How to train your puppy to go to the toilet

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Potty Train your Puppy EASILY! Everything you need to know!
Video: How to Potty Train your Puppy EASILY! Everything you need to know!


This is a great time to bring a puppy into the house, and it's not without its troubles. One of the first and perhaps the biggest problems is toilet training. Some puppies learn quickly, and some take time to learn. It is important to be patient, calm and consistent during the learning process. Be optimistic and follow a few simple rules and learning will not be too difficult!


Part 1 of 3: Learning the Basics

  1. 1 Watch your puppy. For the duration of the training, it is better to place the puppy somewhere where you can constantly monitor him. You will need to notice in time for signs that the puppy needs to relieve himself in order to prevent trouble. If you notice that the puppy begins to spin, sniff out something and scratch the floor, then he needs to relieve himself.
    • Here are a few more signs: the puppy starts howling, circling, barking. His behavior can suddenly change. As soon as you notice any of these signs, take your puppy outside.
  2. 2 Try to prevent unpleasant surprises. If you catch a puppy while he relieves his needs in the room, make a loud sudden sound (popping) and say "no!" Then take the puppy and quickly move him outside.
    • You want to distract, not scare the puppy. Be consistent and make the same loud sound every time you notice that your puppy is relieving himself in the room.
    • This command will not work if you catch the puppy defecating, because usually the puppy cannot stop at your command. This must be borne in mind. Repeat this command anyway, because it is part of the tutorial.
    • Never punish your puppy if he relieved himself in the wrong place. The puppy does not understand what exactly he is doing wrong.
  3. 3 Choose a suitable spot outside and put your puppy there every time you notice that he needs to relieve himself. This place should be close to home and there should be no other dogs.
    • The puppy will remember the smell of urine, and the puppy will associate it with the toilet.
    • This place should be close to your home, because during the learning process you will have to visit it quite often.
    • While the puppy does not have a third set of vaccinations yet, areas with other dogs (such as dog grounds and parks) should be avoided. Discuss this issue with your veterinarian.
    • While walking, keep the puppy on a leash - this will make it easier to take him to the "toilet". It also makes it easier to keep track of the puppy.
  4. 4 Choose the right team. Every time, taking the puppy out into the street, give the command: "walk". So he will quickly get used to the fact that it is necessary to relieve himself on the street.
    • Over time, the puppy will begin to recognize this command and will know what you expect from him. Thanks to the team, the puppy will understand when and where he can relieve himself.
  5. 5 Praise your puppy if he has relieved himself in the right place. Praise your puppy in a cheerful and joyful voice so that he knows he has made you happy.
    • Be consistent and praise only after the puppy has relieved himself in the right place.
    • You can reinforce the praise with a treat so that the puppy has a clear association. But for some dogs, treating only distracts from the training process.
  6. 6 If the puppy has relieved the need for the room, clean it up immediately. It is important to thoroughly rinse this area so that the smell disappears and the puppy does not relieve himself there again.
    • Use an enzymatic cleaner that does not contain ammonia and white vinegar. This will help get rid of the smell, and the puppy will no longer need to pee in this area.

Part 2 of 3: Restricting the Puppy's Territory

  1. 1 Limit the area your puppy can be in. This will make it easier to keep track of him. For example, you can close the doors to some rooms.
    • The smaller the puppy's territory, the more likely you will notice that the puppy wants to relieve himself.
    • The puppy should have enough space to play, but not enough space to hide from you. A small room or an area divided into sections is the most ideal option.
    • It should be easy to go outside from this room. If you live in a house, then this room should be near the exit.
    • This room should have a cover that washes well. In the first few days, unpleasant "surprises" are inevitable.
  2. 2 Keep your puppy on a leash. Even if the puppy is indoors, it is best to keep him on a leash. So you can check it at any time.
    • If the puppy is on a leash, you can walk freely around the room and the puppy will follow you. Thus, you can always keep an eye on him.
    • If the puppy is on a leash, then you can quickly take him outside as soon as he wants to relieve himself.
  3. 3 If you cannot observe your puppy, put him in the carrier. This is a very effective method for toilet training. For a while, the carrier will become the only habitat for the puppy, and while it is there, it will not relieve itself.
    • The carrier should be spacious enough for the puppy to stand, lie down and turn around. If the carrier is too large, the puppy can use one part of the carrier as a bed and the other as a toilet.
    • If the carrier is too large, you can fill it with something from the inside.
    • You can give your puppy a treat or a toy to prevent the puppy from considering carrying as punishment.
    • The puppy should not spend more than four hours a day in the carrier. Puppies less than 12 weeks old have very small bladders. Usually at this age, puppies still cannot control urination.
    • Usually puppies can hold back for about an hour. After the puppies get older, they can endure longer. If you have adopted a puppy that is only one month old, it must not be left in the carrier for more than an hour.
    • As soon as you have removed the puppy from the carrier, immediately lead him outside. Close supervision of the puppy, of course, will simplify your work and save you from unnecessary unpleasant "surprises".

Part 3 of 3: Cleaning

  1. 1 Be consistent. This is one of the main rules. When you walk your puppy, you need to bring him to the same place and give him the same command. So he will quickly get used to relieve himself on the street.
    • You need to take your puppy outside regularly. Take him out for a walk in the morning and then after every meal. As soon as you get home, take the puppy outside immediately. Do not forget to take him for a walk after meals, after active games and before bed.
    • If the puppy is very young, take him out for a walk every 20 minutes. Otherwise, you will certainly have to clean up after the puppy. After the puppy has retired in the right place, praise him.
    • Take your puppy for a walk regularly. During the walk, the puppy can also relieve himself.
  2. 2 It is important to know how often your puppy needs to relieve herself. Pay attention to how the puppy behaves when he needs to urinate. Learn to understand the signs that your puppy needs to use the toilet and take him outside right away.
  3. 3 Schedule your meals. A schedule will help you keep track of when to walk your puppy. Usually, puppies need to relieve themselves immediately after eating.
    • Take your puppy outside after each meal - this way he will quickly remember where to relieve himself.


  • At the beginning of the educational process, you are unlikely to be able to avoid trouble. This is especially true for small puppies. If you keep an eye on the puppy, you can catch him "in the process." In this case, immediately carry it outside.
  • You can buy a litter box or special scent mats to help your puppy cope with the needs of the room. Perhaps this will help the puppy get used to urinating in the proper place faster.And, perhaps, this will only complicate the learning process. If the puppy gets used to peeing in the litter box, it will be difficult to retrain him to go to the toilet on the street.


  • There are several problems that can drag on the learning curve. If your puppy has a urinary tract infection, he will urinate frequently, but not in large quantities. Usually, dogs with a urinary tract infection cannot control themselves. Excessive licking of the genitals is a sign of this disease. If you notice that your puppy's stool has changed, it may have a gastrointestinal infection. In some cases, intestinal parasites or sudden changes in diet are the cause. If you need to make changes to the animal's diet, do so gradually over 5-7 days. If you are concerned about your pet's health, consult your veterinarian.
  • The learning process can be hampered by some behavioral features. For example, it is common for dogs to mark their territory with urine. And a puppy who is left alone for a long time can get scared and accidentally relieve himself in the room. Some puppies get very worried when the owner is absent for a long time. Therefore, they can wet themselves directly indoors during the game. If you have been unable to toilet train your puppy for a long time, consult your veterinarian.

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