How to embrace change

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Navigate and Embrace Change | Simon Sinek
Video: Navigate and Embrace Change | Simon Sinek


Change can be difficult for many people to accept. However, it is worth remembering that the process of personal growth requires accepting the fact that life is constantly changing. You can lose your job or loved ones, sometimes you have to unexpectedly change your place of residence, as well as face other changes. But all these changes are an integral part of life. We may not like changes in society or in our environment, but we need to learn to experience such changes positively. Fortunately, there are different ways of looking at change, different ways of coping with it, and how to ultimately accept it.


Part 1 of 2: Coping with Change Intellectually

  1. 1 Accept your feelings about the change. Whatever changes happen in your life, accept these feelings. You cannot deal with them if you ignore them and do not work on them. If you accept your feelings, it will be much easier for you to grow and move forward.
    • Express your feelings in front of other people, but do it politely.
    • If you have lost a loved one, allow yourself to grieve.
    • If you lose your job, allow yourself to be angry and frustrated.
    • If society is changing for the worse, talk to your friends about it.
  2. 2 Understand that change is an integral part of life. Before you have to accept change, realize that it's time for the old to leave and the new to come. The entire history of the world and the history of mankind is a continuous change, evolution and development. Change is part of life and existence. Change often opens up new opportunities - sometimes just wonderful!
  3. 3 Try to put change in perspective. It's easy to be terrified of a change and let it take over your feelings, but you can also be more positive if you take a little time and put the situation in perspective. To do this, you can use, for example, the following techniques:
    • Reframe the situation. Ask yourself a few questions about your changes. For example, ask yourself, "Why am I so upset about these changes?" And then, "What do I think might happen as a result of these changes?" And further: "Are these thoughts and feelings really correct and realistic?" Answering these questions will help you determine if these changes are really worth worrying about.
    • List all the things you are grateful for in your life. There are many benefits to gratitude. Among other things, it helps us feel happier, sleep better, and perhaps even overcome trauma. Actively expressing gratitude on a daily basis works wonders and helps you cope with major life changes.
      • Try to write down 10 items you are grateful for each day. Add to your list every day. You can start with basic things like a roof over your head, food, a warm shower, friends, family, and so on. Then, as the list goes on, try to pay attention to such little things as a beautiful sunset, a cup of delicious coffee, or a conversation on the phone with a friend.
  4. 4 Learn to see the bright side. Even if change has a negative impact on your life, you can always find something positive in it. Use this as an opportunity to turn loss or negative change into new opportunities that will help you taste life again.
    • If someone in your family has died, think about the other family members who are still alive. Try to keep your family close to grief.
    • If you lose your job, see it as an opportunity to find a new job, start a new career, or find a new way to make money that will bring you more satisfaction.
    • If you broke up with your loved one, think about the fact that there are certain reasons for this, and that both of you will be happier in the future and will find more joy in your new relationship.
  5. 5 Try to understand why these changes are so unsettling. It will be difficult for you to come close to change and accept it if you do not understand why it is so upsetting and causing you so much discomfort. Thinking about them and looking deeper will help you understand yourself better. As a result, it can relieve some of the anxiety caused by change. Consider the following:
    • Does the death of a loved one make you think of your own?
    • Maybe social change makes you feel insecure and you feel like everything you know about the world is crumbling before your eyes?
    • Maybe being separated from a loved one makes you feel emotionally fragile and lacking in support?
  6. 6 Recognize the active part of yourself and your ability adapt to new circumstances. Try to see change as a challenge that will give you a chance to grow. Remember that you are a strong and energetic person, and as a result of these changes, you will become even stronger. Remember, too, that change can be a powerful source of motivation to achieve your goal.
    • Try to use change as a motivator whenever possible.For example, if you lose your job, it can motivate you to continue your studies or start the career you've always dreamed of.

Part 2 of 2: Take Action

  1. 1 Try to overcome stress or embarrassment with stress-reducing activities. There are many tactics that can help you deal with the stress and uneasiness of the changes around you. An important part of these techniques is simply to accept the changes and at the same time try to actively adapt to them, find inner peace and self-realization.
    • Take up yoga.
    • Meditate.
    • Go in for sports.
  2. 2 Do something constantly! If you are going through a period in your life when change has a negative impact on you, try to keep yourself busy. Busy yourself with work, production of something, social activity, communication with other people. This will not only distract you, but also help you change your life in a positive direction in the future.
    • Keeping busy can help you move forward and pay attention to new aspects of your life.
    • Keeping you busy will open up new opportunities for you.
    • Find a new hobby. Try doing something you've never done before! Having fun with a new activity will help you enjoy life after the changes have subsided. You will be glad that you did not miss your chance!
  3. 3 Speak up. Talk to people about how change makes you upset. Your friends and loved ones will sympathize with you, and perhaps even share a completely different view of the consequences of your changes. By sharing your experiences with them, they can show you a new perspective that will change the way you view change and help you embrace it.
    • It is also possible that other people are just as upset about the change as you are. Knowing that others are in the same situation as you will give you the strength and courage to embrace change and move forward.
  4. 4 List your goals. To embrace change, it is important to think about the future and find a path along which you will move on. Looking ahead into the future will make it easier for you to make sense of your past and accept it as something that had to happen in order to move on. Consider different options:
    • Find a new job.
    • Play sports and improve your health.
    • Travel and meet new places.
  5. 5 Try to build a better world. Open up to the changes that make you feel uncomfortable and make the decision that you will try to focus your energies on making the world a better place. Thus, you will not only accept the change, but also look at it from a different angle. This way you can use them to bring about positive change in your life. Consider the following techniques:
    • Volunteer for what you think is important.
    • Help someone you know who is in trouble.
    • Take a stray animal with you.