How to accept your maturing body (for men)

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 21 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Human Growth Facts : When Does the Male Body Stop Growing?
Video: Human Growth Facts : When Does the Male Body Stop Growing?


Signs of puberty, like the first signs of old age in old age, are stressful for any person. However, this is a natural process, and it has its advantages. The most important thing here is to know what to expect, and then learn how to use these changes as efficiently as possible.


Part 1 of 2: Puberty

  1. 1 Remember, puberty is normal. Physical and emotional changes await you, which can seem surprising. Don't berate yourself for emotions you haven't experienced before. It's okay, everyone goes through it, but at different times.
    • Some boys start puberty even earlier than 9 years old, while others - about 12. And all this is considered normal.
  2. 2 Get ready for the body to grow. During puberty, boys grow up very quickly. This period is quite difficult for the body, it will be very difficult for your eating habits to adapt to the growth rate. Very often in adolescence, the figure changes, you can either get fat or lose weight - the body needs some time to bring everything back to normal.
    • You will have to buy clothes more often. If you shop for clothes that are a little too big, you can probably avoid an unnecessary trip to the mall.
    • Your appetite will also surprise you. To grow, you need to eat a lot of protein, calcium, folate and zinc. Try to eat lean meats, legumes, seafood, milk, cheese, yogurt, spinach, oranges, and whole grain breads. Protein also has a beneficial effect on the muscle growth you begin.
    • The changes will also affect the genitals.The penis will become longer, the testicles will also increase in size and will hang lower.
  3. 3 Get ready for emotional changes. In adolescence, hormone levels increase, making emotions stronger and more chaotic. You can be thrown from delight into depression for no reason. The most important thing is to remember that this is normal. Get help when you need it.
    • Self-expression can be a good way to overcome these emotions. Take up music, paint, or write. Keep a personal journal. Use your senses for self-development.
    • You can share your feelings with other people. Chat with your friends. Adults can also help and suggest: talk to a parent, a school counselor, or a doctor. If you have an emotional distress that lasts longer than several months in a row, see a therapist.
    • Exercise can also help combat stress.
  4. 4 Be prepared to be interested in sex. You may not even have thought about sex before, but very soon you will notice that you think about it all the time. It's okay too. You may associate many biological functions with sex, but they really have nothing to do with sexual arousal.
    • An erection, for example, can be due to a change in temperature, not just sexual arousal. Likewise, ejaculation during sleep is a normal physiological process.
    • If your discomfort persists, try talking to someone older than you. Be careful in romantic relationships because you don't understand your feelings and needs very well yet. Most teenagers only want friendship, but they often mistakenly confuse this desire with a desire for sexual relations.
    • Pollution (nocturnal ejaculation) can be uncomfortable. Do not worry, you did not wet yourself in bed, you just ejaculated - by this your body says that it is ready for procreation, as the onset of menstruation in girls says. Almost all guys have nocturnal ejaculations at one time or another.
  5. 5 Pay more attention to hygiene. Another effect of adolescence is that you sweat a lot. This may make you smell bad. The skin will become oily and acne may develop as a result. To avoid all of these negative effects, take a bath or shower more often, thoroughly rinsing all parts of the body.
    • To avoid pimples, try not to crush or scratch them, use oily hair products, or expose yourself to strong sunlight. Use only non-greasy sunscreen.
    • If you get acne, get the right acne remedy from your local drugstore. If the remedies do not work, consult a dermatologist, the doctor will advise an effective remedy.
    • The hormones will make you sweat harder and smell harder - this is normal and not your fault. Foul odors can be dealt with by regularly showering, washing your armpits, and using deodorant.
  6. 6 Get started to shave. You may find that you have started to grow hair on your face, armpits, and pubic hair. At some point you will have to start shaving or trimming this hair, even a good beard needs to be looked after. You can get an electric razor because it is much more difficult for it to cut yourself, or ask an adult to teach you how to use a razor.
    • Don't be afraid or anxious about new hair - this is a completely natural part of becoming a man.
  7. 7 Be prepared for your voice to change. Not only your body, but also your vocal cords will gradually grow. Sometimes the voice will start to break, move to a higher sound. Don't worry, in a few days this will be over and you will have a new, deeper, grown-up voice.
  8. 8 Be proud of yourself. You will have to face some discomfort, but this is just a step towards growing up. Everyone you know has gone through this at some point in their lives. Realize that all your difficulties are the first step towards a new person.
    • Make a list of what you like about yourself and try to think about it more often, especially when you have doubts about yourself.
    • Surround yourself with positivity. Communicate with optimistic people and avoid those who constantly talk about body problems. Don't read magazines or watch TV shows that focus on unrealistic beauty standards.
    • Exercise and eat well to keep fit.

