How to sell your own home

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How I Sold My Own House: For Sale By Owner Tips & Technique
Video: How I Sold My Own House: For Sale By Owner Tips & Technique


Selling your own home without an agent can save you a lot of money.However, there is a reason why most people prefer to seek professional help when selling their home - selling real estate requires a lot of work, technical knowledge and a lot of patience. Whether you are selling a home for the first time or just want to avoid your past mistakes, you need to start by putting together a good plan of action.


Method 1 of 4: Getting Started

  1. 1 Clean up the house. Once you decide to sell your home, clean everything from the basement to the attic. Do not forget about those places that, as a rule, are rarely washed and cleaned - baseboards, blinds, window sills, roof gutters. A clean house will allow appraisers to see it in the best possible light and appreciate it. And, of course, a clean home is more attractive to potential buyers.
    • Knowing your home too well, you may not give importance to the need to clean some areas. But potential buyers will definitely pay attention to this. If you want to make the best possible impression on them, use the services of a cleaning company, at least for the initial spring cleaning. Don't underestimate the power of impeccable cleanliness.
    • When cleaning, throw all the trash out of the house. By getting rid of garbage and unnecessary things, you will make your home look lighter and more spacious, because this is how customers want it to be. You will notice a big difference in how your closets, bathroom, garage, and veranda look. If you find it difficult to part with some things, consider temporarily moving them to some kind of storage.
  2. 2 Assess your property. Of course, you would like to sell your home for a higher price, but you have to be realistic. Many home sales fail only because their owners often charge prices that are well above market value. Some homeowners just want a certain amount of money and are not willing to haggle. A professional third party appraisal of the value of your property will help you determine the price range. In addition, having an opinion from a disinterested party ensures that you will not be presented with claims about the overvaluation of the house.
    • Don't rely solely on your property's tax assessment. Many tax assessments are outdated long ago and do not reflect the real picture of the real estate market.
    • Look at the cost of comparable properties. By analyzing the prices at which similar homes in your area are being sold, you can determine the price range for your home as well. Always use comparative data to get a realistic estimate of the value of your property.
    • Use the services of an appraiser. A certified appraiser will measure the area of ​​your home and adjacent land, take photographs, collect data on the value of other homes for sale in the neighborhood and, based on all this data, determine the average value of your home. An appraiser will cost you a lot less than a real estate agent, and the cost of a house he has determined will be more adequate. Many banks collect information about good appraisers they contact for refinancing or mortgage lending. Contact your local bank branch manager for a qualified professional. Once you get your expert opinion, make a copy of the document and keep it in a safe place. Keep the original close at hand so that you can show it to potential buyers if necessary.
  3. 3 Conduct a home inspection. Many standardized real estate sales contracts give the buyer the right to inspect the property, so be prepared. Inspect your home prior to submitting an advertisement for it. With the filing of a general inspection, you can be forced to repair the water supply and sewerage system, heating and power supply systems, and so on. Perhaps, as part of a general inspection, the roof and foundation of the building will be checked.Follow the recommendations and make any necessary repairs. Additional checks at the request of the buyer are usually carried out at his expense.
  4. 4 Prepare your home for the arrival of new owners even before listing for sale. Shoppers are by nature lazy. If they understand that before starting to live in a new house for their own pleasure, they will have to carry out additional landscaping, carry out some plumbing and electrical work, they will most likely refuse to buy, even if everything else suits them perfectly. So solve this problem - prepare the house for the new owners in advance.

Method 2 of 4: Attracting Buyers and Showcasing Your Home

  1. 1 Think about the benefits of your home. Before you start selling, make a list of the benefits of your home that are likely to attract buyers. It can be a nice area, a school nearby, a recent renovation, plastic windows, new appliances, etc. Highlight these benefits in your listing. Don't forget to mention them when talking to potential buyers.
  2. 2 Choose the right time to sell. Remember that the real estate market is booming in the summer - firstly, people prefer to move when it's warm, and secondly, their children won't have to change schools in the middle of the school year. Start selling in April or May and continue this process throughout the summer. If the house isn't for sale by the end of fall, wind up and try again next spring.
    • Pay attention to what is happening with the real estate market in your area. If your area is experiencing a spike in home sales, the value of your home may increase. Conversely, if the demand for real estate in the area has fallen, you are unlikely to be able to bail out good money for your home. In order not to incur losses, try to choose the right time to submit your advertisement for the sale. It might be worth waiting a few months to sell your home for a better price.
  3. 3 Prepare your home for showing to buyers. This is a very important step in the home sale process. While browsing, potential buyers begin to mentally imagine their life in this house. If they fail to use their imagination because the house is too cluttered and dirty or looks too bright and quirky, consider that you have lost your chance. As you prepare your home for display, remember to look as spacious, clean and ... as typical as possible.
    • Try to reduce the amount of furniture in your home to the minimum necessary. If you haven't used a piece of furniture in three months, sell it or throw it away. This will help the room appear spacious.
    • Inspect each room and make minor redecoration where needed. Check the carpets and windows in each room and clean them.
    • Pay attention to the exterior of the house. Uproot trees that obscure much of the house, and weed out the surrounding area. Check the paint condition of the facade. Put yourself in the shoes of the buyer!
  4. 4 Spread the word about selling your home. The easiest way is to place a For Sale sign next to the house. But this is not enough.
    • Place your ads on thematic sites. If you use social media, you can mention selling there too. Advertise in your local newspaper.
    • Distribute ad flyers. If local authorities permit, glue them to the poles.
    • Fish out potential buyers wherever possible. Check with local bank managers and school directors to see if they know a family planning to buy a house. If there is a company nearby that frequently buys housing for their employees, contact Human Resources and let them know you have a home that you are willing to sell. Do your best.
    • Use word of mouth. Tell your friends, relatives, colleagues about the sale of the house.Promise them a reward (like a bottle of expensive wine or dinner at a restaurant) if they can help you find a buyer quickly.
  5. 5 Know how to present your home. When potential buyers or their realtors want to view a home, try to be approachable. Perhaps some buyers may express a desire to see the house during the daytime when you are at work. If you are unable to attend the meeting, ask your friend or family member to do it for you.
    • Place a marafet in your home before potential buyers arrive. Put things in their places, wash dirty laundry, wash dishes. Light a scented candle, play light classical music in the background. If the weather is good, open the windows; if not, light the fireplace or turn on the heater. These measures will make your home cozy and welcoming.
    • Show hospitality. It seems obvious, but some get so worried when meeting customers that they forget the basic rules of conduct. Greet your guests with a firm handshake. Introduce yourself and ask them to introduce themselves. As soon as they enter the house, offer them a glass of water or a small treat. Unobtrusively ask about their life (do they have children? Do they like animals?) And continue the conversation about the house, based on the information received. Take them from room to room without haste. At the very end, ask if they have any questions and what else they want to see. Leave your contact information or give a business card. Be polite and well-prepared.
    • Try to take this event in a positive way. Be honest about your home, but don't dwell on flaws. If a divorce, job loss, or some other personal tragedy triggered the sale of your home, do not discuss your concerns with buyers. Let your conversation be extremely positive, because you want your guests to leave the house happy and satisfied with the opportunity they have.
    • Take care of your safety. Hide all valuables in an inaccessible place before you bring strangers into the house. Do not leave them unattended, but if they want to be alone a little, let it be in the kitchen or in the yard.

