How to bring straightened hair to its natural look

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Straightening your hair will allow you to enjoy fine, straight and silky hair for about six to eight weeks. However, the transition from straightened hair to its natural state is tricky: extra frizzy hairs, split ends, and constantly split ends. However, you should not despair, since there is a mechanism for returning to a natural state. Going back to your natural beauty is a wonderful thing and a fun way to discover yourself.


Method 1 of 2: Part 1: Keep Your Hair Healthy

  1. 1 Hair needs hydration. The biggest challenge in transforming your hair is preventing breakage due to damage and dryness. Do your best to maintain proper moisture levels in your hair, use conditioner daily. Every night before bed, rub coconut or olive oil thoroughly into your hair and let it soak for 30 minutes to an hour. This will help to replenish the hair with moisture and nutrients, which will also strengthen the parting (the part of the hair where the transition occurs).
    • When you wash your hair, add a little conditioner to your hair before shampooing. This will prevent the latter from making your hair dry and brittle. Then use the conditioner as usual.
    • Consider using a leave-in conditioner throughout the day. Apply a small amount to hair before styling, paying particular attention to the parting line.
  2. 2 Use a deep conditioner or mask on a regular basis. This way of taking care of your hair will take your additional moisture to the next level. Although it is usually used no more than once a month, hair transformation requires additional conditioning, which should be done more often. Buy a deep hair conditioner from a beauty supply store and use it once a week. Alternatively, regular visits to beauty salons can be offered for the same purpose.
    • Follow the instructions on the mask container.
    • If you are in a thrifty mood, using mayonnaise is another good option. While this sounds (and smells) a little unattractive, it does wonders for adding moisture to your hair. Apply mayonnaise on them once a week and keep it on your head for 30 minutes to an hour.
    • If you are looking for professional deep conditioning for your hair, try to find someone who specializes in transitional hair. They will be able to supply you with products and services that will perfectly suit your individual needs.
  3. 3 Stay away from heat. In general, heating devices should be avoided if you want to protect your hair. Using a curling iron, straightener, or hair dryer can cause stress and breakage, especially along the parting line. During the transition phase, do your best to allow them to be as natural as possible. Avoid heating appliances and, if possible, limit their use to once a week.
    • If you cannot avoid using heating devices, keep them away from the parting line and avoid using them at the roots where natural hair growth occurs.
  4. 4 Wash your hair less often. This is directly related to the increase in moisture in your hair; Frequent washing strips hair of the natural oil that prevents breakage. Wash your hair as rarely as possible, while using a generous conditioner. If possible, wash your hair once every 7-8 days so that the natural oils have enough time to envelop each section of hair.
  5. 5 Give yourself a warm oil massage. Waiting for the hair to grow back is usually the most tedious part of the process.Instead of idly waiting, you can stimulate new hair growth by frequent scalp massages. To do this massage, use a small amount of slightly warmed oil (coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, etc.). This will help stimulate the hair follicles and the strands will grow a little faster. Warm oil massage can be used as often as you like, but for best results it should be done at least once a week.
  6. 6 Stimulate the growth of your hair with aids. Vitamin and mineral support is important for overall health (and not just for hair), but using some form of supportive product can accelerate hair growth and strengthen hair very quickly. Doctors recommend taking Biotin and Viviscal - products specifically designed for hair and nail growth. Also, it is a good idea to make sure that you are not deficient in vitamins D and A, which also help your hair.
    • Some research suggests that using Saw Palmetto extract (extracted from the small fruit of the tree) as a maintenance agent may give better results than anything else.
  7. 7 Avoid using hair chemicals. While it may seem self-evident, you should avoid all straighteners and perms when returning your hair to its original condition. Also, avoid using hair dyes and bleaches, as they can cause significant damage to your hair, causing it to break and curl. Look for natural substitutes for all the chemicals you normally use, as they are much safer on your scalp and hair than harsh chemicals.
  8. 8 Try new hair care products. Practice shows that not all hair products are created equal. Given the large selection on the market, it can be difficult to find a product that will specifically help your hair without causing significant damage to your wallet. Considering that you are returning your hair to its original state, it is very important to ensure this process is properly supported. Look for sulfate-free conditioning shampoos, as well as other hair products that are specifically suggested for use in the transition to its natural state. While these remedies may not necessarily increase the rate of hair growth, they will go a long way towards preventing future negative effects and repairing any existing damage to your hair.
    • If you go to a salon that specializes in restoring hair to its natural state, ask for advice on hair products.
    • As a last resort, find a sulfate-free shampoo. Sulfates (found in most cheap shampoos) dry out the hair and clog the pores of the scalp, which interferes with hair growth.

Method 2 of 2: Part 2: Change the style

  1. 1 Consider the possibility of an “abrupt change”. Often, people who return their hair to its original state take a step forward and make a drastic change - they cut off all straightened hair, leaving only a small part of it to grow near the head. This is by far the best option for healthy hair growth, but not everyone agrees that hair length is less than a few centimeters. If you are brave enough to try a new look for yourself, then an abrupt change is a great choice to immediately get rid of straightened hair and make a complete transition to natural.
  2. 2 Trim your hair regularly. The action of the straighteners is long-term, because the parts of the hair that have been in contact with them will no longer look natural. Hence, at some point, your hair needs to be cut to a specific line. If you are not eager to make a drastic change, then the next step is to cut your hair regularly. Start by cutting off a few centimeters, and then trim once a month by half or one centimeter.Gradually, you will achieve the removal of all damaged and straightened hair to the dividing line, which will allow your natural hair to grow more intensively.
  3. 3 Cover up your new hair. The first centimeters of new natural hair may seem odd next to your straightened hair. To avoid further damage from tight hairstyles, use accessories that hide curly roots. Headbands and headscarves are popular options to hide roots and allow the rest of your hair to show through.
  4. 4 Try braids or twists. While using tight braids can cause breakage, using loose braids, braids, and twists is a good way to make your hair look more interesting without damaging it. There can be pitfalls to mastering each of these options, so take some time to find what works best for your hair and personal stylistic preferences. The main thing here is to keep any hairstyle loose in order to avoid stress on the strands of hair.
    • Your hair is especially sensitive at the demarcation line, so take extra care when styling in this area.
  5. 5 Find the best styling products. Many women will attest to the importance of buying a good hair gel, mousse, or spray; quality products will help you disguise even the most unsightly hairstyles. Know your styling products and try using them (rather than tight hairstyles with bobby pins and hair ties) to create your style. This way you will like the results more and the effect on your vulnerable hair will be safer and softer.
  6. 6 Avoid exposing your hair too often. It's hard to resist, but the more you touch your hair and style your hair, the greater the chance that it will start to break and become curled. Try not brushing your hair too often and avoiding hairstyles that stretch the scalp. If you are brushing your hair, start at the bottom and work your way up using a comb (not a hairbrush).


  • Microfiber hair towels are ideal as they do not pull the hair out while drying.


  • If you have questions about the best ways to care for your hair, talking to a stylist is better than guessing. You can damage your hair if you try something you're not sure about.