Part 2 of 2: Aging

  1. 1 Change your lifestyle to prevent impotence. About 10% of men between the ages of 40 and 70 suffer from severe erectile dysfunction (ED), and another 25% suffer from moderate ED. In most cases, this problem can be prevented by changing your lifestyle accordingly.
    • A sedentary lifestyle, smoking and alcohol consumption are the main factors that influence the development of ED.
    • Cardiovascular disease is a major factor. To lower your risk of heart disease, you must increase your good cholesterol (HDL) and lower your bad cholesterol (LDL). Lose weight if you're overweight, replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats, such as those found in olive, peanut, and canola oil. Eat more nuts and fish, less cheese and less butter. Eliminate all saturated fat at once.
    • If you have ED problems, see your doctor. Your doctor will advise on medications that can help you treat ED.
  2. 2 Train your endurance regularly. Sarcopenia is a condition in which it is more difficult for men to gain and maintain muscle mass. Usually in men, this condition develops after 30 years. However, muscle loss can be slowed down or stopped with regular endurance training.
    • Use dumbbells or do various strength exercises (like push-ups) to tense your muscles to the maximum. Try to gradually increase your weight and load.
  3. 3 Get ready for baldness. About 3 in 10 men show signs of baldness by age 30, and more than half of men have significant hair loss by age 50. Baldness is a slow process that can take 15-25 years. Baldness is not associated with any medical condition. Many men adapt to baldness by making certain changes in their style (for example, starting to wear a short haircut or shaving their head).
    • There are two medicines, Finasteride and Minoxidil, that slow or reverse the balding process. However, if you stop treatment, the balding process will resume with renewed vigor.
    • There are hair transplant surgeries, however, they are expensive and the result can be very different.
    • The easiest way is to cover your head. Some men use wigs, but they are uncomfortable and often visible. Hats can hide a bald spot without looking like you're trying to trick others.
  4. 4 Fight wrinkles. In both men and women, wrinkles appear on the face with age. This is inevitable, but their formation can be slowed down. The sun is a major cause of skin aging, so try not to stay in the sun for too long and be sure to wear sunscreen. A beard also protects the face from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and other factors.
    • Avoid washing your face more than once a day and apply a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.
    • Changing your diet can help get rid of wrinkles. Eat more soy, fish, chocolate, fruits and vegetables. Also, quitting smoking helps to noticeably slow down skin aging.
    • Sleeping Beauty sleeps for a reason! The more sleep you have, the better you look.Some research suggests that sleeping on your back can help reduce the signs of aging.
  5. 5 Remember, this is normal. Like growing up, aging is an inevitable process. And it’s not that bad. Many women find men with the first signs of aging to be more attractive. Recent studies have shown that men become most attractive at 34. In addition, age is often associated with other life achievements.
    • For example, the average man reaches maximum income before about 48 years of age.
    • Our well-being, emotional freedom, closeness in family relationships, and happiness all increase with age. On average, happiness falls between the ages of 21 and 25 and then rises again by age 50. People over the age of 50 are more likely to feel happier, even happier, than before the beginning of adulthood.