How to get to the party

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 5 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
CØDE - Get The Party [NCS Release]
Video: CØDE - Get The Party [NCS Release]


There are many parties and events organized every night, so don't let the lack of an official invitation get in the way of your participation. Show up unexpectedly at a party can create a stir and is a great way to meet new people. Provided that you have good manners, you have the opportunity to bring something new to the party atmosphere. Further in the text, we will tell you how you can get to the party and enjoy it!


Part 1 of 3: Precautions to be taken

  1. 1 Pick up your clothes. At the very least, you should look neat and presentable.You need to wear the appropriate outfit for the holiday in order to become part of the party and not attract too much attention from others. Everyone will appreciate a well-dressed guest, but your choice will depend on the theme of the party you're about to attend.
    • If it's a house party, go for an informal style.
    • If this is a formal event, a formal evening dress code would be appropriate. Dark suit for men and dresses for women. Black always looks good and will help you blend in with the atmosphere.
    • If this is a glamorous party in dresses, you need to find out more information to find the right outfit.
  2. 2 Bring something with you. Alcohol is always appreciated at home parties, so a bottle of wine will become a traditional choice. The guest who brought something with him automatically becomes the desired party visitor.
  3. 3 Do your research. It is a good idea to find out which party you are trying to attend. For example, is this an official event? Or maybe it's a birthday?
    • Find out more about the event from other guests, especially those who are nearby and communicate outside the venue.
    • Pay attention to the design, as it may give you the right idea. Are there any signs that provide information about the event? Maybe it's balloons or a birthday cake?

Part 2 of 3: Appearing at the Party

  1. 1 Confident look. This is the key to successfully infiltrating the party, so you must act as if you are part of the event. If you're nervous, do your best to hide it. Nervousness when you appear can give you away. Walk confidently and smile at the same time.
  2. 2 Choose the right time. You need to get to the party when it is in full swing. Don't come too early or too late just before the end. Being at the peak of the fun will leave you less likely to be identified as an intruder.
  3. 3 Join a large group. This is a rewarding way to be part of the party. You can become part of the party without attracting too much attention to yourself if you join a large company immediately after you appear.
  4. 4 Find an emergency entrance. This will be especially helpful if you are trying to get into a formal party or organizational event.
    • Try going through the back door, which may not have security or a person with a guest list at all.
    • You may have to walk through the kitchen, so be polite to the serving staff, but don't linger and walk quickly and purposefully.
  5. 5 Find your badge. At some parties, such as conferences or business events, all guests wear a badge. There are several ways in which you can obtain your badge.
    • Ask a friend to lend you a badge. This is a great way to get inside if you already know any of the invited guests. Better yet, make a new acquaintance and ask this person for a badge!
    • Ask someone who is already leaving the party to give the badge. Do not start a conversation with this request, but talk about abstract topics first. Find out if the person liked the event. Then gradually move on to the request, and if you have any questions, you can say that you have lost your badge.
    • Check the trash can. It is very common for guests leaving the event to throw away their passes. Look for badges on the floor and, if you really want to get to the party, in the trash can.
  6. 6 Make an effort to remember the names. This is especially true for home parties. If there is a crowd outside, start a conversation with friendly guests and ask the host's name. Knowing the name of the host of the party, you can use this to get inside.

Part 3 of 3: Blend in with the crowd

  1. 1 Always maintain good manners. Remember that you are an intruder in someone else's house, so show respect for the host and be friendly with other visitors.
  2. 2 Don't get drunk. Nobody wants to look after a drunk as a lord. Drink mindfully and stop or leave the party if you feel overwhelmed. Make sure you get home safely. Do not get behind the wheel and do not let your drunk friends drive the car, but rather call a taxi if necessary.
  3. 3 Make new friends. After you get to the party, do not stand against the wall. Try to make new acquaintances and chat with other guests.
    • If you see a group of interesting people, walk up to them and introduce yourself.
    • Don't be rude and impolite. Wait for the right moment to insert your line into the conversation.
  4. 4 Don't get caught. If you follow all the steps above, you have a good opportunity to enjoy the party without getting caught. Nevertheless, if you get caught, it's time to confess everything. If you've been a charming guest who has managed to contribute to the party atmosphere, you're unlikely to be asked to leave.
    • Express your gratitude to the host who organized such a wonderful party and how much fun you got from it.
    • Remember, if the owner tells you to leave, then it's time to do it.
  5. 5 Offer your help. In the best case scenario, you will have a wonderful night and make new acquaintances. Find out the contacts of new acquaintances and invite them to attend your own party.


  • Be open. If you get to the party, and it turned out to be not as fun as you expected, in any case, you should stay here at least for a while! You can make new acquaintances or new friends.
  • Don't be a snob. You are, after all, the person who came to the party uninvited.


  • Never leave your drink unattended or drink the one that was brought to you. Always make your own drink or watch the bartender.

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