How to pronounce words in Latin

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Latin Language Pronunciation | Visual Latin Curriculum
Video: Latin Language Pronunciation | Visual Latin Curriculum


Have you ever wondered how these complex short quotes are pronounced in Latin? Whether you are a philologist or a botanist, knowing Latin pronunciation can be helpful. Once you master the basic sounds, you can speak like the leading classical classics.


  1. 1 Remember, in Latin there are no letters 'J' (J) and 'W' (B). For example, in the name Julius, 'J' is pronounced like the vowel Yu: "Yu-li-us". It is also interchangeable with the letter I, so Julius becomes Iulius.
  2. 2 Most consonants are pronounced the same as in English, with a few exceptions:
    • 'C' is pronounced "hard" as 'k' (k) in cat, kill, crud, crest.
    • 'I' before a vowel plays the role of a consonant, pronounced as 'Y' (i / y) yam, yuck, you.
    • 'B' before 't' or 's' is pronounced 'P' (n). For example, purple, pink, prissy.
    • 'R' rolling like in Spanish (RRRush).
    • 'V' is pronounced like English 'w' (yo) in water, wink, wade.
    • 'S' is never read as 'z' (h), always as 's' in sing, suck, slick.
    • 'G' sounds "hard" like greg, great, gregarious.
  3. 3 The combination of consonants came under the influence of Greek writing:
    • ’CH’ from the Greek ‘chi’ makes the sound ’k’ (k) and is never read as ’ch’ (h) in church.
    • ’PH’ from the Greek ‘phi’ is pronounced “hard” as ’ph’ (f) uphill.
    • ’TH’ from the Greek ‘theta’ is pronounced “firmly” and separately ’th’ (th) as hot house, but never soft and conjoined, as in the words thin or the.
  4. 4Double consonants such as r ’RR’ or t ’TT’ are always pronounced as two separate letters.
  5. 5 Vowels are pronounced as follows:
    • A (uh) like in the English word Alike
    • E (e) as in the English word Let
    • I (and) as in the English word Lick
    • O (o) as in the English word More
    • U (y) as in the English word Foot
  6. 6 Some vowels in Latin are pronounced extended, as indicated by the longitude sign:
    • Ā (a) as in the English word Father
    • Ē (uh) like in the English word Mate
    • Ī (and) as in the English word Beep
    • Ō (o) as in the English word Only
    • Ū (y) as in the English word Boot
  7. 7 Learn diphthongs.
    • The diphthong 'ae' (ah) is pronounced as in the word eye.
    • The diphthong 'au' (oh) is pronounced ow.
    • The diphthong 'ei' (hey) is pronounced aye.
  8. 8 Remember the following rule: in Latin, all vowels are pronounced, unless it is a diphthong.


  • Have fun with the language, it is beautiful.
  • There is controversy over how Latin should be pronounced. These discrepancies depend on the time period when their pronunciation was laid, as well as on the sources that contain different rules.The pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar of the Latin language have undergone significant changes over the life of the language (from about 900 BC to 1600 AD), and there are many variations depending on the region. Above all the rules is the "classical" pronunciation, which was probably used mainly in the 3rd century. This is the most common pronunciation of Latin taught in a non-religious environment.
  • Hone your pronunciation of "t" sounds to perfection to speak more convincingly.
  • Remember: the Romans once spoke Latin, and they were people... Try not to sound mechanical.
  • Practice over and over until your pronunciation is fluent.


  • Don't try to stubbornly pronounce each word according to the above rules. If the word has been adapted for everyday use, standard English pronunciation will suffice.