How to be a freak

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to be a FREAK- goofyvibezz
Video: How to be a FREAK- goofyvibezz


Do you like being unpredictable or just weird? You are probably tired of being like everyone else and want to become unique. Here are some tips on how to look like an oddball.


  1. 1 Don't pretend to be anyone and say whatever you think. If you imitate another person, then you may be called a poseur or impersonator.
  2. 2 Stop paying attention to what others think of you now! Stop worrying about your image. You can afford to shout in public or wander around the street carefree. Reputation means nothing, because now you are an eccentric.
  3. 3If you are known as a normal or very conservative person, then stop reading this article or get ready to radically change your lifestyle.
  4. 4 Come up with words, places and customs. Come up with your holiday and give it a non-standard name, and when that day comes, then spend it accordingly. If it is, for example, International Day of Action Figures, then collect a bunch of such figures and reproduce famous scenes from movies or TV shows!
  5. 5 You can dress really fancy for Halloween. For example, as a Jedi warrior or some hero known for his stupidity. They live around us!
  6. 6 Run up to strangers on the street and say something like, “Hi Granny! Long time no see!" or “God! Are you okay?" when it is quite obvious that a person is doing well.
  7. 7Change the tone and volume of your voice dramatically.
  8. 8 You must have your own catchphrase. Something that no one else has said is quite unusual. But do not repeat it too often, because this can quickly get bored.
  9. 9Say different phrases out of place or list facts.
  10. 10 State the obvious. Or something that should be obvious, but does not seem so to people around you. Make smart conclusions that you should have said about five minutes ago, so that people think you are a giraffe, but not without a sense of humor.
  11. 11 Personalize items. You can hug a person for half a minute for no reason. Pretend your best friends are video games or chat with inanimate objects!
  12. 12 Bend the stick. For example, when you see some nonsense, pretend it is the greatest discovery. After doing minor stupid things (for example, accidentally crushing a piece of paper), get depressed. Nobody talks about being overwhelmed, just play to the audience.
  13. 13 Focus on one thing that is weird enough. For example, be extremely polite, chastise people for incorrect grammar, for elbows on the table, start speaking with an accent. And if you mix these things, then it will make you look even more eccentric.
  14. 14 You should have spontaneous obsessions. Say that you adore Dasha the Traveler or warm goat milk. Ditch this idea if you tend to lose interest quickly. Something from another culture, Confucianism or other philosophical teachings will also do.
  15. 15Vocalize whatever comes to your mind.
  16. 16 Express only half of your thoughts in a conversation. Best of all, when it has nothing to do with the conversation at all.
  17. 17 Having created an image of an eccentric for yourself, rumors about this will quickly spread, and you will be considered an eccentric, even being quite an ordinary person. At this stage, the goal has been achieved.
  18. 18 Call people random, even odd names. For example, when your friend introduces you to another person, say "Hi Bob!" even if this is the first time you see this person and keep calling him by the wrong name. And after a day, start calling it differently. See tips at the end of the article.
  19. 19 Come up with strange eating habits. Say something like, “Oh, is that Oreo? They are so sharp! I didn't know they were being sold here! " or "These pickles are as delicious as the wallpaper in my brother's room." Try to try things that others don't eat. For example, instead of an orange for breakfast, you can eat a lemon.
  20. 20 Pretend you don't know the obvious. "Hey, ______. Would you like a banana? " And then ask, "What is a banana anyway?"
  21. 21 If the people around you call you eccentric, then agree with them and remain yourself. See tips at the end of the article.
  22. 22 You need to come up with your own chip. You can use a foolish gait or bark at every telephone pole.
  23. 23 Get upset over the little things, even when your friend stepped on the ant. Do not be sad for a long time, a couple of minutes is enough to make friends laugh.
  24. 24 Wear any kind of clothing. But don't overdo it. See tips at the end of the article.
  25. 25 Talk to yourself without revealing TOO much personal or spending too much time on it, as if you are being ignored.
  26. 26 Come up with wacky abbreviations for normal words. For example, a STUPID might be a Giant Crawfish, Blackberry Chicory Drinking.
  27. 27 Start laughing hysterically with the usual random things: for example, seeing a chicken. How to make yourself laugh with ordinary things? It's enough just to remember something funny.
  28. 28 It is also not the worst option to search and watch, read, play strange crafts. For example, books and films like Charlie the Unicorn or The Lord of the Rings vs. Star Wars. Now you are ready to move mountains!
  29. 29 Behave like a reptile at school. Chase and gaze at your old friends.
  30. 30If you have lockers in your school, but you can stick different pictures to different people.
  31. 31 Use internet slang: IMHO, LOL, EMNIP, etc.
  32. 32 The easiest way to show abnormality in clothes! Combine wacky colors and patterns. Wear weird things like butterfly wings, a witch hat, or vampire teeth. Halloween costumes are great.
  33. 33 Carry a plush toy or other item with you at all times. The loss of such a thing should upset you terribly!
  34. 34Speak with a strange accent, you can also carry any nonsense.
  35. 35 Come up with your favorite stupid word and repeat it over and over. Say it at school, to the cashier, to strangers, and anyone else.
  36. 36Make yourself a weird hobby, like collecting packing filler and sculpting it, paint your nose, or write bad rabbit poems.
  37. 37 Every day (week, month) become a new personality. Be Napoleon, President, Princess, Prince or Elf. Try to act and think like this person.
  38. 38 Get an atypical pet like a rock, a can of cola, or a sneaker. Always take him with you and talk to him.
  39. 39 Become an expert in an atypical subject: start understanding sofas, dictator phobias, clouds or toilets.
  40. 40 Buy lots of small items (erasers, duct tape, toilet paper) and start handing them out in shopping or entertainment centers. You can say something like “It will be useful for you”, “Don't leave the house without it” or “As my mom says, you can't do without it! Without it, now you can’t take a step! ”.
  41. 41 Ask people if they have seen a rhino or an elephant “nearby”. Remain calm. To enhance the effect, you can ask about things or animals more common in your area. For example, try to find fish at a stationery store.
  42. 42Talk to bushes, hand, wall or sidewalk.
  43. 43Buy a ladder and carry it with you at all times
  44. 44 Start spelling words wrong! Turn "Potatoes" into "Moles" or "Dam" into "Platinum"! Be original and insist that your version is correct!
  45. 45In the middle of the lesson, start laughing out of the blue, and cough at the end.
  46. 46 Use sound effects to express your thoughts. Ideally, half of what you say should be complete nonsense.
  47. 47 Come up with new words. For example, ninjas can be ninjas and ninjas of everyone. Use words consistently as if they really exist. If they correct you that there is no such word, answer that now there is. And come up with some kind of philosophical explanation.
  48. 48Be yourself.
  49. 49 Don't worry about the opinions of others. You will only be called an eccentric, because it will be difficult to come up with something else. There is nothing wrong. A freak, a freak.
  50. 50 Try not to wear popular clothing. Clothing is an essential part of the image. If everyone is wearing skinny jeans, then you can wear flared pants. If the check pattern is popular, choose the most incredible style. Mix different styles. Such things can be found in thrift stores.
  51. 51Pretend you like weird foods and drinks.
  52. 52Create a hobby for yourself.
  53. 53 Think of what kind of noise you can make all the time.
  54. 54 Come up with a weird talent. You can clap with one hand, play on a pipe from your palms, or narrow and dilate your pupils and squint your eyes.


