How to make the right decisions

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to know if you’re making the right decision | MEL ROBBINS
Video: How to know if you’re making the right decision | MEL ROBBINS


You have to make many decisions along the way, and those decisions range from trivial to critical.Your choice will determine what kind of person you will become in the future. Making decisions in particularly important circumstances can even affect your future. If you've ever done things that you later regretted, and want to learn more about how to make the right decisions, read this article.


  1. 1 Write down all the options on a piece of paper or in a notebook. At this stage, your attitude towards each of them does not matter. Just make a list of possible options, even if they seem completely ridiculous to you. You need to clear your mind of extraneous thoughts and allow your subconscious to freely generate new ideas.
  2. 2 Consider each option:
    • Ask yourself the question: Do I really want to do this?
    • Imagine the possible consequences. Of course, in reality, things may not happen as you expected, but assumptions will help you anticipate possible scenarios for the development of events.
    • Think about how your action will affect other people. Will it hurt or help, and so on.
    • Analyze your feelings about all the options. In life, you always have an infinite number of choices. If you find it difficult to sort out your feelings about a particular opportunity, then it probably isn't worth your attention. Remember, this is not a logical analysis. You simply allow thoughts to flow freely about your possible solutions.
  3. 3 Watch your feelings. You will feel comfortable about some opportunities, but not about others. Some seem to be good, others seem to be wrong. Now you are trying to make judgments. It is very important not to jump to conclusions. Otherwise, the decision can be made impulsively, which often leads to poor results. Be patient and take your feelings seriously.
  4. 4 Match all options to your priorities. Make a priority list for each issue that needs to be addressed. Write it down on paper and then compare it with a list of possible solutions. If you have clear priorities, it shouldn't be difficult. If not, spend more time compiling the list.
  5. 5 Decide on the choice. Your choice will often come to your mind, even before you consciously make it. From this moment on, everything will start to fall into place. You will be comfortable with yourself and with your desires. All of this strengthens your faith in yourself.
  6. 6 Record your decision in your mind. Let it become a part of yourself. Drop other options, just let them go. At this stage, you summarize and prepare for action. Don't back down. Keep moving forward towards the final solution.
  7. 7 Follow your decision firmly and steadily. Don't look back, hesitate and doubt. The choice becomes a decision when you start making it. Focus all of yourself, your energy, time, and goals on your decision. If you cannot make up your mind to take action and are still thinking about alternative possibilities and cannot let them go, then your decision is not the best one.
  8. 8 Try to do your best to implement your solution. Perhaps other options could also be effective, however, be true to the choice you made and believe in its correctness.


  • Always think carefully before you say or do something.
  • Make sure that what you do will benefit other people, or at least not harm them.
  • First of all, imagine your decision as one of the options, but be prepared to change the strategy if necessary to reduce losses. In most cases, you cannot have absolutely all the facts, so always trust your intuition. Your intuition is the result of turning your mind to a storehouse of knowledge and experience that is in your subconscious mind.
  • The ability to make decisions, no matter how developed it is, cannot guarantee you are free from mistakes.But if you make a choice consistently and meaningfully, the chances of making the right decision increase, and our life consists of these chances.
  • The decision making process can be long and tedious, especially when it comes to complex problems. It requires a wide range of thinking skills and techniques. However, only by following this process can one look to the future with wisdom.
  • Do not do things that will benefit you but harm other people.
  • Do not rely entirely on intuition for important decisions that require expert knowledge, such as an accountant or a lawyer. A consultation with a specialist will often help to minimize the risks.
  • Making a good decision is only possible if you are well versed in your feelings. You will feel that your path to the solution was sound, creative, and correct. Successful experience in decision-making will help you deal more effectively with future challenges. And often, looking back on the path of life, you will find that sometimes you have overcome problems that are troubling you without even realizing it.


  • Don't be selfish. Selfishness leads to erroneous decisions.