How to confess your love to a girl in a letter

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Tell A Girl You Like Her (Without Getting Friend-zoned)
Video: How To Tell A Girl You Like Her (Without Getting Friend-zoned)


If you like a girl but don't know how to tell her how you feel, then this article is for you. This article provides tips on how to write a letter to the girl of your dreams and open your heart to her. Take a pencil and a piece of paper and let's get started.


Method 1 of 2: First step

  1. 1 Make a list of the qualities you like about a girl. Don't worry about decoration. Just open your heart and feelings.
  2. 2 Think about starting your letter. Just like in English lessons, think about the beginning of the letter so that it evokes a smile and warm feelings in your chosen one.
  3. 3 Be honest in pouring out your heart. Tell the girl that she is special and you really want to get to know her better.
  4. 4 Use a romantic writing style. Also, use comparisons such as "Your eyes are like the blue ocean" or "Your smile is like the sunrise that starts a wonderful new day." Think about what comparisons you could use in your letter. Don't overdo it, the spices are good in moderation.
  5. 5 Tell her that you want to talk and meet her if possible. If she is interested in your meeting, she will agree to come.
  6. 6 Thank her for taking the time to read your letter and tell her that whatever her answer is, you will be ready to accept it. You just want her to be aware of your feelings.

Method 2 of 2: Final Stage

  1. 1 Read the first part of the letter aloud, at least five times. If reading the letter, you are confused about it, be sure to correct this point.
  2. 2 Check the spelling, especially the spelling of her name.
  3. 3 Pay attention to the neatness of your letter. At the end of the day, the whole point of this letter is to impress the girl. Therefore, arrange the letter in such a way that she would be pleased to read it.


  • Take your time creating something beautiful
  • Smile when you give her a letter
  • It is much better to put feelings on paper than to put them into words.
  • Hand her the letter in private, otherwise your friends may make fun of you.
  • Try to find a good envelope to put your letter in.
  • Use any resources you need to write your letter, such as dictionaries, romantic poetry, and more
  • Write the letter with a pen, preferably black or blue ink, not red, purple, green, etc.
  • If you can draw, draw something beautiful on your letter.


  • DO NOT rewrite someone else's letter, passing it off as your own.
  • DO NOT send a gift with a letter if you want to draw her attention to your words
  • DO NOT tell anyone that you are writing a letter
  • DO NOT let anyone read your letter, even if you want to hear the "opinion" from the outside