  • You don't even need a friend to joke with him. You can approach and amuse everyone.
  • Learn a foreign language and start inserting words from it or singing songs in the middle of a conversation!
  • Try to say with a stone face such phrases as "beware of black cats with an empty bucket spilling salt under the stairs."
  • Dress as you like. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  • If they tell you something offensive or offensively call you an eccentric, then pretend that this is the best compliment for you!
  • Some will think you want to sound funny, so be prepared to be criticized.
  • Shout loudly in the middle of the street something like "Holy bandits" or "Real mosquitoes only drink cherry juice." Various facts can be found on the Internet and memorized.
  • Real cranks don't even pretend. In this case, it is enough to be yourself.
  • Try not to laugh at yourself. Rehearse with your best friend, parent, stuffed animal, or even your favorite rock!


  • Do not repeat the advice from the article in front of a teacher or other government officials, as they may refer you to a psychologist.
  • Don't do dangerous things to make you seem unique!
  • Even when you behave normally, people will continue to think you are a fool.
  • Don't imitate real people.
  • Try not to bother people!
  • Don't stoop to insults. There are many other places for eccentricity.
  • Be sure you want to be a weirdo for sure. It will be very difficult to get rid of such an image and grow up.
  • Some jokes can hurt people, so watch your words anyway. Everything has a limit. But still say whatever you think, even if the person doesn't like it, the main thing is not to overdo it.
  • Do not slip into a complete abnormality, otherwise people will think that you do not have everything at home.
  • If you follow this article, it is very likely that you could be beaten.
    • Do not copy or imitate people with disabilities.
  • Our advice is not recommended for people who work as teachers, doctors, psychiatrists, mental patients or people with disabilities.
  • Freakiness is a way of life. Leave quirkiness aside if it can get you in trouble, or when it’s completely inappropriate, but weirdness should remain your way of life.
  • Remember - if you are less than 9 years old, then people may take this for "cute eccentricity." Others may think, "God, poor parents." Try not to embarrass mom / dad / sister / brother / grandparents and other relatives.
  • Some of the things in this article can lead to you being perceived as a person with disabilities and, in the end, you may find yourself in a center for crazy. Mentally ill people and cranks are different things.
  • Don't try to drool, it's disgusting and unhealthy.

What do you need

  • Imagination
  • Good sense of humour
  • Random items
  • Extravagant clothes