Method 3 of 4: Get an offer quickly

  1. 1 Set a time limit after which you will lower your asking price if you do not receive any major bids. Many sellers offer their homes at sky-high prices and then hold onto them for far too long. Determine the time period when you will start reducing the price, for example: “If I do not receive offers within two months, I will reduce the price by 200,000 rubles. If within the next 6 months I still fail to sell the house, I will lower the price by another 500,000. ” Having a specific price reduction plan in the absence of bids will help you make a calm decision and ultimately allow you to sell your home much faster.
  2. 2 Put yourself in the shoes of the buyers. If you haven't received a single offer for a long time, take a walk around the neighborhood, look around and ask yourself: "Would I want to buy my house or some other house at this price?" Remember to be as honest with yourself as possible. If you've found that other homes in your area are better options, it's time to lower your asking price to make your home more attractive.
  3. 3 Create incentive. Find a way to entice buyers a little. Don't underestimate the power of a small discount, security guarantees, or just a kind gesture. Here are some things that can add attraction to a deal:
    • Offer to pay part or all of the costs of the sale and purchase transaction. Making a deal will require a lot of additional costs from the buyer, so if you offer to take this part of the costs for yourself, this will serve as an excellent incentive for him.
    • Give home warranties to cover potential home electrical faults. They usually amount to only 10-20 thousand rubles, but they give a potential buyer peace of mind that if something goes wrong, he will not have to spend additional money.
    • Promise to expedite your checkout after the deal is closed. Many buyers who see their dream home want to move in right away. If you can guarantee them that the move will take no more than 30-60 days, that can tip the scales in your favor.

Method 4 of 4: Clearing a deal

  1. 1 Start solving the financial side of the issue. Most sellers assume that buyers know everything about the home buying process. In fact, this is extremely rare. A realtor could help you in this matter, but since you initially refused his services, you, as a seller, will have to turn to a mortgage broker yourself to close the deal. By contacting a financial and credit organization, you automatically give the reins to a broker who assists you in completing a transaction on mutually beneficial terms. By the way, many brokers always have clients looking for housing - in this way it was easy to find a potential buyer.
    • The broker should estimate the costs of completing the sale and purchase transaction and give you strategic advice on choosing a settlement option (cash payment, mortgage lending, government financing programs). The broker can help with both the sale of the house and financial matters.
  2. 2 Be prepared to negotiate terms. If a buyer says he likes your home but doesn't know if he's ready to buy it, go for a little trick. Have you noticed that the customer looks with admiration at the new grill? Include it in your home value. Does the buyer dislike the state of your yard? Make a discount of 20,000 rubles with the remark that this money will be spent on the improvement of the local area. Adding a new household appliance to your home will cost you less than continuing to pay off your mortgage, which you certainly don't want to.
  3. 3 Try to close the trade carefully and quickly. As soon as the buyer makes an offer, try to arrange everything as soon as possible. Make sure that you have prepared all the documents required for the sale. If you do not like a buyer's offer, do not limit yourself to a simple "no" - always make a counter offer. Consult a lawyer for an intelligent decision. Once all the formalities are settled, try to vacate the house for the new owners as quickly as possible.


  • If you need to sell your home quickly, try to find investors who profit from the sale of real estate. They, of course, will offer you a price lower than the market price, but everything will be done as soon as possible.
  • Never be silent about the flaws at home. By law, the seller of real estate is simply obliged to list all the shortcomings of the property put up for sale. If you withhold such information, you risk losing the auction or ending up in court.
  • If you want to do a little home improvement before selling it, be careful about it. The most correct investment of money is the renovation of the kitchen, bathroom and windows. But you shouldn't pay much attention to the yard.
  • If you want to advertise your property online so that it becomes available to millions of people, use one of the real estate websites (for example, that offer free classified ads.


  • Many brokers will tell you what you want to hear, so long as you agree to work with them. It is best to find a good broker on the recommendation of a real estate agency.
  • Most buyers know that you are not paying a commission to a realtor and will try to offer you a commission-free price, which will negate all of your savings.