer, an elegant dress, or some new heels.
    • Opt for tighter garments if you want to accentuate your figure.
    • Vertical lines give the effect of being thinner, while horizontal lines make curves stand out.
    • At the end of the day, just wear clothes that make you feel happy and confident!
  4. Experiment with makeup to see how you look. Whether you're new to makeup or just want to try out a new product, experimenting with makeup can make a big difference in your appearance. There are plenty of free makeup tutorials out there online, so use these to try out different looks and learn about new products. Even if you decide that makeup isn't for you, you have at least learned a new skill and gained more certainty about who you are.
    • Remember to take good care of your skin, especially if you use makeup regularly. Always use moisturizer and remove all makeup at the end of the day.
  5. Get a new hairstyle you've always wanted to try. Maybe that's bangs, balayage or bob? Go for it and get that haircut or color you've always wanted. Search online for inspiration when you need it and print out photos to take with you to your appointment. Explain to your stylist what you are looking for and listen to his or her advice on which haircut and color would work best with your style.
    • A new hairstyle is an easy way to quickly and dramatically change your look!

Part 2 of 3: Making lifestyle changes

  1. Drink two liters of water every day to stay hydrated. A glow up happens from within, and water is essential to help you look and feel the best you can every day. Buy a reusable water bottle and keep it filled with fresh water at all times. Bring these with you everywhere you go to remind yourself to stay hydrated!
    • Two liters of water is only an approximate amount, because the ideal amount of water per day varies from person to person. Drink the amount of water that makes you feel good, and see a doctor or dietitian if you're concerned.
    • If you are not a big fan of regular water, you can always make water with an infusion of your favorite fruit or vegetables to give it a little more flavor. Try strawberries, cucumber, orange, or mint!
    • It's hard to remember to drink more water when you're just starting out. Try setting up a reminder on your phone or sticking a note on your fridge. You can also download an app on your smartphone that will help you track your water intake and give you friendly reminders to drink more water.
  2. Brush your teeth regularly to help keep your smile looking beautiful. A radiant, happy smile is a big part of your glow up transformation! Brush your teeth every morning and night, and remember to use dental floss every day as well. Visit a dentist once a year for an annual check-up to keep your teeth healthy and strong!
    • You can also use teeth whitening products to help your smile shine.
  3. Eat a well-balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. The way you energize your body can make a big difference in your glow up. Eat 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day, along with lots of lean proteins, grains and healthy fats. Remember that everything is best in moderation, so limit your intake of processed foods, but treat yourself every now and then.
    • See a doctor or dietitian if you have any concerns about your diet.
    • Avoid skipping meals and following diet trends as these things won't help you feel and look your best.
  4. Exercise regularly to keep yourself healthy. By keeping moving you help yourself to look and feel good, both physically and mentally! Find a type of exercise you enjoy, such as swimming, running, or yoga. Unless told otherwise by a health professional, try to exercise 3-5 times a week. You can also exercise with friends if that makes it more fun!
    • You don't have to join a gym unless you want to. There are more than enough ways to exercise at home.

Part 3 of 3: Getting confident and setting goals

  1. Say positive affirmations every day to help yourself build good self-confidence. A big part of your glow up is learning to believe in yourself! Write down recurring negative thoughts and then write positive, logical affirmations as counter arguments. Practice saying these positive affirmations out loud every day. While it may feel difficult or stupid at first, with enough time and practice, it should become easier to believe the positive affirmations.
    • Some popular positive affirmations include "I deserve to be happy", "I am an intelligent, hardworking person" and "I can achieve my goals".
  2. Surround yourself with positive people who support you. The attitude of people around you can influence you a lot. Find family and friends who have a positive attitude and are supportive of who you are! You can also be positive and supportive to those around you, to help them have a glow up too!
    • If you're having a hard time finding positive and supportive people, try making some new friends. Join a club or group of people with similar interests, use social media, or simply talk to new people you wouldn't normally talk to. You have nothing to lose!
  3. Speak positively about yourself and practice being assertive to help grow your confidence. Having a glow up is all about having the confidence to shine and be the best version of yourself. Even if you don't feel confident right away, just pretend until you can, and no one will be able to tell the difference! Speak positively about yourself to make yourself feel better instead of worse, contradict negative thoughts about yourself, and practice being assertive in your daily life. Surrounding yourself with confident people can also help, as their confidence can give off on you!
    • If you are experiencing difficulty with your confidence, it can really help to speak to a mental health professional, such as a counselor or psychologist.
  4. Set achievable goals and challenge yourself to achieve them. Do you have any financial, career, or personal goals that you have been wanting to achieve for a while? Sit down and write down a list of your goals, then break each goal down into smaller, achievable steps that you can start with. Keep your goals realistic and celebrate your moments of success!
    • Remember that your goals can be as small or as big as you want them to be. As long as you are realistic about how you want to achieve them, all that matters!


  • Remember that your glow up is about you, not about others. All it matters is that you are happy with yourself, and if others happen to notice your transformation, that's a nice bonus!
  • Your glow up is not going to happen in one day. If you maintain this and keep doing this, it will show in your attitude and appearance.