How to impress your boss

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Impress Your Boss | Anwar Jibawi
Video: How To Impress Your Boss | Anwar Jibawi


If you are starting a new job or want to impress your current position, then you will surely need to please your boss. First of all, you should do your job well. Develop personality traits that will help you impress your boss. Finally, do your best to build a personal relationship with your manager. Doing so will help you stand out!


Method 1 of 3: Do the job well

  1. 1 Work hard and complete tasks on time. Show that you value your work by investing in every project. Work thoughtfully and always correct your mistakes. For example, check reports before submitting.
    • Get the job done on time. Better yet, ahead of schedule! If the case does not have a tight deadline, then ask when it is desirable to finish the project.
    • Complete tasks in order of importance. For example, if you lead a project team, it’s probably more important to help your colleagues organize their work than to complete single tasks that do not require urgent completion.
  2. 2 Don't be late for work. Come on time to prove yourself a reliable professional. Remember that for many leaders, on time is late. Come a little early and get down to business to make a good impression. For example, if your work day starts at 8:00, then come at 7:45. This gives you time to put your lunch in the fridge and get ready to get started.
    • Leaving work on time is perfectly normal, but pay attention to who leaves work first. If your coworkers regularly linger to complete important tasks, then it's best to follow suit.
    • Coming to work every day is an obvious but important task for any professional.
    • Try to skip fewer days due to illness. If possible, negotiate with your colleagues to be replaced. Show your boss that you care about the company's success.
    • Plan your vacation ahead of time to make it easier for your boss to find a replacement for you during that time.
  3. 3 Take the initiative. If you want to stand out, just doing your current job won't be enough. Be proactive and take on new projects, and suggest ideas for improving your workflow.
    • Nominate yourself when your boss selects new project leaders. Your willingness to take on a leadership role will impress.
    • Perhaps the boss is worried about the decline in sales. Take the initiative and come up with new ideas that will help you improve your results.

    Elizabeth douglas

    WikiHow CEO Elizabeth Douglas is the CEO of wikiHow. He has over 15 years of experience in the technology industry, including work in computer engineering, user experience and product management. She received her BS in Computer Science and an MBA from Stanford University.

    Elizabeth douglas
    WikiHow CEO

    Just complete all the tasks that need to be completed. Elizabeth Douglas, CEO of wikiHow: “Being proactive means noticing the needs of the company and offering help. However, you don't need to think about whether such work will have a direct impact on your productivity. You don't need to think a lot about motivation. Just do what needs to be done. "

  4. 4 Prove that you can be counted on. It is important for the boss to rely on his employees. Do your best to build trust. Always keep your promises. In case of problems, you should contact your boss, and not abandon unfinished business.
    • Solve problems as they arise to show your reliability. For example, if a colleague needs help with a project, be sure to find an opportunity to help.
    • Do not share important information that your boss has told you. Show that he can count on your restraint.
  5. 5 Communicate effectively. To get the job done successfully, you need to collaborate with colleagues. Communication is the cornerstone of efficiency. If you do not understand something, always ask clarifying questions. If you are asked something, give clear and thoughtful answers.
    • For example, if you do not know how to accomplish a given task, say, “I am very happy about this opportunity. Will you give me a couple of minutes to clarify the requirements for this project again? "
  6. 6 Follow the development of your industry. You will impress your boss by staying on top of the latest changes and trends in your profession. Read specialized literature and attend events. Also subscribe to industry notables on social media.
    • Ask about the opportunity to attend a profile conference. Your boss will definitely appreciate your desire to learn and develop!
  7. 7 Do not do your personal business during business hours. Focus only on work tasks. No time wasted on personal calls, emails, or browsing social media. Also, you should not shop online and read your favorite blogs!
    • Of course, breaks during the day are necessary, but always follow corporate guidelines for personal Internet use.
    • Most companies have a lunch break of up to one hour. It is also probably acceptable to take a short coffee break in the morning for no longer than 10 minutes and another break in the afternoon. Always clarify such questions.

Method 2 of 3: Acquire the Qualities You Need

  1. 1 Show curiosity. Curiosity is a sign of intelligence, as well as a desire to develop and learn. Try to learn as much as possible in order to develop this quality. You don't need to be limited only to the current business.
    • Ask your boss, “I’m not part of the working group, but can I attend the marketing department meeting? I would like to better understand the new strategy. "
    • Keep up with trends and innovations in your field - read industry publications and subscribe to key experts on social media.
  2. 2 Seek constructive criticism. Show your boss that you are looking to improve your performance. Ask regularly for feedback on your success. Say that you are not only interested in praise.
    • Say, “I remember you were pleased with the report I submitted last week. What comments do you have? I would like to do better next time. "
  3. 3 Find creative solutions. Bosses value employees with non-stereotypical mindsets. Don't be afraid to come up with new suggestions during discussions and meetings.
    • You might say, “Maybe we should expand our web presence. We are a traditional firm, but today more and more people are using social media to work. ”
    • Don't be offended if your boss doesn't approve of all of your suggestions. Notice what ideas he likes to accommodate his mistakes.
  4. 4 Express your gratitude. If you have a good relationship with your boss, it is likely that he sometimes does you favors. Express your gratitude in the right situations. For example, if you were allowed to leave the meeting earlier to take your mom to the doctor, then express your gratitude.
    • There is no need to complicate anything. A simple one: “I am grateful for your help,” will be quite enough. You can send a thank you letter or express your appreciation in person.
  5. 5 Be sincere. Few things spoil the impression of a person more than deception. Show yourself to be a reliable person you can trust. Be honest with your boss and coworkers, and never manipulate facts.
    • For example, don't credit yourself for work you didn't do. If the boss has mistakenly praised you for other people's affairs, then say: "In fact, this is not my merit, but I will convey your appreciation to Elena Sergeevna."
  6. 6 Find common ground with colleagues. Strive for cooperation and compromise. Show that you are willing to work as a team. Help employees and delegate authority when possible.
    • Don't complain to your boss about your colleagues. Make only well-grounded comments on which the success of the company depends. You can say: “I am a little worried about the behavior of Andrei Pavlovich. He is often late for meetings and misses work every week due to illness.Perhaps you can share your thoughts on this situation? "
    • If you are simply annoyed by the constant stories of a colleague about their pets, then do not bother your boss about such trifles.
  7. 7 Be proactive. It's not enough to come to work and do your job. It's important to show enthusiasm. Interact with colleagues. Linger after work or come earlier if needed.
    • A brisk walk at lunchtime will energize you for the rest of your day.
    • Success at work depends on healthy sleep, nutrition, and regular exercise.
  8. 8 Always behave like a professional. Treat everyone with respect. Observe the accepted dress code and office etiquette. Avoid texting during meetings or leaving dirty dishes in the shared kitchen. Don't spread gossip. If others are gossiping, just change the subject or find an excuse to leave.
    • Your appearance should be businesslike. Observe the established clothing guidelines. If there are no hard and fast rules, come to work in business attire that suits your industry. Clothing should be clean, wrinkle-free and cut appropriately. Keep your hair and nails clean and tidy at all times. Do not use cologne or perfume with a strong smell.

Method 3 of 3: Develop Personal Relationships

  1. 1 Get to know your boss better. Getting to know each other will also help you build a stronger working relationship. Show interest in your boss's life outside of work. For example, if he leaves work early to attend his daughter's school play, ask, "What role did Alice get this year?"
    • Respect boundaries and don't ask too personal questions. For example, there is no need to ask: "Are you and your husband planning to limit ourselves to one child?" - but show a general interest in the boss's life to develop personal relationships.
  2. 2 Make your boss's priorities your own. You work in one team, which means you set the same goals for yourself. If it is important for your boss to develop a customer service department, then make this a priority for yourself.
    • You might say, “I like this idea. Can I help you?" Don't say, "Don't you think we should reformat the HR department?"
  3. 3 Demonstrate loyalty. Your boss needs to know that he can rely on you. Don't gossip about your boss with other employees. Someone will definitely convey your words to him. Defend your boss's views and plans if employees try to act behind his back.
    • Don't tell your boss about rumors that are being discussed in the company. He may question your loyalty to colleagues.


  • Be sincere. Don't give compliments just to flatter your boss. Your hypocrisy will not impress.
  • Try to balance work and personal life. Constant stress will prevent you from showing your best qualities.
  • If your boss asked a question you don't have an answer to, it’s better to say, “I’ll clarify,” instead of “I don’t know.” Give your answer as soon as you figure it out to show your zeal.